Speed skating is a cyclic sport which involves the hip abductor muscles, impelling the participant forwards, and adductor muscles, in the recovery phase and decelerating the abduction movement eccentrically. This paper has the objective of describing and comparing the abduction/adduction torque-angle curves of speed skating athletes (N=10) with a group of non-practitioners young participants (N=10). Both groups presented similar peak torques and electromyography patterns for tensor fascia lata, gluteus medius, long adductor and adductor magnus. However, athletes showed higher torque-angle curve integral and abduction and adduction peak torques at different hip angles than the control group. These findings suggest an adaptation of their musculotendon actuators and a better capacity to generate mechanical work and power during a propulsion-recovery cycle.
Key word
speed skate - hip muscles - muscle torque - lower limb model