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ergopraxis 2020; 13(03): 32-35
DOI: 10.1055/a-1092-6457
DOI: 10.1055/a-1092-6457
Workout in der Küche – Sturzprävention mit dem LiFE-Konzept
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Publication History
Publication Date:
03 March 2020 (online)

Ältere Menschen stürzen vor allem aufgrund von nachlassender Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit und reduzierter Muskelkraft. Das Programm „Lifestyle integrated Functional Exercise“ (LiFE) setzt an diesen Punkten an und zielt darauf ab, Verhaltensänderungen in die Alltagsroutine sturzgefährdeter Personen zu integrieren – als Einzel- oder Gruppenangebot.
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- 17 Clemson L, Munro J, Singh MF, Schwenk M, Becker C. Aktiv und sicher durchs Leben mit dem LiFE Programm. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 2018 doi:10.1007/978-3-662-56293-2
- 18 Clemson L, Singh MF, Bundy A. et al Integration of balance and strength training into daily life activity to reduce rate of falls in older people (the LiFE study): Randomised parallel trial. BMJ 2012; 345: 1-15 doi:10.1136/bmj.e4547
- 19 Burton E, Lewin G, Clemson L. et al Determining the Feasibility of a Lifestyle Activity Program for Inclusion in a Restorative Home Care Service: A Pilot Study. ActivAdaptAging 2014; 38 (02) 79-93 doi:10.1080/01924788.2014.901031
- 20 Burton E, Lewin G, Clemson L. et al Effectiveness of a lifestyle exercise program for older people receiving a restorative home care service: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. ClinIntervAging 2013; 8: 1591-1601 doi:10.2147/CIA.S44614
- 21 Burton E, Lewin G, Clemson L. et al Long-term Benefits of a Lifestyle Exercise Program for Older People Receiving a Restorative Home Care Service: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. HealthyAgingClin Care Elder 2014; 6: 1-9 doi:10.4137/HACCE.S13445
- 22 Boulton E, Hawley-Hague H, French DP. et al Implementing behaviour change theory and techniques to in-crease physical activity and prevent functional decline among adults aged 61–70: The PreventIT project. ProgCardiovasc Dis 2019; 62 (02) 147-156 doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2019.01.003
- 23 Taraldsen K, Mikolaizak AS, Maier AB. et al Protocol for the PreventIT feasibility randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle-integrated exercise intervention in young older adults. BMJ Open 2019; 9 (03) 1-20 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023526
- 24 Granbom M, Clemson L, Roberts L. et al Preventing falls among older fallers: Study protocol for a two-phase pilot study of the multicomponent LIVE LiFE program. Trials 2019; 20 (01) 1-9 doi:10.1186/s13063-018-3114-5
- 25 Keay L, Saich F, Clemson L. et al Feasibility and acceptability of orientation and mobility instructors deliver-ing the LiFE falls prevention program to older people with vision impairment. International Journal of Orientation & Mobility 2017; 7 (01) 22-33 doi:10.21307/ijom-2017-053
- 26 Belala N, Schwenk M, Kroog A. et al Feasibility of the lifestyle integrated functional exercise concept in cognitively impaired geriatric rehabilitation patients. Z GerontolGeriatr 2019; 52 (01) 61-67 doi:10.1007/s00391-018-1431-7
- 27 Jansen CP, Nerz C, Kramer F. et al Comparison of a group-delivered and individually delivered lifestyle-integrated functional exercise (LiFE) program in older persons: A randomized non-inferiority trial. BMC Geriatr 2018; 18 (01) 1-14 doi:10.1186/s12877-018-0953-6
Weiterführende Literatur:
- 28 Clemson L, Fiatarone Singh M.A, Bundy A, Cumming R. G, Weissel E, Munro J, Manollaras K, Black D. 2010; LiFE Pilot Study: A Randomised Trial of Balance and Strength Training Embedded in Daily Life Activity to Reduce Falls in Older Adults. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 57 (01) 42-50
- 29 Clemson L, Fiatarone Singh M.A, Bundy A, Cumming R.G, Manollaras K, O’Loughlin P, Black D. 2012; Integration of Balance and Strength Training into Daily Life Activity to Reduce Rate of Falls in Older People (the LiFE Study): Randomised Parallel Trial. BMJ 345: e4547
- 30 Clemson L, Munro J, Fiatarone Singh M, Schwenk M, Nerz C. Trainer-Manual- Aktiv und sicher durchs Leben mit dem LIFE Programm. Evidenzbasierte Sturzprophylaxe für Senioren. Springer 2018
- 31 Clemson L, Munro J, Fiatarone Singh M, Schwenk M, Becker C. Aktiv und sicher durchs Leben mit dem LIFE Programm. Springer 2018
- 32 Netzwerk AlternsfoRschung LiFE. Im Internet Stand: 17.2.2020