Several types of routines and methods have been experimented to gain
neuro/muscular advantages, in terms of overall range of motion, in
athletes and fitness enthusiasts. The aim of the present study was to
evaluate the impact of different routines on trunk- and lower limbs
flexibility in a sample of young women. In a randomized-crossover fashion,
eleven subjects underwent to: hamstrings stretching [S]; hamstrings
stretching plus whole-body vibration [S+WBV]; partial-body
cryotherapy [Cryo]; rest [Control]. Standing hamstrings stretch performance
and sit-and-reach amplitude resulted to be improved with [S+WBV]
compared to all other protocols (p<0.05). [Cryo] ameliorated the
active knee extension performance with respect to all other interventions
(p<0.05). These flexibility improvements were obtained without a
loss in the trunk position sense proprioception. These results represent the
first evidence that a single session of either vibration or cryotherapy can
ameliorate flexibility without losing the trunk position sense
proprioception in young women.
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