This study aimed to examine the validity of using bar velocity to estimate
relative load in squat and bench-press exercises for both young men and
women. Twenty-five men and 25 women performed a progressive loading test up
to 1-RM in the squat and bench-press exercises, which were repeated after
2-weeks. Relationships between mean propulsive velocity and%1-RM
were analysed. A second-order polynomial equation for predicting the
corresponding velocity of each percentage of 1-RM was developed for men
(validation). This equation was then applied in women (cross-validation).
Moreover, a specific equation for women was developed (validation) and was
also applied in a sub-sample of women (cross-validation). Close
relationships (R2: 0.91–0.95) between bar velocity and
relative load were observed in both sexes for squat and bench press.
Men’s equation applied to women showed a high level of agreement,
although lower bias and higher level of agreement was observed when a
sex-specific equation was applied in women, both validation and
cross-validation samples. In conclusion, lifting velocity can be used to
accurately prescribe the relative load regardless of sex in both upper-body
and lower-body exercises, although when estimating load from velocity
measures it will be necessary to use the sex-specific equation for each
Key words
loading intensity - velocity-based training - maximal strength - one-repetition maximum - athletic performance - gender