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DOI: 10.1055/a-1380-4732
Video Counselling in Rehabilitation Management
Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Background Telemedicine can provide great benefits for patients, their physicians and other professionals in the health care system. We have asked ourselves whether a similar service could make a sensible contribution to the rehabilitation management of Germanyʼs statutory accident insurance?
Patients/Materials and Methods In the present study, consultations of insured persons with their physicians and rehabilitation managers were transmitted via video conference. Patient satisfaction was determined by survey and potential benefits were analysed.
Results The participants of the study were generally very satisfied with the telecounselling. In particular, 96% of their questions to the rehabilitation manager could be cleared up during the sessions. However, roughly a third of those surveyed prefer personal contact with the rehabilitation manager.
Conclusion Telecounselling is well received by the insured in the rehabilitation management of occupational insurance associations and offers a useful alternative when, due to lack of resources – such as lack of time or great distance – the rehabilitation plan cannot be prepared locally together with the insured patient. Under the special circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, it can also contribute to protecting the health of all involved.
Key words
telemedicine - Germanyʼs statutory accident insurance - video counseling - rehabilitation managementPublication History
Article published online:
13 April 2021
© 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany
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