Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2021; 146(16): 1085-1090
DOI: 10.1055/a-1550-0001

SARS-CoV-2-Impfstoffe und Reaktion des Immunsystems. Kann die epidemische Ausbreitung des Virus durch Impfung verhindert werden?

SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and reaction of the immune system. Can the epidemic spread of the virus be prevented by vaccination?
Jonas Schmidt
Frithjof Blessing
Lutz Gürtler

Die gegen das Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 entwickelten Vakzine lösen eine starke Immunantwort aus. Dennoch werden sich für Viren typische häufige Mutationen im Genom fortsetzen, und es werden sich weitere Varianten selektionieren und bei mangelnder Immunität verbreiten. Offen ist zurzeit, wie lange der Impfschutz anhält, ob eine dritte Impfung verabreicht werden soll und inwieweit eine wiederholte Impfung mit einem Adenovirus-basierten Impfstoff verträglich ist.


Since the end of 2019 a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, first identified in Wuhan, China, is spreading around the world partially associated with a high death toll. Besides hygienic measurements to reduce the spread of the virus vaccines have been confected, partially based on the experiences with Ebola virus vaccine, based on recombinant human or chimpanzee adenovirus carrying the spike protein and its ACE2 receptor binding domain (RBD). Further vaccines are constructed by spike protein coding mRNA incorporated in lipid nano vesicles that after entry in human cells produce spike protein. Both vaccine types induce a strong immune response that lasts for months possibly for T-cell immunity a few years. Due to mutations in the coronavirus genome in several parts of the world variants selected, that were partially more pathogenic and partially easier transmissible – variants of concern (VOC). Until now vaccinees are protected against the VOC, even when protection might be reduced compared to the Wuhan wild virus.

An open field is still how long the vaccine induced immunity will be sufficient to prevent infection and/or disease; and how long the time period will last until revaccination will be required for life saving protection, whether a third vaccination is needed, and whether revaccination with an adenovirus-based vaccine will be tolerated.

Publication History

Article published online:
20 August 2021

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