Das Vorliegen eines sog. Frailty-Syndroms („Gebrechlichkeit“) ist für den postoperativen Verlauf ein entscheidender Faktor. So kommt es, auch durch eine zunehmende Fokussierung auf die
patientenzentrierte Versorgung, zu einer erhöhten Nachfrage nach Instrumenten, die den Patient*innenstatus umfassender beurteilen und Krankheitsverläufe vorhersagen können. Der Beitrag
stellt die 3 führenden Modelle zur Frailty-Diagnostik vor.
Frailty Syndrome has been recognized in several settings as a major predictor of negative outcomes. A frailty diagnosis can have important consequences for clinical decision-making and
provides the opportunity to implement preventive strategies. Despite its importance, a gold standard for the diagnosis of frailty is still lacking. There are distinct frailty models and a
large number of assessments are available, and they vary greatly in terms of time, training, and equipment necessary, but also on their relevance to specific outcomes. Diagnostic tools must
be based on the resources available and on their relevance for the particular setting. The current review offers insights on current models and the most successful diagnostic instruments
used in the anesthesia, intensive care, emergency, and palliative settings.