Im Notarztdienst treten ganz unvermeidlich Situationen auf, die sehr belastend für die professionellen Helfer sind. Ganz zweifellos gehört dazu der plötzliche Tod eines Säuglings. Der
Notarzt ist als einer der ersten Helfer – in der Regel noch vor der Polizei – am Ort des Geschehens. Die Wahrnehmungen, die der Notarzt vor Ort macht, können einen ganz wesentlichen Einfluss
auf die (rechts-)medizinische und polizeiliche Aufklärung des Todesfalles haben.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has become much rarer over the last few decades thanks to successful preventive measures. Nevertheless, emergency physicians will repeatedly encounter
emergencies in which an infant who previously appeared healthy is found dead after a period of sleep. As a rule, resuscitation measures should only be performed if there is a medical
prospect of success. Attention should be paid to signs of non-natural death. These should be communicated to the police if necessary. Any injury to a young infant requires explanation. If
required by local jurisdiction, the emergency physician should carefully execute the death certificate and choose "unexplained" or "non-natural" as the manner of death to initiate further
investigation of the baby. In most cases, it will be possible to allow the parents to say a dignified goodbye in their own home.
SIDS - Kindesmisshandlung - Reanimation - äußere Leichenschau - Todesbescheinigung
Key words
SIDS - child abuse - resuscitation - manner of death