Edukation gilt als zentrales Element für die Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen. Bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ist die Intervention kaum erforscht. Erste US-amerikanische Studien attestieren
der ‚Pain Neuroscience Education‘ (PNE) positive Effekte. Derzeit überprüft ein in Deutschland bis dato einmaliges Projekt die Umsetzbarkeit und Wirkkraft der PNE bei Siebtklässler*innen.
Die Intervention mit dem klangvollen Namen „Schmerz SoS – Schurke oder Superheld?“ dauert nur 30 bis 40 Minuten und ist einfach umzusetzen.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany
Kröner-Herwig B,
Maas J.
The German Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Children (PCS-C) – psychometric analysis and evaluation of the construct. Psychosoc Med 2013; 10: Doc07
Ruhe AK,
Wager J,
Linder R.
et al.
Chronischer Schmerz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: eine ökonomische Betrachtung [Chronic pain in children and adolescents: an economic perspective]. Schmerz 2020; 34 (02) 133-139
Murray CB,
Groenewald CB,
de la Vega R.
et al.
Long-term impact of adolescent chronic pain on young adult educational, vocational, and social outcomes. Pain 2020; 161 (02) 439-445
Ochsmann EB,
Escobar Pinzón CL,
Letzel S.
et al.
Prevalence of diagnosis and direct treatment costs of back disorders in 644,773 children and youths in Germany. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2010; 11: 193
Wager J,
Brown D,
Kupitz A.
et al.
Prevalence and associated psychosocial and health factors of chronic pain in adolescents: Differences by sex and age. Eur J Pain 2020; 24 (04) 761-772
Homola S.
Real orthopaedic subluxations versus imaginary chiropractic subluxations. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2010; 15 (04) 284-287
Wijma AJ,
Speksnijder CM,
Crom-Ottens AF.
et al.
What is important in transdisciplinary pain neuroscience education? A qualitative study. Disabil Rehabil 2018; 40 (18) 2181-2191
García-Martínez E,
Soler-González J,
Rubí-Carnacea F.
et al.
The influence of an educational internet-based intervention in the beliefs and attitudes of primary care professionals on non-specific chronic low back pain: study protocol of a mixed
methods approach. BMC Fam Pract 2019; 20 (01) 31
Watson JA,
Ryan CG,
Cooper L.
et al.
Pain Neuroscience Education for Adults With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Pain 2019; 20 (10) 1140.e1-1140.e22
Leake HB,
Heathcote LC,
Simons LE.
et al.
Talking to Teens about Pain: A Modified Delphi Study of Adolescent Pain Science Education. Can J Pain 2019; 3 (01) 200-208
Clarke CL,
Ryan CG,
Martin DJ.
Pain neurophysiology education for the management of individuals with chronic low back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Man Ther 2011; 16 (06) 544-549
Louw A,
Podalak J,
Zimney K.
et al.
Can pain beliefs change in middle school students? A study of the effectiveness of pain neuroscience education. Physiother Theory Pract 2018; 34 (07) 542-550
Louw A,
Podolak J,
Benz P.
et al.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Different Single Pain Education Sessions in Middle School Students: Immediate Effects. Pain and Rehabilitation Journal 2019; 47: 14-24
Wood L,
Hendrick PA.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain neuroscience education for chronic low back pain: Short-and long-term outcomes of pain and disability. Eur J Pain 2019; 23 (02) 234-249
Andias R,
Neto M,
Silva AG.
The effects of pain neuroscience education and exercise on pain, muscle endurance, catastrophizing and anxiety in adolescents with chronic idiopathic neck pain: a school-based pilot,
randomized and controlled study. Physiother Theory Pract 2018; 34 (09) 682-691
Pas R,
Meeus M,
Malfliet A.
et al.
Development and feasibility testing of a Pain Neuroscience Education program for children with chronic pain: treatment protocol. Braz J Phys Ther 2018; 22 (03) 248-253
Selhorst M,
Hoehn J,
Degenhart T.
et al.
Psychologically-informed video reduces maladaptive beliefs in adolescents with patellofemoral pain. Phys Ther Sport 2020; 41: 23-28
Birnie KA,
Ouellette C,
Do Amaral T.
et al.
Mapping the evidence and gaps of interventions for pediatric chronic pain to inform policy, research, and practice: A systematic review and quality assessment of systematic reviews. Can J Pain 2020; 4 (01) 129-148
Podolak J,
Louw A,
Benz P.
et al.
A Randomized Trial of Live versus Video Delivery of Pain Neuroscience Education for Middle School Children. Psychological Disorders and Research 2019; 2 (02) 1-6
Louw A,
Landrus R,
Podolak J.
et al.
Behavior Change Following Pain Neuroscience Education in Middle Schools: A Public Health Trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17 (12) 4505
Arnold B,
Brinkschmidt T,
Casser HR.
et al.
Multimodale Schmerztherapie. In:
Casser HR,
Hasenbring M,
Becker A.
et al., Hrsg.
Rückenschmerzen und Nackenschmerzen. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2016
Vielitz A.
Schmerz-SoS. Ein Aufklärungsprogramm in Schulen zum Thema Schmerz. Im Internet (Stand: 30.07.2022):
Schroeder S,
Hechler T,
Denecke H.
et al.
Deutscher Schmerzfragebogen für Kinder, Jugendliche und deren Eltern (DSF-KJ). Entwicklung und Anwendung eines multimodalen Fragebogens zur Diagnostik und Therapie chronischer Schmerzen im
Kindes- und Jugendalter. Schmerz 2010; 24 (01) 23-37
Richter M,
Maurus B,
Egan Moog M.
et al.
Die deutsche Version des Neurophysiology of Pain Questionnaire : Übersetzung, transkulturelle Adaptation, Reliabilität und Validität [German version of the Neurophysiology of Pain
Questionnaire: Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity]. Schmerz 2019; 33 (03) 244-252
Offenbächer M,
Kohls N,
Walker L.
et al.
Functional limitations in children and adolescents suffering from chronic pain: validation and psychometric properties of the German Functional Disability Inventory (FDI-G). Rheumatol Int 2016; 36 (10) 1439-1448
Kröner-Herwig B,
Maas J.
The German Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Children (PCS-C) – psychometric analysis and evaluation of the construct. Psychosoc Med 2013; 10: Doc07
Pfingsten M,
Kröner-Herwig B,
Leibing E.
et al.
Validation of the German version of the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ). Eur J Pain 2000; 4 (03) 259-266