Phlebologie 2023; 52(01): 48-51
DOI: 10.1055/a-1979-6987
Fortbildung in Bildern

Oberflächliche Venenthrombose der V. dorsalis penis superficialis – der penile Morbus Mondor – ein Fallbericht

Superficial Vein Thrombosis of the Superficial Dorsal Vein of the Penis – Mondors Disease of the Penis – a case report
Daniel Czesla
Marc van der Meirschen
Jasmin Woitalla-Bruning

Der Morbus Mondor bezeichnet ursprünglich eine oberflächliche Venenthrombose einer gesunden Vene entlang der anterolateralen thorakalen Brustwand. Mittlerweile werden auch oberflächliche Venenthrombosen anderer spezifischer Lokalisationen, beispielsweise am Penis, darunter subsumiert. Im folgenden Fallbericht stellen wir einen jungen Patienten mit einem nach einer beidseitigen inguinalen Crossektomie aufgetretenen penilen Morbus Mondor vor.


The term Mondor’s disease describes a superficial thrombosis of a healthy vein along the anterolateral chest wall. However, the term now refers to superficial vein thrombosis at specific localizations of the body, such as the axilla and penis. The penile Mondor’s disease is most often characterized by a chord-like induration along a dorsal vein of the penis without erythema. Risk factors include urogenital infections, malignancies, hematological diseases together with trauma or surgery. This case study describes a case of penile Mondor’s disease occurring after bilateral, concurrent crossectomy. Two weeks after treatment with a combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors and Fondaparinux symptoms as well as clinical findings were regressive.

Publication History

Article published online:
10 February 2023

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Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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