Klin Monbl Augenheilkd
DOI: 10.1055/a-2148-9290
Klinische Studie

Needs and Satisfaction Analysis of Patients and Referring Physicians in an Outpatient Cataract Service

Article in several languages: deutsch | English
1   Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Deutschland
2   Abteilung für Marketing und Gesundheitsmanagement, Universität Freiburg, Deutschland
Philipp M. Mähner
2   Abteilung für Marketing und Gesundheitsmanagement, Universität Freiburg, Deutschland
Thomas Reinhard
1   Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Deutschland
Dieter K. Tscheulin
2   Abteilung für Marketing und Gesundheitsmanagement, Universität Freiburg, Deutschland
Katrin Wacker
1   Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Deutschland
› Author Affiliations


Background To ensure efficient use of resources within outpatient services, constant patient flow is vital. This can be achieved by addressing the wishes and needs of all relevant stakeholders.

Materials and Methods The present study aims to show how the needs and present satisfaction of patients and referring physicians can be determined in the context of an outpatient cataract service. It presents the conclusions that can be drawn for the design of the service. To assess needs and satisfaction, we developed a patient questionnaire and a referring physician questionnaire. Promoters and detractors for referral were identified following the concept of the net promoter score, a market research instrument.

Results 339 (38%) patients and 26 (45%) referring physicians of the main referring group answered the questionnaires. The most important characteristics for referring physicians were quality of treatment, patient satisfaction, and communication in case of queries as well as speed of sending the doctorʼs letter. When making their decision on a cataract centre, the patients prioritised professional reputation, previous experience with the clinic, and recommendation of their ophthalmologist as well as customary appointment scheduling.

Conclusion The two groups influence each otherʼs recommendation or choice. Simultaneous analysis of patients and referring physicians is therefore essential. Overall, patients and referring physicians are highly satisfied with the cataract service of the university medical centre. Beyond that, however, various potentials for improvement could be identified. In summary, this report describes a comprehensive approach to assess needs and satisfaction of patients and referring physicians in an outpatient clinic trying to sustainably improve patient care.

  • Zur Sicherstellung eines effizienten Ressourceneinsatzes im Rahmen ambulanter Versorgungsangebote ist die Planung und Gewährleistung eines konstanten Patientenstroms von elementarer Bedeutung. Der Patientenstrom wird dabei durch eine optimale Ausgestaltung des ambulanten Versorgungsangebots an den Wünschen und Bedürfnissen relevanter Anspruchsgruppen (Patienten und Zuweisende) beeinflusst.

  • Die vorliegende Studie identifiziert den fachlichen Ruf bzw. die medizinische Qualität als wichtigste Eigenschaften für die Wahl- bzw. Zuweisungsabsicht eines Kataraktzentrums. Die Gewährleistung einer simultanen hohen Zufriedenheit von Patienten und zuweisenden niedergelassenen Fachärzten ist für den konstanten Patientenstrom elementar, da sich beide Anspruchsgruppen in ihrer Wahl- bzw. Zuweisungsabsicht gegenseitig beeinflussen.

  • Viele der in dieser Studie identifizierten Bedürfnisse (z. B. Terminvergabe oder Arztbriefversand) können im Rahmen von Prozessoptimierungen verbessert werden und somit zu einer bedarfsgerechteren, qualitativ hochwertigeren ambulanten Versorgung beitragen. Aber auch bei Bedürfnissen, die als sehr zufriedenstellend bewertet werden (z. B. Behandlungsqualität), muss die Qualität erhalten werden.

Conclusion Box
  • In order to ensure the efficient use of resources during outpatient care services, planning and guaranteeing a constant flow of patients is of elementary importance. The patient flow is influenced by an optimal design of the outpatient care offer according to the wishes and needs of relevant stakeholders (patients and referring physicians).

  • The present study identifies professional reputation and medical quality as the most important characteristics for the intention to choose or refer a cataract center. Ensuring simultaneous high satisfaction of patients and referring specialists in private practice is elementary for a constant patient flow, as both stakeholder groups influence each other in their intention to choose or refer a center.

  • Many of the needs identified in this study (e.g., appointment scheduling or physician letter dispatch) can be improved by optimizing processes and thus contribute to more needs-based, higher-quality outpatient care. However, quality must be maintained even for needs that are rated as highly satisfactory (e.g., quality of treatment).

Zusatzmaterial/Supporting Information

Publication History

Received: 02 June 2023

Accepted: 02 August 2023

Accepted Manuscript online:
04 August 2023

Article published online:
23 November 2023

© 2023. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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