Pandemien sind unvorhersehbare Ereignisse, die erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die
weltweite Gesundheit und Gesellschaft haben können. Sie ereignen sich,
wenn ein Pathogen auftritt, gegen das der Mensch keine oder nur eine geringe
Immunität besitzt. Planung und Vorbereitung sind wesentliche Schritte,
um das Risiko und die Auswirkungen einer Pandemie zu mindern, die Reaktion zu
steuern und ein normales Leben wiederherzustellen.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to millions of deaths globally and
it is estimated that the hit to the global economy could reach more than twelve
trillion US-dollars. Disease outbreaks have often pushed weak health systems to
a breaking point, as witnessed during cholera, Ebola and Zika virus upsurges.
The preparation of a plan involves the analysis of a scenario divided into the
disaster cycle’s four phases: preparation, response, recovery, and
mitigation. Several levels of planning are recognised according to the goals to
be reached: strategic plans are directed to define the organisational context
and overall aims, operational plans with putting the strategy into place,
tactical plans explain how resources will be allocated and managed, as well as
provide essential instructions to the responders. The hospital surge capacity
relies on the reorganisation of resources according to four categories: system,
staff, stuff (supplies), and space. Each of these components needs to be
analysed, implemented, and tested during the preparation phase to reduce the
occurrence of a critical overrun of the response capabilities, as this will
trigger the recourse of contingency plans. The response to pandemics must be
associated with public health and social measures, as well as with initiatives
to support the psycho-physical health of healthcare workers.
Pandemie - Vorbereitung des Gesundheitssystems - Notfallplanung - Kapazitätserweiterung - Katastrophenmedizin
Key words
pandemic - healthcare preparedness - emergency planning - surge capacity - disaster medicine