Ultraschall Med 2024; 45(03): 269-276
DOI: 10.1055/a-2225-7320

Fracture sonography – Literature review and current recommendations

Fraktursonografie – Literaturreview und aktuelle Empfehlungen
Ole Ackermann
1   Orthopedic Surgery, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany (Ringgold ID: RIN9142)
Daniel Berthold
2   Pediatric radiology, University Hospitals Giessen and Marburg Campus Giessen, Giessen, Germany (Ringgold ID: RIN14973)
Christian Fischer
3   Orthopedic surgery, Arcus clinic, Pforzheim, Germany
Kay Grosser
4   Pediatric surgery, Kassel Hospital, Kassel, Germany (Ringgold ID: RIN60021)
Christina Hauenstein
5   Department radiology, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany (Ringgold ID: RIN9187)
Sebastian Kluge
6   Hand surgery, Hand Surgery Seefeld, Seefeld, Zurich, Switzerland
Jörg D Moritz
7   Pediatric radiology, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany (Ringgold ID: RIN9179)
Christian Tesch
8   Orthopedic surgery, Privat practice, Hamburg, Germany
Constantin v. Kaisenberg
9   Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
› Institutsangaben


Purpose Over the course of more than two years, an expert group of 9 professional societies has created the S2e guidelines for fracture sonography. This publication summarizes the key points regarding the individual indications.

Materials and Methods A systematic literature search was performed in PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from 2000 to March 2021 with evaluation of the literature lists. Randomized controlled clinical trials, observational clinical trials, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews were included. Guidelines, conferences, reviews, case reports, and expert opinions were excluded. Evidence was graded using the SIGN grading system 1999–2012, and the SIGN tables were then presented to the expert group. These were used to develop specific recommendations for the use of fracture sonography. All recommendations were discussed in detail and finally unanimously agreed upon.

Results Of the 520 primary literature sources found, 182 sources (146 clinical studies and 36 meta-analyses and systematic reviews) were evaluated after screening and content assessment. 21 indications that allow reasonable application of fracture sonography were identified.

Conclusion Ultrasound is a sensible, easy-to-use diagnostic method that is feasible for a large number of indications.



Einleitung In über 2-jähriger Arbeit hat eine Expertengruppe von 9 Fachgesellschaften die S2e-Leitlinie „Fraktursonografie“ erstellt. Die vorliegende Publikation fasst die zentralen Punkte zu den einzelnen Indikationen zusammen.

Methodik Es erfolgte eine systematische Literaturrecherche in PubMed, Google Scholar und der Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews aus den Jahren 2000 bis zum März 2021 mit Auswertung der Literaturlisten. Es wurden randomisierte, kontrollierte klinische Tests, klinische Beobachtungsstudien, Meta-Analysen und systematische Reviews eingeschlossen. Ausgeschlossen wurden Leitlinien, Konferenzen, Reviews, Fallberichte und Expertenmeinungen. Die Evidenzbewertung erfolgte nach dem SIGN-Grading-System 1999–2012. Die so erhaltenen SIGN-Tabellen wurden dann der Expertengruppe vorgelegt, die hieraus konkrete Empfehlungen für die Anwendung der Fraktursonografie erarbeitete. Sämtliche Empfehlungen wurden ausführlich diskutiert und zuletzt einstimmig konsentiert.

Ergebnisse Von primär 520 gefundenen Literaturquellen konnten nach Sichtung und inhaltlicher Bewertung 182 Quellen (146 klinische Studien sowie 36 Meta-Analysen und systematische Reviews) ausgewertet werden. Es wurden 21 Indikationen identifiziert, die eine sinnvolle Anwendung der Fraktursonografie erlauben.

Schlussfolgerung Fraktursonografie ist eine sinnvolle Diagnostikmethode bei einer Vielzahl an Indikation.



After the first description of fracture sonography of the wrist by Saphoznikov [1], this method had no importance in daily practice for a long time. Due to the rapid development of ultrasound equipment and based on recent structured research results, fracture sonography has become increasingly important in the last 15 years, resulting in an increasing number of publications and meta-analyses investigating the safety and efficiency of the method [2] [3] [4] [5]. The literature describes some preferred indications both in the growing skeleton and the adult skeleton. Conclusions can then be drawn about the types of injury that may become part of the spectrum of indications in the future.

In a systematic literature review, the current state of research on fracture ultrasonography was investigated and based on this, recommendations for the use of the technique were made in a group of experts. This paper summarizes the recommendations of the expert group.



The 9 participating professional societies (supplementary file “participating professional associations”) each sent a delegate to the expert group, which developed concrete recommendations based on the results of the literature search.

Initially in 3/2021, a systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from 2000 to March 2021. The search terms are listed in a supplementary file. In addition, relevant publications were extracted from the literature lists of reviews if they were not already covered by the search grids. The search covered randomized controlled clinical trials, observational clinical trials, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews. Guidelines, professional conferences, case reports, and expert opinions were excluded.

The search was based on PICO criteria (Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome) with the selected keywords being approved by the expert group.

Irrelevant papers were excluded from the publications identified in this manner by assessing the abstracts. The remaining publications were subjected to a more detailed analysis based on the full texts. Evidence grading was performed according to the SIGN grading system 1999–2012 (SIGN 50: a guideline developer's handbook; revised edition 2019). The SIGN tables were then presented to the expert group. Based on this, specific recommendations for the use of fracture sonography were developed. All recommendations were discussed in detail and finally unanimously approved.



Of the 520 identified literature sources, 182 sources (146 clinical studies and 36 meta-analyses and systematic reviews) could be evaluated after screening and content assessment. The list of anatomic regions is shown in [Table 1].

Table 1 Anatomical regions.

Anatomical regions

1. skull fracture

2. clavicle fracture

3. AC joint dislocation

4. SC joint dislocation

5. proximal humerus fracture

6. elbow fracture

7. distal forearm fracture

8. scaphoid fracture

9. triquetrum fracture

10. subcapital 5th metacarpal fracture

11. palmar plate avulsion

12. rib fracture

13. sternal fractures

14. femoral bead fractures

15. lower leg fractures

16. toddler’s fracture

17. metatarsal fractures

18. stress fractures

19. fracture dislocation

20. callus presentation

21. pseudarthrosis

Skull fracture [2] [3]

Fractures of the bony skull can also be inadequately visualized on radiographic overviews. In the absence of neurological symptoms, functional symptom-oriented conservative therapy is used. As the course of the sutures is known, ultrasound imaging of skull fractures is possible. By 18 months of age, intracranial injury can also be visualized ([Fig. 1]), but this is reserved for specialists.

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Fig. 1 Skull fracture; arrow: cortical step-off.

Therefore, if there are no clinical symptoms that indicate a cross-sectional examination (MRI or CT), a skull fracture should be diagnosed sonographically at an age of up to 18 months. If there is suspicion of child abuse, radiological diagnosis is indicated for forensic reasons.

If child abuse is suspected, X-rays should be taken.


Clavicle fracture [4]

Clavicle fractures in childhood are treated conservatively. Surgical indication is limited to open fractures and concomitant vascular nerve damage, which are very rare. If the clinical examination is not sufficient, the clavicle fracture should be diagnosed sonographically ([Fig. 2]). In the case of complications (vascular/nerve injury), X-ray is mandatory.

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Fig. 2 Clavicle fracture arrow: fracture gap.


AC joint dislocation [5]

If there is suspicion of AC joint dislocation, the initial diagnosis can be made sonographically, since dislocated AC joint dislocations can be easily visualized ([Fig. 3]) with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 84%. This recommendation is valid from the age of 15 years. For younger patients, no valid data are available. In the case of doubt or suspicion of additional fractures, an X-ray should be performed.

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Fig. 3 Left X-ray, right ultrasound image; yellow marking: clavicle; green: acromion.


SC joint dislocation

Dislocation in the sternoclavicular joint cannot be adequately depicted in conventional radiology, so that a sectional image examination is necessary here. In an emergency, CT is usually preferred due to availability and time constraints, but this is associated with relevant radiation exposure. Ultrasound can substantiate the indication for cross-sectional imaging by showing a differential finding of the SC joint in the meantime ([Fig. 4]). This recommendation was approved as an expert opinion. Meaningful studies are not yet available.

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Fig. 4 SC dislocation right; green: normal SC joint; yellow: sternum; opposite side: no SC joint vivid.


Proximal humerus fracture [6] [7]

A major problem regarding the diagnosis of proximal humerus fracture is that it is difficult to obtain radiographs in two perpendicular planes. Because of significant pain, an axial image cannot be obtained, and in the Y-image there is superimposition by the scapula. On the basis of the images, the correct imaging technique of two perpendicular planes cannot be checked in many cases, so that uncertainties remain. The proximal humerus can be reliably visualized sonographically on 4 planes, thus facilitating the determination of the axial deviation. If there is evidence of a fracture, a radiograph must be taken to exclude a pathologic fracture, as it cannot be reliably visualized sonographically. If the sonographic findings are inconspicuous, it is initially possible to wait. If symptoms persist for more than 5 days, an X-ray check is performed. Fracture sonography can be used up to the age of 12.

Diagnosis follows the shoulder-SAFE algorithm ([Fig. 5]).

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Fig. 5 Shoulder SAFE.


Fractures of the elbow [8] [9]

In the diagnosis of fractures near the elbow in children up to 12 years of age, sonography is used as the primary imaging method to detect joint effusion, known from radiography as the fat-pad sign. If the findings are inconspicuous, conservative pain-oriented therapy can be used initially. If effusion is detected, X-ray diagnosis on 2 planes is obligatory. Sonography is used to exclude a fracture. The actual differentiated fracture presentation is performed radiologically.

Elbows-SAFE is used as the algorithm ([Fig. 6]).

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Fig. 6 Elbow SAFE.


Distal forearm fracture [10] [11]

In distal forearm fractures, sonography is used as a standard diagnostic method until 12 years of age. If the fracture is uncomplicated, X-ray imaging is not required and is only used in cases of uncertainty or if surgical treatment is planned. Imaging is performed in 6 longitudinal sections, three each for the radius and ulna. Diagnosis follows the Wrist-SAFE algorithm ([Fig. 7]).

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Fig. 7 Wrist SAFE.


Scaphoid fracture [12] [13]

Because of the potential complications, the use of fracture sonography in scaphoid fracture requires adequate expertise. If a scaphoid fracture is clinically suspected and radiographs are unremarkable, sonography is used for further screening. If the results are positive for fracture, CT is performed, which offers advantages in visualizing cortical fractures. If the results are negative, MRI is performed, which is superior in trabecular injuries.


Triquetral flake fracture [14]

If there is pain over the triquetrum after dorsal extension trauma and radiographic findings are unremarkable, a triquetral flake fracture can be ruled out before performing cross-sectional imaging. Thus, unnecessary cross-sectional imaging indications can be avoided.


Subcapital metacarpal-5 fractures [15] [16]

In subcapital MHK 5 fractures, the surgical indication depends on the dislocation of the metacarpal head. As an alternative to strictly lateral radiography, which is often compromised by superimposition of the other metacarpals, sonographic determination of axial dislocation can be performed in a volar plane, or in a side-to-side comparison in the case of uncertainty.


Bony avulsion of the palmar plate [17] [18]

Avulsions of the palmar plate may escape radiography but can be effectively visualized sonographically ([Fig. 8]). Therefore, if the symptoms fit and the radiograph is unremarkable, further sonographic imaging should be performed.

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Fig. 8 Bony avulsion palmar plate; arrow: fragment.


Rib fractures [19] [20]

Detection of rib fractures is more sensitive with ultrasound than radiography (97% versus 77%). Therefore, after clinical delineation of the region of interest (ROI), sonographic diagnosis should be given preference ([Fig. 9]). If radiographic imaging has already been performed and the findings are unclear, sonography can be used on a supplementary basis.

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Fig. 9 rib fracture; green: axial buckling, red: hematoma.


Sternal fractures [19]

If a sternal fracture is suspected, fracture ultrasonography is appropriate as a screening method ([Fig. 10]). If a fracture is confirmed, further imaging should be performed. In the context of shock room care of trauma patients, sonography should not delay the procedure.

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Fig. 10 Left CT image of a sternal fracture, right ultrasound findings; red: axial buckling.


Distal femoral and proximal tibial bead fractures

There are currently no studies on the sonographic evaluation of distal knee joint compression fractures in growing children. However, since bulge fractures can be very well visualized sonographically ([Fig. 11]) and have high potential for correction at this site, it is expected that this injury entity will become a domain of fracture sonography in the future.

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Fig. 11 left X-ray of a tibial medial bulge fracture, right ultrasound image; red: bulge fracture.


Toddler’s fracture [21]

Toddler's fracture occurs when children are learning to walk and leads to the patient's refusal to bear weight. It often causes problems in the delimitation of the ROI (region of interest), so that in this case, with clear symptoms, an extended X-ray diagnosis is often performed as a search radiograph, resulting in the ionizing exposure of the toddler being disproportionate to the diagnostic findings. In this case, sonography can primarily exclude a bone lesion requiring intervention. If a fracture is visualized ([Fig. 12]), a specific X-ray diagnosis can follow. In the absence of evidence, immobilization and re-examination is performed after 5–7 days. In this way, unnecessary radiographs can be avoided.

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Fig. 12 Left X-ray, right ultrasound findings of a distal tibia fracture; red: fracture.


Midfoot fractures [22] [23]

With a sensitivity of 80–97%, sonography should be used as a first-line diagnostic tool in patients 14 years of age and older when a midfoot fracture is suspected. Dislocations in the course can also be visualized well. Here, the 1st and 5th rays are visualized from 3 directions each (dorsal, lateral, plantar), and the 2nd–4th rays from 2 directions (dorsal and plantar). 45° oblique planes can be added if there is uncertainty.


Stress fracture [24]

Early radiographic diagnosis of stress or fatigue fractures reveals pathology in only 15–20% of cases. Sonography can be used to visualize early signs (cortical disruption, bulge, small extra fragment, thickening, reverberation artifacts, [Fig. 13]) in these cases, thus substantiating the indication for MRI.

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Fig. 13 Fatigue fracture midfoot; arrow: incipient callus.


Callus detection [25] [26]

Callus formation can be detected much earlier sonographically than radiologically (in 97% of cases with sonography after 3 weeks, and in 42% with radiology) and is thus well suited for monitoring the healing process. In the case of suspicion of delayed bone healing or infection, an X-ray should be performed.


Pseudarthrosis [27] [28]

If sufficient expertise and logistics allow, contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) can be used in pseudarthrosis to diagnose and monitor the progress of an underlying infection. The method is able to reliably distinguish infected from aseptic pseudarthroses.



Fracture sonography is suitable for several indications to complement or replace conventional radiography and to guide further imaging. While some indications are already well established, there is still a need for research in other areas of application.


Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Supplementary Material

  • References

  • 1 Sapozhnikov VG. et al. Ultrasonic examination of children with fractures of the forearm bones. Khirurgiia (Mosk) 1987; 8: 111-113
  • 2 Alexandridis G, Verschuuren EW, Rosendaal AV. et al. Evidence base for point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) for diagnosis of skull fractures in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Emerg Med J 2020;
  • 3 Gordon I, Sinert R, Chao J. The Utility of Ultrasound in Detecting Skull Fractures After Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pediatr Emerg Care 2020;
  • 4 Sprague J. Comparison Study: Point-Of-Care Ultrasonography vs. Plain Radiography to Diagnose Clavicular Fractures in The Pediatric Population. Zugriff am 11. Mai 2023 unter: https://commons.pacificu.edu/work/sc/72b7451e-c7c7–4bfc-b7d6-dfa2199c2faf
  • 5 Pogorzelski J, Beitzel K, Ranuccio F. et al. The acutely injured acromioclavicular joint – which imaging modalities should be used for accurate diagnosis? A systematic review. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2017; 18: 515
  • 6 Rutten MJCM, Jager GJ, de Waal Malefijt MC. et al. Double line sign: a helpful sonographic sign to detect occult fractures of the proximal humerus. Eur Radiol 2007; 17: 762-767
  • 7 Ackermann O, Sesia S, Berberich T. et al. Sonographic diagnostics of proximal humerus fractures in juveniles. Unfallchirurg 2010; 113: 839-842
  • 8 Tsou PY, Ma YK, Wang YH. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound for upper extremity fractures in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Emerg Med 2020;
  • 9 Lee SH, Yun SJ. Diagnostic Performance of Ultrasonography for Detection of Pediatric Elbow Fracture: A Meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med 2019; 74: 493-502
  • 10 Douma-den Hamer D, Blanker MH, Edens MA. et al. Ultrasound for Distal Forearm Fracture: A Systematic Review and Diagnostic Meta-Analysis. PLoS One 2016; 11: e0155659
  • 11 Ackermann O, Wojciechowski P, Dzierzega M. et al. Sokrat II – An International, Prospective, Multicenter, Phase IV Diagnostic Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of the Wrist SAFE Algorithm in Fracture Sonography of Distal Forearm Fractures in Children. Ultraschall in Med 2019; 40: 349-358
  • 12 Kwee RM, Kwee TC. Ultrasound for diagnosing radiographically occult scaphoid fracture. Skeletal Radiol 2018; 47: 1205-1212
  • 13 Carpenter CR, Pines JM, Schuur JD. et al. Adult scaphoid fracture. Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21: 101-121
  • 14 Krastman P, Mathijssen NM, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of history taking, physical examination and imaging for phalangeal, metacarpal and carpal fractures: a systematic review update. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020; 21: 12
  • 15 Zhao W, Wang G, Chen B. et al. The value of ultrasound for detecting hand fractures: A meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) 2019; 98: e17823
  • 16 Krastman P, Mathijssen NM, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of history taking, physical examination and imaging for phalangeal, metacarpal and carpal fractures: a systematic review update. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020; 21: 12
  • 17 Saito S, Sawabe K, Suzuki Y. et al. Ultrasonographic characteristics of volar-lateral ligament constrains after proximal interphalangeal joint injuries. J Plast Surg Hand Surg 2016; 50: 216-221
  • 18 Xue L, Zhang Y, Yan D. et al. The presence of effusions between the volar plate of the proximal interphalangeal joint and the flexor digitorum tendon is a common phenomenon: a single-center, cross sectional study. Medical Ultrasonography 2021; 23: 176-180
  • 19 Yousefifard M, Baikpour M, Ghelichkhani P. et al. Comparison of Ultrasonography and Radiography in Detection of Thoracic Bone Fractures; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Emerg (Tehran) 2016; 4: 55-64
  • 20 Battle C, Hayward S, Eggert S. et al. Comparison of the use of lung ultrasound and chest radiography in the diagnosis of rib fractures: a systematic review. Emerg Med J 2019; 36: 185-190
  • 21 Carsen S, Doyle M, Smit K. et al. Point-of-care ultrasound in the emergency department may provide more accurate diagnosis of toddler fractures than radiographs: a pilot study. Orthopaedic Proceedings 2020; 102-B (Suppl. 07) 95-95
  • 22 Ebrahimi M, Habibzadeh SR, Ahmadi SR. et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasonography in Diagnosis of Metatarsal Bone Fracture; a Cross Sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med 2019; 7: e49
  • 23 Yesilaras M, Aksay E, Atilla OD. et al. The accuracy of bedside ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool for the fifth metatarsal fractures. Am J Emerg Med 2014; 32: 171-174
  • 24 Wright AA, Hegedus EJ, Lenchik L. et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Various Imaging Modalities for Suspected Lower Extremity Stress Fractures: A Systematic Review With Evidence-Based Recommendations for Clinical Practice. Am J Sports Med 2016; 44: 255-263
  • 25 Akinmade A, Ikem I, Ayoola O. et al. Comparing ultrasonography with plain radiography in the diagnosis of paediatric long-bone fractures. Int Orthop 2019; 43: 1143-1153
  • 26 Wawrzyk M, Sokal J, Andrzejewska E. et al. The Role of Ultrasound Imaging of Callus Formation in the Treatment of Long Bone Fractures in Children. Pol J Radiol 2015; 80: 473-478
  • 27 Fischer C, Preuß EM, Amarteifio E. et al. CEUS ermöglicht die Quantifizierung der Pseudarthrosenperfusion und komplementiert die Infektdiagnostik. Ultraschall in Med 2015; 36: A142
  • 28 Doll J, WaizeneggerSSchmidmaier G. et al. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound: a viable diagnostic tool in predicting treatment failure after non-union revision surgery for upper-and lower-limb non-unions. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 2021; 47: 3147-3158


Dr. Ole Ackermann
Orthopedic Surgery, Ruhr University Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum


Eingereicht: 27. Mai 2023

Angenommen nach Revision: 08. Dezember 2023

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
23. Februar 2024

© 2024. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

  • References

  • 1 Sapozhnikov VG. et al. Ultrasonic examination of children with fractures of the forearm bones. Khirurgiia (Mosk) 1987; 8: 111-113
  • 2 Alexandridis G, Verschuuren EW, Rosendaal AV. et al. Evidence base for point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) for diagnosis of skull fractures in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Emerg Med J 2020;
  • 3 Gordon I, Sinert R, Chao J. The Utility of Ultrasound in Detecting Skull Fractures After Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pediatr Emerg Care 2020;
  • 4 Sprague J. Comparison Study: Point-Of-Care Ultrasonography vs. Plain Radiography to Diagnose Clavicular Fractures in The Pediatric Population. Zugriff am 11. Mai 2023 unter: https://commons.pacificu.edu/work/sc/72b7451e-c7c7–4bfc-b7d6-dfa2199c2faf
  • 5 Pogorzelski J, Beitzel K, Ranuccio F. et al. The acutely injured acromioclavicular joint – which imaging modalities should be used for accurate diagnosis? A systematic review. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2017; 18: 515
  • 6 Rutten MJCM, Jager GJ, de Waal Malefijt MC. et al. Double line sign: a helpful sonographic sign to detect occult fractures of the proximal humerus. Eur Radiol 2007; 17: 762-767
  • 7 Ackermann O, Sesia S, Berberich T. et al. Sonographic diagnostics of proximal humerus fractures in juveniles. Unfallchirurg 2010; 113: 839-842
  • 8 Tsou PY, Ma YK, Wang YH. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound for upper extremity fractures in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Emerg Med 2020;
  • 9 Lee SH, Yun SJ. Diagnostic Performance of Ultrasonography for Detection of Pediatric Elbow Fracture: A Meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med 2019; 74: 493-502
  • 10 Douma-den Hamer D, Blanker MH, Edens MA. et al. Ultrasound for Distal Forearm Fracture: A Systematic Review and Diagnostic Meta-Analysis. PLoS One 2016; 11: e0155659
  • 11 Ackermann O, Wojciechowski P, Dzierzega M. et al. Sokrat II – An International, Prospective, Multicenter, Phase IV Diagnostic Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of the Wrist SAFE Algorithm in Fracture Sonography of Distal Forearm Fractures in Children. Ultraschall in Med 2019; 40: 349-358
  • 12 Kwee RM, Kwee TC. Ultrasound for diagnosing radiographically occult scaphoid fracture. Skeletal Radiol 2018; 47: 1205-1212
  • 13 Carpenter CR, Pines JM, Schuur JD. et al. Adult scaphoid fracture. Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21: 101-121
  • 14 Krastman P, Mathijssen NM, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of history taking, physical examination and imaging for phalangeal, metacarpal and carpal fractures: a systematic review update. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020; 21: 12
  • 15 Zhao W, Wang G, Chen B. et al. The value of ultrasound for detecting hand fractures: A meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) 2019; 98: e17823
  • 16 Krastman P, Mathijssen NM, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of history taking, physical examination and imaging for phalangeal, metacarpal and carpal fractures: a systematic review update. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020; 21: 12
  • 17 Saito S, Sawabe K, Suzuki Y. et al. Ultrasonographic characteristics of volar-lateral ligament constrains after proximal interphalangeal joint injuries. J Plast Surg Hand Surg 2016; 50: 216-221
  • 18 Xue L, Zhang Y, Yan D. et al. The presence of effusions between the volar plate of the proximal interphalangeal joint and the flexor digitorum tendon is a common phenomenon: a single-center, cross sectional study. Medical Ultrasonography 2021; 23: 176-180
  • 19 Yousefifard M, Baikpour M, Ghelichkhani P. et al. Comparison of Ultrasonography and Radiography in Detection of Thoracic Bone Fractures; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Emerg (Tehran) 2016; 4: 55-64
  • 20 Battle C, Hayward S, Eggert S. et al. Comparison of the use of lung ultrasound and chest radiography in the diagnosis of rib fractures: a systematic review. Emerg Med J 2019; 36: 185-190
  • 21 Carsen S, Doyle M, Smit K. et al. Point-of-care ultrasound in the emergency department may provide more accurate diagnosis of toddler fractures than radiographs: a pilot study. Orthopaedic Proceedings 2020; 102-B (Suppl. 07) 95-95
  • 22 Ebrahimi M, Habibzadeh SR, Ahmadi SR. et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasonography in Diagnosis of Metatarsal Bone Fracture; a Cross Sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med 2019; 7: e49
  • 23 Yesilaras M, Aksay E, Atilla OD. et al. The accuracy of bedside ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool for the fifth metatarsal fractures. Am J Emerg Med 2014; 32: 171-174
  • 24 Wright AA, Hegedus EJ, Lenchik L. et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Various Imaging Modalities for Suspected Lower Extremity Stress Fractures: A Systematic Review With Evidence-Based Recommendations for Clinical Practice. Am J Sports Med 2016; 44: 255-263
  • 25 Akinmade A, Ikem I, Ayoola O. et al. Comparing ultrasonography with plain radiography in the diagnosis of paediatric long-bone fractures. Int Orthop 2019; 43: 1143-1153
  • 26 Wawrzyk M, Sokal J, Andrzejewska E. et al. The Role of Ultrasound Imaging of Callus Formation in the Treatment of Long Bone Fractures in Children. Pol J Radiol 2015; 80: 473-478
  • 27 Fischer C, Preuß EM, Amarteifio E. et al. CEUS ermöglicht die Quantifizierung der Pseudarthrosenperfusion und komplementiert die Infektdiagnostik. Ultraschall in Med 2015; 36: A142
  • 28 Doll J, WaizeneggerSSchmidmaier G. et al. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound: a viable diagnostic tool in predicting treatment failure after non-union revision surgery for upper-and lower-limb non-unions. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 2021; 47: 3147-3158

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Fig. 1 Skull fracture; arrow: cortical step-off.
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Fig. 2 Clavicle fracture arrow: fracture gap.
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Fig. 3 Left X-ray, right ultrasound image; yellow marking: clavicle; green: acromion.
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Fig. 4 SC dislocation right; green: normal SC joint; yellow: sternum; opposite side: no SC joint vivid.
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Fig. 5 Shoulder SAFE.
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Fig. 6 Elbow SAFE.
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Fig. 7 Wrist SAFE.
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Fig. 8 Bony avulsion palmar plate; arrow: fragment.
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Fig. 9 rib fracture; green: axial buckling, red: hematoma.
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Fig. 10 Left CT image of a sternal fracture, right ultrasound findings; red: axial buckling.
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Fig. 11 left X-ray of a tibial medial bulge fracture, right ultrasound image; red: bulge fracture.
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Fig. 12 Left X-ray, right ultrasound findings of a distal tibia fracture; red: fracture.
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Fig. 13 Fatigue fracture midfoot; arrow: incipient callus.