The objective of this meta-analysis is to compare the effects on muscle strength
and hypertrophy of low and high-intensity aerobic training with BFR (LI-BFR and
HI-BFR) versus low and high-intensity aerobic training without BFR (LI and HI).
The search was performed in five databases, by two independent researchers, and
the terms and keywords used to optimize the searches were related to blood flow
restriction and aerobic training. All studies were evaluated for methodological
quality using the PEDro scale and for quality of evidence using the GRADE
system. Meta-analyses were conducted using RevMan software. After data
extraction, 11 studies met all eligibility criteria and were included in the
systematic review. The results of the overall analysis between LI-BFR vs. LI
showed a significant difference in muscle strength of knee extensors; for
hypertrophy, LI was superior to LI-BFR with clinical relevance. Comparing HI-BFR
vs. HI there was no superiority for muscle strength. In conclusion, for strength
gains very low-quality evidence was found to support no superiority between
LI-BFR and HI-BFR compared to LI and HI, respectively. For muscle hypertrophy,
superiority of LI was found compared to LI-BFR, with a very low level of
Keywords vascular occlusion - aerobic exercise - strength - meta-analysis