Validierte Scores zur Bestimmung des kardiovaskulären Risikos erlauben es, die Individuen zu identifizieren, die von präventiven Interventionen am meisten profitieren. Daneben verdeutlichen sie auf individueller Basis die Folgen ungesunden Lebensstils und die Risikoreduktion durch zielgerichtete Anpassung (z.B. LDL-C-Reduktion). Scores sind damit ein wichtiges Instrument zur Motivation von Patienten, ihr Risikoprofil zu verbessern.
The assessment of individual cardiovascular disease risk (CVD) is essential for a cost-effective prevention of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. While almost half of the population have a very low CVD risk approximately 1/5th of the population have a CVD risk >20% over the next 10 years.
Modern risk scores like the ESC-SCORE2 help to identify those in need of intensified preventive efforts based on basic risk factors like smoking, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, age, and sex. According to current ESC-guidelines all men >45 years and all women >55 years should be assessed with SCORE2, which is the best calibrated and validated scoring system for Europe.
The calculation of total cardiovascular risk also permits to calculate an individual heart-age, which makes it easier for the individual patient to understand his own risk profile. Most current risk estimation systems can be accessed online under u-prevent.com/calculators.
Risiko - kardiovaskulär - Gesamtrisiko - Risikoabschätzung - Primärprävention - ESC-SCORE2
risk - cardiovascular - total risk - primary prevention - ESC-SCORE2