DOI: 10.1055/a-2410-8530
Original Article

Molecular and Clinical Risk Factors Associated with Thrombosis and Bleeding in Myelofibrosis Patients

Olga Morath
1   Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Abteilung Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany
Carl Crodel
1   Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Abteilung Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany
Jenny Rinke
1   Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Abteilung Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany
Inken Sander
1   Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Abteilung Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany
Aysun Tekbas
2   Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Gefäßchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany
Manja Meggendorfer
3   MLL Münchner Leukämielabor GmbH, München, Germany
Constance Baer
3   MLL Münchner Leukämielabor GmbH, München, Germany
Andreas Hochhaus
1   Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Abteilung Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany
Thomas Ernst
1   Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Abteilung Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany
› Author Affiliations


Background The risk of thrombosis and bleeding in myelofibrosis (MF) has been historically underappreciated. We sought to investigate potential molecular and clinical risk factors for venous (VTE) and arterial (ATE) thrombotic events as well as bleeding episodes.

Methods Data from 246 consecutive MF patients were analyzed. Driver mutations were tested in 191 patients.

Results In total, 181 mutations were found in 177 MF patients: 118 (61.8%) patients showed JAK2-V617F, 50 patients (26.2%) showed CALR, and 6 patients (3.1%) showed MPL mutations. Two patients were JAK2-V617F and MPL positive and one patient was positive for all three genes. Fourteen (7.3%) patients were triple negative. The JAK2-V617F allele burden was assessed in 63 JAK2-V617F-mutated patients, revealing a median of 35.6% (range: 5.0–96.0). At the time of MF diagnosis and during follow-up, 84 thrombotic events (52 VTEs and 32 ATEs) were observed, corresponding to 6.6% of patients per year. A significant association was found between JAK2-V617F mutation (OR: 2.5, 95% CI: 1.1–5.6) and prior VTE (OR: 7.6, 95% CI: 2.1–27.1) with an increased risk of VTE. Patients with prefibrotic MF had a higher rate of ATE than patients with overt MF. Hemorrhagic events occurred in 34 (13.8%) patients, corresponding to 3.8% of patients per year. Fibrosis grade 3 was associated with bleeding risk (OR: 3.4, 95% CI: 1.2–9.2, p = 0.02).

Conclusions The presence of the JAK2-V617F mutation, regardless of allele burden, and prior thrombosis were strongly associated with an increased risk of VTE. Patients with prefibrotic MF might be considered at high risk for developing ATE.



Myelofibrosis (MF) can manifest as a de novo disease (primary myelofibrosis [PMF]) or following a previous diagnosis of polycythemia vera or essential thrombocythemia (post-PV or post-ET MF).[1] Transformation to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), both venous (VTE) and arterial (ATE) thrombotic events, and infection are the most common causes of death in both PMF and secondary MF patients.[2] Compared with patients with PV and ET, the risk of thrombosis and bleeding in MF patients has been historically underappreciated. In the WHO 2016 classification,[3] prefibrotic MF (pre-MF) was defined as a distinct entity for the first time. Pre-MF at diagnosis typically mimics ET with isolated thrombocytosis and often presents asymptomatically, unlike classic “overt fibrotic” MF. However, pre-PMF can become highly symptomatic and has a worse outcome compared with ET.[4] Although thrombotic and bleeding events in pre-MF patients may be more common than in PV or ET[5] [6] [7] and even distinct from other MF subtypes,[8] [9] [10] no score has been developed and validated to assess thrombotic and bleeding risk in this patient group.

In the last decade, the role of older age, medical history, cardiovascular risk factors, JAK2-V617F and non-driver mutations (TET2 and DNMT3A), blood cell counts, and their dysfunctions have been described as associated with an increased thrombotic risk in MPN patients.[11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] Thrombocytopenia secondary to marrow failure, platelet dysfunction, acquired von Willebrand syndrome (AvWS), antithrombotic drug use, CALR and ASXL1 mutations, and varices caused by portal hypertension have been mentioned as possible causes of bleeding.[8] [10] [28] [29] [30] Unfortunately, there is a notable scarcity of research specifically addressing patients with MF, with existing studies often limited by small sample sizes.

A comprehensive understanding of the pathophysiology is necessary for risk prediction, improving thromboprophylaxis in daily practice, developing targeted therapy, reduction of mortality, and healthcare costs. The aim of this study was to explore potential molecular and clinical risk factors for VTE and ATE, as well as bleeding events, in a substantial cohort of MF patients.




Retrospective data of 246 MF patients treated from 2005 to 2023 at Jena University Hospital were analyzed. JAK2-V617F, CALR, and MPL mutations were tested in 191 patients. The JAK2-V617F allele burden was assessed in 63/121 JAK2-V617F mutated patients. Patients were divided into two groups: those with JAK2-V617F allele burden >50% and those with JAK2-V617F allele burden ≤ 50%.[26] [31]

Clinical variables were age, sex, cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and hypercholesterolemia), prior thrombosis or bleeding (1 year before MF diagnosis and earlier), anticoagulation or antiplatelet drugs at baseline, spleen size, bone marrow fibrosis grade, DIPSS/DIPSS plus, and, if possible, MIPSS70 risk scores. These scores aid in predicting disease progression and guiding treatment decisions in MF patients and include age, hemoglobin level, leukocyte count, platelet count, and the presence of constitutional symptoms (DIPSS) or DIPSS criteria, as well as additional criteria such as chromosomal abnormalities and transfusion dependency (DIPSS plus). The MIPSS70 score includes, among other criteria, the presence of high-risk mutations. The current study was performed in line with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of University Jena (Reg. No.: 2021–2094-Material).


Laboratory Parameters

Laboratory parameters were blood counts, creatinine, albumin, C-reactive protein, lactate dehydrogenase, and global clotting assays.


Mutation Analyses

After erythrocyte lysis, DNA was isolated using the MagnaPure system (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) or the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The hotspot JAK2-V617F, the MPL exon10 and CALR exon 9 sequencing, was performed on the Illumina MiSeq (San Diego, California, United States) and analyzed with the JSI module SeqNext (Kippenheim, Germany)[32] or using the amplification-refractory mutation system (JAK2-ARMS-PCR, Mastercycler X50, Eppendorf, Germany) according to standard techniques.[33] To analyze CALR and MPL mutations, DNA fragment analysis and Sanger sequencing were performed on the 3500 Genetic Analyser (Life Technologies), respectively.[34]



The primary endpoint was the occurrence of a thrombotic or bleeding event, acute leukemia transformation, or death at any time. VTE includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT), and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVT). ATE includes ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), peripheral vascular disease (PVD), or acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Variables were reported as median with interquartile range (IQR). The medians of the two groups were compared using the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test. Categorical variables were reported as counts and proportions and compared using chi-square or Fisher's exact test. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to identify independent predictors of events. Results were presented as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Median follow-up and overall survival (OS) were estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method. All reported p-values are two-sided, and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. SPSS Statistics 28.0 was used for statistical calculations.



In total 246 MF patients were analyzed including 39 (15.9%) patients with pre-MF, 153 (62.2%) with overt MF, and 54 (22.0%) with secondary MF. Pre-MF was diagnosed only in patients after 2016 according to the criteria outlined in the WHO 2016 classification. The median age at the time of diagnosis was 64 years (range, 26–82), with 58.1% being male. Mutation analysis was performed for 191/246 patients (77.6%): 118/191 (61.8%) patients showed JAK2-V617F, 50/191 (26.2%) patients showed CALR, 6/191 (3.1%) patients showed MPL mutation, 14 (7.3%) were triple negative, two patients were JAK2-V617F and MPL positive, and 1 patient was positive for all three driver genes. The JAK2-V617F allele burden was assessed in 63 of 121 patients, revealing a median of 35.6% (range: 5.0–96.0), and 17 of 63 patients (26.9%) had an allele burden > 50%. Further details on molecular and clinical patient characteristics are provided in [Table 1].

Table 1

Molecular and clinical characteristics of the study cohort (n = 246)


No. of patients (%)


– Prefibrotic MF

39 (15.9%)

– Primary overt fibrotic MF

153 (62.2%)

– Post-PV MF

32 (13%)

– Post-ET MF

22 (8.9%)

Prior history of thrombosis

24 (9.8%)

– Venous

7 (29.2%)

– Arterial

13 (54.2%)

– Both

4 (16.6%)

Thrombosis as diagnostic event

18 (7.3%)

– Venous

7 (38.9%)

– Arterial

9 (50%)

– Both

2 (11.1%)

Thrombosis during follow-up

59 (24%)

– Venous

38 (64.4%)

– Arterial

16 (27.1%)

– Both

5 (8.5%)

Cardiovascular risk factors

– Smoking

32 (13.0%)

– Arterial hypertension

113 (45.7%)

– Diabetes mellitus

37 (15.0%)

– Hypercholesterolemia

32 (13.0%)

– Obesity (body mass index >30)

16 (6.5%)

Prior history of bleeding

6 (2.4%)

Bleeding during follow-up

34 (13.8%)

Major bleeding[a]

16/34 (47%)

Antiplatelet therapy at the baseline

84 (34.1%)

Anticoagulation at the baseline

37 (15.0%)

Driver mutations


118/191 (61.8%)


50/191 (26.2%)


6/191 (3.1%)

– Triple negative

14/191 (7.3%)

– Other

3/191 (1.6%)[b]

Bone marrow fibrosis grade


– 0

36 (19.9%)

– 1

28 (15.5%)

– 2

54 (29.8%)

– 3

63 (34.8%)

Spleen size


– Normal

40 (19.3%)

– Enlarged

167 (80.7%)

DIPPS/DIPSS-plus score


– Low

23 (15.2%)

– Intermediate-1

38 (25.2%)

– Intermediate-2

54 (35.8%)

– High

36 (23.8%)

MIPSS70 score


– Low

26 (29.9%)

– Intermediate

26 (29.9%)

– High

35 (40.2%)

Abbreviations: ET, essential thrombocythemia; MF, myelofibrosis; PV, polycythemia vera.

a Symptomatic bleeding in a critical organ, or associated with a hemoglobin decrease of more than 2 mmol/L or transfusion.

b JAK2-V617F and MPL positive—two patients, triple positive—one patient.

Thrombotic Events

Twenty-four (9.8%) patients had a prior history of VTE or ATE: VTE manifested as a DVT and/or PE in four (n = 4/24, 16.7%), and as an SVT in three (n = 3/24, 12.5%) patients; ATE presented as an ischemic stroke or TIA in five (n = 5/24, 20.8%), and as an ACS in eight (n = 8/24, 33.3%) patients; four (n = 4/24, 16.7%) patients had both thrombotic events. In total, 84 thrombotic events (52 venous and 32 arterial) in 70 patients were observed, corresponding to an incidence of 6.6% patients per year (pt/y): for VTE 4.4% pt/y and ATE 2.2% pt/y. Localizations of thromboembolic events are shown in [Table 2]. One case of splanchnic thrombosis was diagnosed following splenectomy. Among the 21 patients diagnosed with SVT, 15 (71.4%) of them had a JAK2-V617F mutation, two carried a CALR mutation, and four patients were not examined.

Table 2

Clinical manifestation of thrombosis at the time of diagnosis and during follow-up

Prefibrotic MF, n = 39

Overt MF, n = 153

Secondary MF, n = 54

Venous thromboembolism, n = 52

10/39 (25.6%)

31/153 (20.3%)

10/54 (18.5%)

 Deep vein thrombosis

2/39 (5.2%)

7/153 (4.6%)

7/54 (12.9%)

 Pulmonary embolism

1/39 (2.6%)

5/153 (3.3%)

1/54 (1.9%)

 Deep vein thrombosis + pulmonary embolism

2/39 (5.2%)

2/153 (1.3%)

 Splanchnic vein thrombosis

5/39 (12.8%)

14/153 (9.2%)

2/54 (3.7%)

 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis

2/153 (1.3%)

 Ocular vein thrombosis and central line catheter thrombosis

2/153 (1.3%)

Arterial thromboembolism, n = 32

11/39 (28.2%)[a]

13/153 (8.5%)

8/54 (14.8%)

 Acute coronary syndrome

4/153 (2.6%)

2/54 (3.7%)

 Ischemic stroke or TIA

10/39 (25.6%)[b]

7/153 (4.6%)

6/54 (11.1%)

 Acute vascular occlusion

1/39 (2.6%)

2/153 (1.3%)

Abbreviations: MF, myelofibrosis; TIA, transient ischemic attack.

a p = 0.01.

b Odds ratio: 0.2, 95% CI: 0.08–0.61, p = 0.004.


Risk Factors of VTE and ATE

The multivariable analysis revealed a significant association between JAK2-V617F mutations (OR: 2.5, 95% CI: 1.1–5.6) and prior VTE (OR: 7.6, 95% CI: 2.1–27.1) with an increased risk of developing VTE, but not ATE. At the time of MF diagnosis, for the reason of previous thrombotic events or atrial fibrillation, 37 (15.0%) patients received anticoagulation: 13 patients received vitamin K antagonists, 16 patients received low-molecular-weight heparin (of which 7 had a therapeutic dose), and 8 patients received direct oral anticoagulants. The JAK2-V617F allele burden did not impact the risk of VTE: allele burden ≤ 50% versus allele burden > 50% (p = 0.5). The multivariable analysis showed that arterial hypertension was the only significant risk factor of ATE (OR: 3.3, 95% CI: 1.5–7.6, p = 0.003). At the time of the arterial event during the follow-up, 84 (34.1%) patients underwent antiplatelet therapy, all of who received acetylsalicylic acid. Patients with overt MF had a significantly lower risk of developing ATE (8.5 vs. 21.1%, p = 0.01), particularly ischemic stroke or TIA (OR: 0.2, 95% CI: 0.1–0.6, p = 0.004) than patients with pre-MF. Patients with pre-MF had higher platelet counts (610 ± 67 vs. 454 ± 46 × 109/L, p = 0.01) and erythrocyte counts (4.4 ± 0.2 vs. 3.9 ± 0.1012/L, p = 0.02) than patients with overt MF at the time of thrombotic event. Patients with pre-MF were also diagnosed younger, with a median age of 58 versus 63 years (p = 0.05). JAK inhibitor therapy was administered to seven (13.5%) patients who experienced a thrombotic event during follow-up and was found to be statistically associated with thrombosis (p < 0.001). No difference for other indicators of myeloproliferation, such as splenomegaly or bone marrow fibrosis grade, was found. Risk scores or other laboratory parameters, most particularly leucocyte count, had not been associated with a significantly higher incidence of thrombosis.


Bleeding Events

A total of 47 episodes of bleeding were documented in 34 patients (corresponding to incidence: 3.8% pt/y), including the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (n = 25, 9 of them had variceal bleeding caused by portal hypertension), central nervous system (n = 4), nose (n = 5), soft tissues (n = 7), and other locations (n = 6). Sixteen (47.1%) patients experienced major bleeding, and 10 of them had GI tract bleeding. Five of the 16 patients with major bleeding had at least one recurrent bleeding event. Thrombocytopenia (< 100 × 109/L) at the time of diagnosis was observed in 21 of the 246 (8.5%) patients. AvWS was diagnosed in eight patients, two of who had bleeding events, and one patient experienced a severe event. AvWS diagnostic was performed in a small selective cohort of patients and could not be statistically interpreted. JAK inhibitors were administered to 9 of the 34 (26.5%) patients who experienced bleeding. No hemorrhages occurred as a complication of extramedullary hematopoiesis.


Risk Factors of Bleeding

The multivariable analysis demonstrated a significant association between an advanced fibrosis grade (grade 3) and an increased risk of bleeding (OR: 3.4 95% CI: 1.2–9.2, p = 0.02), regardless of platelet count. Thrombocytopenia at the time of diagnosis (p = 0.27), the use of antiplatelet drugs (p = 0.87), anticoagulation (p = 0.74), CALR mutation (p = 0.81), and treatment with JAK inhibitors (p = 0.09) were not independently associated with the risk of bleeding or severe bleeding.


Overall Survival and Thrombotic or Bleeding Events

The median follow-up was 11.9 (95% CI: 8.9–14.9) years. At the time of data cutoff, 73 (29.7%) patients had died. AML transformation caused 13 of 73 (17.8%) deaths, infections caused 34 of 73 (46.6%), and 1 patient died following PE. Other causes of death included cardiac decompensation (n = 6), acute kidney failure (n = 4), and unknown reasons (n = 15). Allogeneic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation was performed in 29 of 246 (11.8%) patients. No correlation was found between OS and the occurrence of thrombotic (p = 0.21) or bleeding (p = 0.18) events ([Figs. 1] and [2]). The median time to thrombosis was 13 months (IQR: 1–55), and to bleeding was 30 months (IQR: 13–71).

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Survival of patients with thrombotic versus no thrombotic event.
Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Survival of patients with bleeding versus no bleeding event.



This study investigated clinical and molecular factors associated with thrombosis and bleeding in a substantial cohort of MF patients (n = 246) with long-term follow-up (11.9 years). A comparable or higher incidence of VTE (4.4% pt/y) and ATE (2.2% pt/y) was observed in comparison to previously published studies.[10] [12] [14] [16] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] This discrepancy, particularly with historical cohorts, could be explained by the new definition of pre-MF introduced in 2016, a lack of recommendations for primary thrombotic prophylaxis in this patient group, and one of the longest follow-up periods described in recent publications.

Prior thrombosis and the JAK2-V617F mutation had already been established as risk factors of thrombosis in PV and ET patients[26] [29] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] and are routinely used to stratify patients into risk groups.[2] [4] [43] In the current study, the role of prior thrombosis and the JAK2-V617F mutation in the risk of venous, but not arterial, thrombosis in patients with MF was confirmed. It could be attributed to the activation of mutated JAK2 blood cells, which leads to the production of inflammatory cytokines due to the JAK/STAT pathway activation, consequently causing an enormous stimulation of the plasmatic coagulation cascade.[44] [45] Furthermore, JAK2 is also expressed in splanchnic area endothelial cells,[46] and endothelial dysfunction contributes an essential role in the pathogenesis of SVT in the already predisposed splanchnic system (hepatosplenomegaly, slower blood flow, altered immunogenicity) in MF patients. This theory is supported by the high prevalence of SVT in our study (12.8% in patients with pre-MF and 9.2% with overt MF) and recent publications.[8] [11]

The multivariable analysis confirmed that only arterial hypertension was an independent risk factor of ATE occurrence. Patients with pre-MF demonstrated a significantly higher risk of developing ATE, particularly cerebral events, than patients with overt MF. These findings resemble the results of recent studies.[4] [25] Possible explanations include high platelet counts (610 ± 67 in pre-MF patients vs. 454 ± 46 × 109/L in overt MF patients, p = 0.01), activation of their function or stimulated proinflammatory signals resulting from cardiovascular risk factors. This hypothesis is supported by recently published data indicating a high incidence of ischemic cerebral events in ET patients. The authors[47] [48] [49] proposed that ET be considered a risk factor for primarily small-vessel type stroke, and that abnormal megakaryopoiesis increases thrombotic risk beyond conventional cardiovascular risk factors. In accordance with colleagues,[14] future studies testing primary prophylaxis with low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (if not contraindicated) in a specific patient cohort are warranted. Furthermore, despite the use of acetylsalicylic acid, a high incidence of ATE during follow-up was observed. This could be due to insufficient platelet inhibition by acetylsalicylic acid, also known as “aspirin resistance”[50] [51] or a consequence of excessive platelet turnover.[52] Recent studies have shown a twice-daily acetylsalicylic acid administration as more efficient than once-daily regime in reducing turnover resistance and “aspirin resistance.”[53] [54]

In contrast to a recent study,[10] no correlation between leucocyte count and the risk of arterial or venous thrombosis was found. Neutrophils are known to participate in the pathogenesis of thrombosis by forming neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Scientific interest is currently focused on the thrombotic role of NETs in MPN patients.[55] [56] [57] In the most recent study, it was discovered that acetylsalicylic acid reduced NETosis in an MPN mouse model and MPN patients. We agree that further study in this area, particularly in patients with MF, has enormous potential for improving our understanding of the pathogenesis of thrombosis.

Based on risk factors identified in the current study (JAK2 mutation, prior VTE, and arterial hypertension) and considering the similar risk of thrombotic events for patients with ET and pre-MF, it could be proposed that the IPSET (international prognostic score for thrombosis in ET)[36] might be a convenient tool for thrombosis risk stratification in patients with pre-MF. However, IPSET and conventional risk stratification in PV do not distinguish between venous and arterial events in risk assessment. Following the recent study on a general group of MPN patients,[12] it is essential to evaluate the risks of VTE and ATE separately and establish further distinct scoring systems for arterial and venous thrombosis in MF patients.

Published research on the increased thrombotic risk in patients with autoimmune diseases treated with JAK inhibitors yielded inconsistent results.[58] [59] [60] [61] The current investigation demonstrated a statistically significant association between JAK inhibitor treatment and thrombosis, contrasting previous studies in MPN patients receiving ruxolitinib.[62] [63] However, these findings should be interpreted with caution because four of seven patients, who developed a thrombosis during follow-up and received ruxolitinib treatment, had additional significant risk factors for thrombosis (e.g., combination therapy with pomalidomide, or the presence of another tumor).

Post-diagnosis bleeding occurred in 13.8% of patients, corresponding to a rate of 3.8% per patient-year, which aligns with findings from recent studies.[25] [64] [65] Interestingly, the peak of bleeding events occurred after diagnosis rather than at the time of diagnosis, consistent with findings in a German MPN registry.[9] This observation supports the theory that bleeding may be related to the progression of fibrosis grade and, consequently, the underlying disease. It could be explained by platelet dysfunction, secondary storage pool defect associated with advanced fibrosis,[66] [67] or the development of AvWS even in the absence of extreme thrombocytosis.[68] [69] Additionally, the high incidence of bleeding in the current study could be attributed to relatively frequent episodes of variceal bleeding caused by portal hypertension (n = 9, 26.5%).

In our cohort, no correlation was found between OS and the occurrence of thrombotic or bleeding events. It could be explained by a high mortality rate from infections or hematologic malignancies, particularly among younger MF patients.[70]



In summary, this study showed a substantial risk of both thrombotic (6.6% pt/y) and bleeding (3.8% pt/y) events, highlighting the complex coexistence of these complications in MF patients. Patients with pre-MF should be considered a distinct entity with regard to their heightened risk of thrombosis, particularly ATE. The JAK2-V617F mutation, regardless of allele burden, and a history of prior venous thrombosis were strongly associated with an increased risk of VTE. Patients with fibrosis grade 3 demonstrated an increased risk of bleeding. These findings should be useful for counseling patients, guiding treatment decisions in clinical practice, and defining target patient groups for prospective studies addressing thrombotic and bleeding complications in MF.

The study has significant limitations, including its retrospective single-center design and confounding bias. The follow-up was interrupted after AML transformation or transplantation of allogeneic hemopoietic cells. Only a small percentage of patients underwent the AvWS diagnostic, making it impossible to assess its correlation with this significant potential risk factor for bleeding.

What is known about this topic?

  • The JAK2 mutation and prior thrombosis have previously been identified as risk factors for thrombosis in patients with polycythemia vera or essential thrombocythemia.

  • In a general population of MPN, the JAK2 allele burden is linked to an increased risk of thrombosis (frequently, only a small number of MF patients were included and they were not analyzed separately).

What does this paper add?

  • High incidence of thrombosis in a substantial cohort of myelofibrosis patients with long-term follow-up (11.9 years).

  • The presence of the JAK2-V617F mutation and a history of prior venous thrombosis are strongly associated with an increased risk of VTE, but not ATE, in patients with myelofibrosis.

  • In our study, the JAK2 allele burden had no effect on the risk of thrombosis.


Conflict of Interest

OM: All support for the present manuscript (e.g., funding, provision of study materials, medical writing, article processing charges, etc.): Interdisciplinary Center of Clinical Research (IZKF) of the Medical Faculty Jena (Grant number 413668513).

AT: Grants or contracts from any entity: Interdisciplinary Center of Clinical Research (IZKF) of the Medical Faculty Jena (Advanced clinician scientist-program).

AH: has received honoraria from Novartis, Incyte. He declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

CC, JR, IS, MM, CB and TE have no conflict of interest.


The excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Anja Waldau is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by the Interdisciplinary Center of Clinical Research (IZKF) of the Medical Faculty Jena (Grant number 413668513).

Authors' Contributions

Study conception and design: O.M., A.H., T.E.; collection of clinical data: O.M., C.C., I.S., A.T.; molecular analyses: J.R., M.M., C.B.; data analyses: O.M.; initial draft of the manuscript: O.M.; correction and approval of the final manuscript: all authors.

Data Availability

The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Ethics Approval

This study was performed in line with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of University Jena (Reg. No.: 2021–2094-Material).

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  • 12 Pescia C, Lopez G, Cattaneo D, Bucelli C, Gianelli U, Iurlo A. The molecular landscape of myeloproliferative neoplasms associated with splanchnic vein thrombosis: current perspective. Leuk Res 2024; 136: 107420
  • 13 Pasquer H, de Oliveira RD, Vasseur L. et al. Distinct clinico-molecular arterial and venous thrombosis scores for myeloproliferative neoplasms risk stratification. Leukemia 2024; 38 (02) 326-339
  • 14 Guy A, Helzy K, Mansier O. et al. Platelet function studies in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients with Calreticulin or JAK V617F mutation. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 2023; 7 (02) 100060
  • 15 Barbui T, Ghirardi A, Carobbio A. et al. Increased risk of thrombosis in JAK2 V617F-positive patients with primary myelofibrosis and interaction of the mutation with the IPSS score. Blood Cancer J 2022; 12 (11) 156
  • 16 Barbui T, Carobbio A, De Stefano V. Thrombosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms during cytoreductive and antithrombotic drug treatment. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 2022; 6 (01) e12657
  • 17 Buxhofer-Ausch V, Gisslinger B, Schalling M. et al. Impact of white blood cell counts at diagnosis and during follow-up in patients with essential thrombocythaemia and prefibrotic primary myelofibrosis. Br J Haematol 2017; 179 (01) 166-169
  • 18 Hasselbalch C, Elvers M, Schafer AI, Silver RT. The pathobiology of thrombosis, microvascular disease, and hemorrhage in the myeloproliferative neoplasms. 2021 . Accessed September 15, 2024 at: http://ashpublications.org/blood/article-pdf/137/16/2152/1805372/bloodbld2020008109c.pdf
  • 19 Debureaux PE, Cassinat B, Soret-Dulphy J. et al. Molecular profiling and risk classification of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms and splanchnic vein thromboses. Blood Adv 2020; 4 (15) 3708-3715
  • 20 Heidel FH, Crodel CC, Kreipe HH. Primäre Myelofibrose. Onkologie 2022 29. 315-322
  • 21 Horvat I, Boban A, Zadro R. et al. Influence of blood count, cardiovascular risks, inherited thrombophilia, and JAK2-V617F burden allele on type of thrombosis in patients with Philadelphia chromosome negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 2019; 19 (01) 53-63
  • 22 Kanduła Z, Janowski M, Więckowska B, Paczkowska E, Lewandowski K. JAK2–V617F variant allele frequency, non-driver mutations, single-nucleotide variants and polycythemia vera outcome. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2023; 149 (08) 4789-4803
  • 23 Limvorapitak W, Parker J, Hughesman C, McNeil K, Foltz L, Karsan A. No differences in outcomes between JAK2 V617F-positive patients with variant allele fraction < 2% versus 2-10%: a 6-year province-wide retrospective analysis. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 2020; 20 (09) e569-e578
  • 24 Matsuura S, Thompson CR, Belghasem ME. et al. Platelet dysfunction and thrombosis in JAK2–V617F-mutated primary myelofibrotic mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2020; 40 (10) e262-e272
  • 25 Song IC, Yeon SH, Lee MW. et al. Thrombotic and hemorrhagic events in 2016 World Health Organization-defined Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm. Korean J Intern Med (Korean Assoc Intern Med) 2021; 36 (05) 1190-1203
  • 26 Soudet S, Le Roy G, Cadet E. et al. JAK2 allele burden is correlated with a risk of venous but not arterial thrombosis. Thromb Res 2022; 211: 1-5
  • 27 Wille K, Deventer E, Sadjadian P. et al. Arterial and venous thromboembolic complications in 832 patients with BCR-ABL-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Hamostaseologie 2023;
  • 28 Awada H, Bhatta M, Yu H. et al. ASXL1 mutation is a novel risk factor for bleeding in Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Leukemia 2023; 38 (01) 210-214
  • 29 Hernández-Boluda JC, Pastor-Galán I, Arellano-Rodrigo E. et al; Spanish MPN Group (GEMFIN). Predictors of thrombosis and bleeding in 1613 myelofibrosis patients from the Spanish Registry of Myelofibrosis. Br J Haematol 2022; 199 (04) 529-538
  • 30 Kander EM, Raza S, Zhou Z. et al. Bleeding complications in BCR-ABL negative myeloproliferative neoplasms: prevalence, type, and risk factors in a single-center cohort. Int J Hematol 2015; 102 (05) 587-593
  • 31 Guglielmelli P, Loscocco GG, Mannarelli C. et al. JAK2V617F variant allele frequency >50% identifies patients with polycythemia vera at high risk for venous thrombosis. Blood Cancer J 2021; 11 (12) 199
  • 32 Baer C, Pohlkamp C, Haferlach C, Kern W, Haferlach T. Molecular patterns in cytopenia patients with or without evidence of myeloid neoplasm - a comparison of 756 cases. Leukemia 2018; 32 (10) 2295-2298
  • 33 Ye S, Dhillon S, Ke X, Collins AR, Day INM. An efficient procedure for genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms. Nucleic Acids Res 2001; 29 (17) e88
  • 34 Schmidt M, Rinke J, Schäfer V. et al. Molecular-defined clonal evolution in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia independent of the BCR-ABL status. Leukemia 2014; 28 (12) 2292-2299
  • 35 Bankar A, Smith E, Cheung V. et al. Clinical and molecular factors associated with thrombosis in myelofibrosis. EHA LiBrary 2021; 324816: EP1093
  • 36 Barbui T, Finazzi G, Carobbio A. et al. Development and validation of an International Prognostic Score of thrombosis in World Health Organization-essential thrombocythemia (IPSET-thrombosis). Blood 2012; 120 (26) 5128-5133 , quiz 5252
  • 37 Zhang Y, Zhou Y, Wang Y. et al. Thrombosis among 1537 patients with JAK2V617F -mutated myeloproliferative neoplasms: risk factors and development of a predictive model. Cancer Med 2020; 9 (06) 2096-2105
  • 38 Rumi E, Pietra D, Pascutto C. et al; Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro Gruppo Italiano Malattie Mieloproliferative Investigators. Clinical effect of driver mutations of JAK2, CALR, or MPL in primary myelofibrosis. Blood 2014; 124 (07) 1062-1069
  • 39 Cervantes F, Alvarez-Larrán A, Arellano-Rodrigo E, Granell M, Domingo A, Montserrat E. Frequency and risk factors for thrombosis in idiopathic myelofibrosis: analysis in a series of 155 patients from a single institution. Leukemia 2006; 20 (01) 55-60
  • 40 Elliott MA, Pardanani A, Lasho TL, Schwager SM, Tefferi A. Thrombosis in myelofibrosis: prior thrombosis is the only predictive factor and most venous events are provoked. Haematologica 2010; 95 (10) 1788-1791
  • 41 Finazzi MC, Carobbio A, Cervantes F. et al. CALR mutation, MPL mutation and triple negativity identify patients with the lowest vascular risk in primary myelofibrosis. Leukemia 2015; 29 (05) 1209-1210
  • 42 Saliba W, Mishchenko E, Cohen S, Rennert G, Preis M. Association between myelofibrosis and thromboembolism: a population-based retrospective cohort study. J Thromb Haemost 2020; 18 (04) 916-925
  • 43 Tefferi A. Primary myelofibrosis: 2023 update on diagnosis, risk-stratification, and management. Am J Hematol 2023; 98 (05) 801-821
  • 44 Guadall A, Lesteven E, Letort G. et al. Endothelial cells harbouring the JAK2–V617F mutation display pro-adherent and pro-thrombotic features. Thromb Haemost 2018; 118 (09) 1586-1599
  • 45 Tefferi A, Pardanani A. Myeloproliferative neoplasms: a contemporary review. JAMA Oncol 2015; 1 (01) 97-105
  • 46 Rosti V, Villani L, Riboni R. et al; Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro Gruppo Italiano Malattie Mieloproliferative (AGIMM) investigators. Spleen endothelial cells from patients with myelofibrosis harbor the JAK2V617F mutation. Blood 2013; 121 (02) 360-368
  • 47 Kato Y, Hayashi T, Sehara Y. et al. Ischemic stroke with essential thrombocythemia: a case series. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2015; 24 (04) 890-893
  • 48 Das S, Deb A, Pal T. Antithrombotic management in ischemic stroke with essential thrombocythemia: current evidence and dilemmas. Med Princ Pract 2021; 30 (05) 412-421
  • 49 Pósfai É, Marton I, Szőke A. et al. Stroke in essential thrombocythemia. J Neurol Sci 2014; 336 (1-2): 260-262
  • 50 Mayer K, Bernlochner I, Braun S. et al. Aspirin treatment and outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention: results of the ISAR-ASPI registry. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014; 64 (09) 863-871
  • 51 Gremmel T, Gisslinger B, Gisslinger H, Panzer S. Response to aspirin therapy in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms depends on the platelet count. Transl Res 2018; 200: 35-42
  • 52 Gillet B, Ianotto JC, Mingant F. et al. Multiple electrode aggregometry is an adequate method for aspirin response testing in myeloproliferative neoplasms and differentiates the mechanisms of aspirin resistance. Thromb Res 2016; 142: 26-32
  • 53 Perrier-Cornet A, Ianotto JC, Mingant F, Perrot M, Lippert E, Galinat H. Decreased turnover aspirin resistance by bidaily aspirin intake and efficient cytoreduction in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Platelets 2018; 29 (07) 723-728
  • 54 Pascale S, Petrucci G, Dragani A. et al. Aspirin-insensitive thromboxane biosynthesis in essential thrombocythemia is explained by accelerated renewal of the drug target. Blood 2012; 119 (15) 3595-3603
  • 55 Wolach O, Sellar RS, Martinod K. et al. Increased neutrophil extracellular trap formation promotes thrombosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Sci Transl Med 2018; 10 (436) eaan8292
  • 56 Schmidt S, Daniliants D, Hiller E, Gunsilius E, Wolf D, Feistritzer C. Increased levels of NETosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms are not linked to thrombotic events. Blood Adv 2021; 5 (18) 3515-3527
  • 57 Guy A, Garcia G, Gourdou-Latyszenok V. et al. Platelets and neutrophils cooperate to induce increased neutrophil extracellular trap formation in JAK2V617F myeloproliferative neoplasms. J Thromb Haemost 2024; 22 (01) 172-187
  • 58 Kotyla PJ, Engelmann M, Giemza-Stokłosa J, Wnuk B, Islam MA. Thromboembolic adverse drug reactions in Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors: Does the inhibitor specificity play a role?. Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22 (05) 2449
  • 59 Rajasimhan S, Pamuk O, Katz JD. Safety of Janus kinase inhibitors in older patients: a focus on the thromboembolic risk. Drugs Aging 2020; 37 (08) 551-558
  • 60 Yates M, Mootoo A, Adas M. et al. Venous thromboembolism risk with JAK inhibitors: a meta-analysis. Arthritis Rheumatol 2021; 73 (05) 779-788
  • 61 Campanaro F, Zaffaroni A, Cacioppo E. et al. Venous and arterial thromboembolic risk of Janus kinase inhibitors: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2023; 62 (10) 3245-3255
  • 62 Samuelson BT, Vesely SK, Chai-Adisaksopha C, Scott BL, Crowther M, Garcia D. The impact of ruxolitinib on thrombosis in patients with polycythemia vera and myelofibrosis: a meta-analysis. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2016; 27 (06) 648-652
  • 63 Masciulli A, Ferrari A, Carobbio A, Ghirardi A, Barbui T. Ruxolitinib for the prevention of thrombosis in polycythemia vera: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Blood Adv 2020; 4 (02) 380-386
  • 64 Rungjirajittranon T, Owattanapanich W, Ungprasert P, Siritanaratkul N, Ruchutrakool T. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of thrombosis and bleeding at diagnosis of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. BMC Cancer 2019; 19 (01) 184
  • 65 Kucine N. Myeloproliferative neoplasms in children, adolescents, and young adults. Curr Hematol Malig Rep 2020; 15 (02) 141-148
  • 66 Campbell PJ, Bareford D, Erber WN. et al. Reticulin accumulation in essential thrombocythemia: prognostic significance and relationship to therapy. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27 (18) 2991-2999
  • 67 Moore SF, Hunter RW, Harper MT. et al. Dysfunction of the PI3 kinase/Rap1/integrin α(IIb)β(3) pathway underlies ex vivo platelet hypoactivity in essential thrombocythemia. Blood 2013; 121 (07) 1209-1219
  • 68 Rottenstreich A, Kleinstern G, Krichevsky S, Varon D, Lavie D, Kalish Y. Factors related to the development of acquired von Willebrand syndrome in patients with essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera. Eur J Intern Med 2017; 41: 49-54
  • 69 Jones E, Dillon B, Swan D, Thachil J. Practical management of the haemorrhagic complications of myeloproliferative neoplasms. Br J Haematol 2022; 199 (03) 313-321
  • 70 Hultcrantz M, Wilkes SR, Kristinsson SY. et al. Risk and cause of death in patients diagnosed with myeloproliferative neoplasms in Sweden between 1973 and 2005: a population-based study. J Clin Oncol 2015; 33 (20) 2288-2295

Address for correspondence

Dr. (VAK Moskau) Olga Morath
Abteilung Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Universitätsklinikum Jena
am Klinikum 1, 07747 Jena

Publication History

Received: 14 June 2024

Accepted: 06 September 2024

Article published online:
21 December 2024

© 2024. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

  • References

  • 1 Khoury J, Solary E, Abla O. et al. The 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours: Myeloid and Histiocytic/Dendritic Neoplasms. Leukemia 2022; 36 (07) 1703-1719
  • 2 Grießhammer M, Baerlocher GM, Döhner K. et al. Empfehlungen der Fachgesellschaft zur Diagnostik und Therapie hämatologischer und onkologischer Erkrankungen Leitlinie Primäre Myelofibrose (PMF). 2023 . Accessed September 15, 2024 at: www.onkopedia.com
  • 3 Arber DA, Orazi A, Hasserjian R. et al. The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia. Blood 2016; 127 (20) 2391-2405
  • 4 Guglielmelli P, Pacilli A, Rotunno G. et al; AGIMM Group. Presentation and outcome of patients with 2016 WHO diagnosis of prefibrotic and overt primary myelofibrosis. Blood 2017; 129 (24) 3227-3236
  • 5 Guglielmelli P, Carobbio A, Rumi E. et al. Validation of the IPSET score for thrombosis in patients with prefibrotic myelofibrosis. Blood Cancer J 2020; 10 (02) 21
  • 6 Kc D, Falchi L, Verstovsek S. The underappreciated risk of thrombosis and bleeding in patients with myelofibrosis: a review. Ann Hematol 2021; 100: 2075-2089
  • 7 Rumi E, Cazzola M. Diagnosis, risk stratification, and response evaluation in myelofibrosis. Blood 2017; 129 (05) 680-692
  • 8 Finazzi G, Carobbio A, Thiele J. et al. Incidence and risk factors for bleeding in 1104 patients with essential thrombocythemia or prefibrotic myelofibrosis diagnosed according to the 2008 WHO criteria. Leukemia 2012; 26 (04) 716-719
  • 9 Rupoli S, Goteri G, Picardi P. et al. Thrombosis in essential thrombocytemia and early/prefibrotic primary myelofibrosis: the role of the WHO histological diagnosis. Diagn Pathol 2015; 10: 29
  • 10 Kaifie A, Kirschner M, Wolf D. et al; Study Alliance Leukemia (SAL). Bleeding, thrombosis, and anticoagulation in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN): analysis from the German SAL-MPN-registry. J Hematol Oncol 2016; 9 (22) 18
  • 11 Gerds AT, Mesa R, Burke JM. et al. Association between elevated white blood cell counts and thrombotic events in polycythemia vera: analysis from REVEAL. Thromb Haemost 2017; 117 (02) 321-328
  • 12 Pescia C, Lopez G, Cattaneo D, Bucelli C, Gianelli U, Iurlo A. The molecular landscape of myeloproliferative neoplasms associated with splanchnic vein thrombosis: current perspective. Leuk Res 2024; 136: 107420
  • 13 Pasquer H, de Oliveira RD, Vasseur L. et al. Distinct clinico-molecular arterial and venous thrombosis scores for myeloproliferative neoplasms risk stratification. Leukemia 2024; 38 (02) 326-339
  • 14 Guy A, Helzy K, Mansier O. et al. Platelet function studies in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients with Calreticulin or JAK V617F mutation. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 2023; 7 (02) 100060
  • 15 Barbui T, Ghirardi A, Carobbio A. et al. Increased risk of thrombosis in JAK2 V617F-positive patients with primary myelofibrosis and interaction of the mutation with the IPSS score. Blood Cancer J 2022; 12 (11) 156
  • 16 Barbui T, Carobbio A, De Stefano V. Thrombosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms during cytoreductive and antithrombotic drug treatment. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 2022; 6 (01) e12657
  • 17 Buxhofer-Ausch V, Gisslinger B, Schalling M. et al. Impact of white blood cell counts at diagnosis and during follow-up in patients with essential thrombocythaemia and prefibrotic primary myelofibrosis. Br J Haematol 2017; 179 (01) 166-169
  • 18 Hasselbalch C, Elvers M, Schafer AI, Silver RT. The pathobiology of thrombosis, microvascular disease, and hemorrhage in the myeloproliferative neoplasms. 2021 . Accessed September 15, 2024 at: http://ashpublications.org/blood/article-pdf/137/16/2152/1805372/bloodbld2020008109c.pdf
  • 19 Debureaux PE, Cassinat B, Soret-Dulphy J. et al. Molecular profiling and risk classification of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms and splanchnic vein thromboses. Blood Adv 2020; 4 (15) 3708-3715
  • 20 Heidel FH, Crodel CC, Kreipe HH. Primäre Myelofibrose. Onkologie 2022 29. 315-322
  • 21 Horvat I, Boban A, Zadro R. et al. Influence of blood count, cardiovascular risks, inherited thrombophilia, and JAK2-V617F burden allele on type of thrombosis in patients with Philadelphia chromosome negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 2019; 19 (01) 53-63
  • 22 Kanduła Z, Janowski M, Więckowska B, Paczkowska E, Lewandowski K. JAK2–V617F variant allele frequency, non-driver mutations, single-nucleotide variants and polycythemia vera outcome. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2023; 149 (08) 4789-4803
  • 23 Limvorapitak W, Parker J, Hughesman C, McNeil K, Foltz L, Karsan A. No differences in outcomes between JAK2 V617F-positive patients with variant allele fraction < 2% versus 2-10%: a 6-year province-wide retrospective analysis. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 2020; 20 (09) e569-e578
  • 24 Matsuura S, Thompson CR, Belghasem ME. et al. Platelet dysfunction and thrombosis in JAK2–V617F-mutated primary myelofibrotic mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2020; 40 (10) e262-e272
  • 25 Song IC, Yeon SH, Lee MW. et al. Thrombotic and hemorrhagic events in 2016 World Health Organization-defined Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm. Korean J Intern Med (Korean Assoc Intern Med) 2021; 36 (05) 1190-1203
  • 26 Soudet S, Le Roy G, Cadet E. et al. JAK2 allele burden is correlated with a risk of venous but not arterial thrombosis. Thromb Res 2022; 211: 1-5
  • 27 Wille K, Deventer E, Sadjadian P. et al. Arterial and venous thromboembolic complications in 832 patients with BCR-ABL-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Hamostaseologie 2023;
  • 28 Awada H, Bhatta M, Yu H. et al. ASXL1 mutation is a novel risk factor for bleeding in Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Leukemia 2023; 38 (01) 210-214
  • 29 Hernández-Boluda JC, Pastor-Galán I, Arellano-Rodrigo E. et al; Spanish MPN Group (GEMFIN). Predictors of thrombosis and bleeding in 1613 myelofibrosis patients from the Spanish Registry of Myelofibrosis. Br J Haematol 2022; 199 (04) 529-538
  • 30 Kander EM, Raza S, Zhou Z. et al. Bleeding complications in BCR-ABL negative myeloproliferative neoplasms: prevalence, type, and risk factors in a single-center cohort. Int J Hematol 2015; 102 (05) 587-593
  • 31 Guglielmelli P, Loscocco GG, Mannarelli C. et al. JAK2V617F variant allele frequency >50% identifies patients with polycythemia vera at high risk for venous thrombosis. Blood Cancer J 2021; 11 (12) 199
  • 32 Baer C, Pohlkamp C, Haferlach C, Kern W, Haferlach T. Molecular patterns in cytopenia patients with or without evidence of myeloid neoplasm - a comparison of 756 cases. Leukemia 2018; 32 (10) 2295-2298
  • 33 Ye S, Dhillon S, Ke X, Collins AR, Day INM. An efficient procedure for genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms. Nucleic Acids Res 2001; 29 (17) e88
  • 34 Schmidt M, Rinke J, Schäfer V. et al. Molecular-defined clonal evolution in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia independent of the BCR-ABL status. Leukemia 2014; 28 (12) 2292-2299
  • 35 Bankar A, Smith E, Cheung V. et al. Clinical and molecular factors associated with thrombosis in myelofibrosis. EHA LiBrary 2021; 324816: EP1093
  • 36 Barbui T, Finazzi G, Carobbio A. et al. Development and validation of an International Prognostic Score of thrombosis in World Health Organization-essential thrombocythemia (IPSET-thrombosis). Blood 2012; 120 (26) 5128-5133 , quiz 5252
  • 37 Zhang Y, Zhou Y, Wang Y. et al. Thrombosis among 1537 patients with JAK2V617F -mutated myeloproliferative neoplasms: risk factors and development of a predictive model. Cancer Med 2020; 9 (06) 2096-2105
  • 38 Rumi E, Pietra D, Pascutto C. et al; Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro Gruppo Italiano Malattie Mieloproliferative Investigators. Clinical effect of driver mutations of JAK2, CALR, or MPL in primary myelofibrosis. Blood 2014; 124 (07) 1062-1069
  • 39 Cervantes F, Alvarez-Larrán A, Arellano-Rodrigo E, Granell M, Domingo A, Montserrat E. Frequency and risk factors for thrombosis in idiopathic myelofibrosis: analysis in a series of 155 patients from a single institution. Leukemia 2006; 20 (01) 55-60
  • 40 Elliott MA, Pardanani A, Lasho TL, Schwager SM, Tefferi A. Thrombosis in myelofibrosis: prior thrombosis is the only predictive factor and most venous events are provoked. Haematologica 2010; 95 (10) 1788-1791
  • 41 Finazzi MC, Carobbio A, Cervantes F. et al. CALR mutation, MPL mutation and triple negativity identify patients with the lowest vascular risk in primary myelofibrosis. Leukemia 2015; 29 (05) 1209-1210
  • 42 Saliba W, Mishchenko E, Cohen S, Rennert G, Preis M. Association between myelofibrosis and thromboembolism: a population-based retrospective cohort study. J Thromb Haemost 2020; 18 (04) 916-925
  • 43 Tefferi A. Primary myelofibrosis: 2023 update on diagnosis, risk-stratification, and management. Am J Hematol 2023; 98 (05) 801-821
  • 44 Guadall A, Lesteven E, Letort G. et al. Endothelial cells harbouring the JAK2–V617F mutation display pro-adherent and pro-thrombotic features. Thromb Haemost 2018; 118 (09) 1586-1599
  • 45 Tefferi A, Pardanani A. Myeloproliferative neoplasms: a contemporary review. JAMA Oncol 2015; 1 (01) 97-105
  • 46 Rosti V, Villani L, Riboni R. et al; Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro Gruppo Italiano Malattie Mieloproliferative (AGIMM) investigators. Spleen endothelial cells from patients with myelofibrosis harbor the JAK2V617F mutation. Blood 2013; 121 (02) 360-368
  • 47 Kato Y, Hayashi T, Sehara Y. et al. Ischemic stroke with essential thrombocythemia: a case series. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2015; 24 (04) 890-893
  • 48 Das S, Deb A, Pal T. Antithrombotic management in ischemic stroke with essential thrombocythemia: current evidence and dilemmas. Med Princ Pract 2021; 30 (05) 412-421
  • 49 Pósfai É, Marton I, Szőke A. et al. Stroke in essential thrombocythemia. J Neurol Sci 2014; 336 (1-2): 260-262
  • 50 Mayer K, Bernlochner I, Braun S. et al. Aspirin treatment and outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention: results of the ISAR-ASPI registry. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014; 64 (09) 863-871
  • 51 Gremmel T, Gisslinger B, Gisslinger H, Panzer S. Response to aspirin therapy in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms depends on the platelet count. Transl Res 2018; 200: 35-42
  • 52 Gillet B, Ianotto JC, Mingant F. et al. Multiple electrode aggregometry is an adequate method for aspirin response testing in myeloproliferative neoplasms and differentiates the mechanisms of aspirin resistance. Thromb Res 2016; 142: 26-32
  • 53 Perrier-Cornet A, Ianotto JC, Mingant F, Perrot M, Lippert E, Galinat H. Decreased turnover aspirin resistance by bidaily aspirin intake and efficient cytoreduction in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Platelets 2018; 29 (07) 723-728
  • 54 Pascale S, Petrucci G, Dragani A. et al. Aspirin-insensitive thromboxane biosynthesis in essential thrombocythemia is explained by accelerated renewal of the drug target. Blood 2012; 119 (15) 3595-3603
  • 55 Wolach O, Sellar RS, Martinod K. et al. Increased neutrophil extracellular trap formation promotes thrombosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Sci Transl Med 2018; 10 (436) eaan8292
  • 56 Schmidt S, Daniliants D, Hiller E, Gunsilius E, Wolf D, Feistritzer C. Increased levels of NETosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms are not linked to thrombotic events. Blood Adv 2021; 5 (18) 3515-3527
  • 57 Guy A, Garcia G, Gourdou-Latyszenok V. et al. Platelets and neutrophils cooperate to induce increased neutrophil extracellular trap formation in JAK2V617F myeloproliferative neoplasms. J Thromb Haemost 2024; 22 (01) 172-187
  • 58 Kotyla PJ, Engelmann M, Giemza-Stokłosa J, Wnuk B, Islam MA. Thromboembolic adverse drug reactions in Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors: Does the inhibitor specificity play a role?. Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22 (05) 2449
  • 59 Rajasimhan S, Pamuk O, Katz JD. Safety of Janus kinase inhibitors in older patients: a focus on the thromboembolic risk. Drugs Aging 2020; 37 (08) 551-558
  • 60 Yates M, Mootoo A, Adas M. et al. Venous thromboembolism risk with JAK inhibitors: a meta-analysis. Arthritis Rheumatol 2021; 73 (05) 779-788
  • 61 Campanaro F, Zaffaroni A, Cacioppo E. et al. Venous and arterial thromboembolic risk of Janus kinase inhibitors: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2023; 62 (10) 3245-3255
  • 62 Samuelson BT, Vesely SK, Chai-Adisaksopha C, Scott BL, Crowther M, Garcia D. The impact of ruxolitinib on thrombosis in patients with polycythemia vera and myelofibrosis: a meta-analysis. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2016; 27 (06) 648-652
  • 63 Masciulli A, Ferrari A, Carobbio A, Ghirardi A, Barbui T. Ruxolitinib for the prevention of thrombosis in polycythemia vera: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Blood Adv 2020; 4 (02) 380-386
  • 64 Rungjirajittranon T, Owattanapanich W, Ungprasert P, Siritanaratkul N, Ruchutrakool T. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of thrombosis and bleeding at diagnosis of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. BMC Cancer 2019; 19 (01) 184
  • 65 Kucine N. Myeloproliferative neoplasms in children, adolescents, and young adults. Curr Hematol Malig Rep 2020; 15 (02) 141-148
  • 66 Campbell PJ, Bareford D, Erber WN. et al. Reticulin accumulation in essential thrombocythemia: prognostic significance and relationship to therapy. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27 (18) 2991-2999
  • 67 Moore SF, Hunter RW, Harper MT. et al. Dysfunction of the PI3 kinase/Rap1/integrin α(IIb)β(3) pathway underlies ex vivo platelet hypoactivity in essential thrombocythemia. Blood 2013; 121 (07) 1209-1219
  • 68 Rottenstreich A, Kleinstern G, Krichevsky S, Varon D, Lavie D, Kalish Y. Factors related to the development of acquired von Willebrand syndrome in patients with essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera. Eur J Intern Med 2017; 41: 49-54
  • 69 Jones E, Dillon B, Swan D, Thachil J. Practical management of the haemorrhagic complications of myeloproliferative neoplasms. Br J Haematol 2022; 199 (03) 313-321
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Fig. 1 Survival of patients with thrombotic versus no thrombotic event.
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Fig. 2 Survival of patients with bleeding versus no bleeding event.