Int J Sports Med 2025; 46(02): 97-103
DOI: 10.1055/a-2421-9272
Training & Testing

Ventilatory thresholds in professional female soccer players

1   Sports and exercise science, University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus Campus, Pyla, Cyprus (Ringgold ID: RIN403301)
1   Sports and exercise science, University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus Campus, Pyla, Cyprus (Ringgold ID: RIN403301)
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This study investigated the ventilatory thresholds (VT1 and VT2) along with the corresponding heart rates, velocities and % of V̇O2 max at which these thresholds are reached in professional female soccer players. It also examined positional differences in the aforementioned parameters. Thirty-three professional players from two teams (age range 18–31 years) were recruited. The players underwent maximal exercise testing on the treadmill for the detection of VT1 (V̇E versus V̇O2 plot) and VT2 (V̇E versus V̇CO2 plot). The test began at a speed of 6km/h and was increased by 2 km/h every 3.15 minutes, with the inclination constant at 1%. Results indicated that the players had an average V̇O2 max of 50.24 ml·kg− 1.min− 1. VT1 (% max) and VT2 (% max) were shown at 72.87% and 91.26% of V̇O2 max, respectively. The respective velocities at VT1 and VT2 were indicated at 10.85 km/h and 12.91 km/h, respectively, while the average VV̇O2 max was 14.61 km/h. The average heart rates at VT1, VT2 and V̇O2 max were 159.33, 185.15 and 192.85 beats per minute, respectively. Furthermore, analysis of variance ANOVA indicated significant differences in velocity at V̇O2max. This study provides important normative data regarding the ventilatory thresholds of female soccer players.

Publication History

Received: 16 April 2024

Accepted after revision: 11 September 2024

Article published online:
22 October 2024

© 2024. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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