Ultraschall Med
DOI: 10.1055/a-2487-5111
Guidelines & Recommendations

Best Practice Guidelines – DEGUM Recommendations on Breast Ultrasound

Part III/2 – Special Clinical Indications Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | deutsch
Claudia M. Vogel-Minea
1   Brustzentrum, Diagnostische und Interventionelle Senologie, Rottal-Inn-Kliniken Eggenfelden, Germany
Werner Bader
2   Zentrum für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Universitätsklinikum OWL der Universität Bielefeld, Campus Bielefeld, Germany
Jens-Uwe Blohmer
3   Gynäkologie mit Brustzentrum, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Volker Duda
4   Gynäkologie, Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg – Standort Marburg, Germany
Christian Eichler
5   Klinik für Brusterkrankungen, St.-Franziskus-Hospital Münster GmbH, Münster, Germany
Eva Fallenberg
6   Brustzentrum, Diagnostische und Interventionelle Senologie, Technische Universität München, Germany
André Farrokh
7   Klinik für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany
8   Brustzentrum Heidelberg, Klinik St.-Elisabeth Heidelberg, Germany
9   Senologie, Universitätsfrauenklinik Heidelberg, Germany
Ines Gruber
10   Frauenklinik, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Bernhard-Joachim Hackelöer
11   Mammasonografie, Praxis für pränatale Gynäkologie und Mammasonografie, Hamburg, Germany
Jörg Heil
12   Sektion Senologie, Universitäts-Frauenklinik Heidelberg, Germany
13   Brustzentrum Heidelberg, Klinik St.-Elisabeth Heidelberg, Germany
Helmut Madjar
14   Gynäkologie und Senologie, Praxis für Gynäkologie, Wiesbaden, Germany
Ellen Marzotko
15   Mammadiagnostik, Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Praxis, Erfurt, Germany
Eberhard Merz
16   Brustultraschall, Zentrum für Ultraschall und Pränatalmedizin, Frankfurt, Germany
Alexander Mundinger
17   Brustzentrum Osnabrück – Bildgebende und interventionelle Mamma-Diagnostik, Franziskus-Hospital Harderberg, Niels-Stensen-Kliniken, Georgsmarienhütte, Germany
Markus Müller-Schimpfle
18   DKG-Brustzentrum, Klinik für Radiologie, Neuroradiologie und Nuklearmedizin Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Ralf Ohlinger
19   Interdisziplinäres Brustzentrum, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Greifswald, Germany
Uwe Peisker
20   BrustCentrum Aachen-Kreis Heinsberg, Hermann-Josef-Krankenhaus Erkelenz, Germany
Ruediger Schulz-Wendtland
21   Gynäkologische Radiologie, Diagnostische Radiologie der Universität Erlangen, Germany
Fritz K.W. Schäfer
22   Mammazentrum, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany
Christine Solbach
23   Senologie, Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Germany
Mathias Warm
24   Brustzentrum, Krankenhaus Holweide, Kliniken der Stadt Köln, Köln, Germany
Dirk Watermann
25   Frauenklinik, Evangelisches Diakoniekrankenhaus, Freiburg, Germany
26   Zentrum für Frauenheilkunde, Brustzentrum, Universitätsklinikum OWL, Bielefeld, Germany
Markus Hahn
27   Frauenklinik, Universität Tübingen, Germany
› Institutsangaben


Breast ultrasound has been established for many years as an important method in addition to mammography for clarifying breast findings. The goal of the Best Practice Guidelines Part III of the DEGUM breast ultrasound working group is to provide colleagues working in senology with information regarding the specific medical indications for breast ultrasound in addition to the current ultrasound criteria and assessment categories published in part I and the additional and optional sonographic diagnostic methods described in part II. The value of breast ultrasound for specific indications including follow-up, evaluation of breast implants, diagnostic workup of dense breast tissue, diagnostic workup during pregnancy and lactation, and the diagnostic workup of breast findings in men is discussed. Each section after the general information section contains a description of specific pathologies, followed by a short summary and DEGUM recommendations for the particular indications. The latest S3 guidelines and AGO guidelines were taken into consideration.


4 Breast ultrasound during pregnancy and lactation

4.1 General information

Endocrine factors result in complex changes in breast tissue over an entire lifetime [1]. During pregnancy, physiological adaptations in preparation for subsequent lactation begin as early as the first trimester due to the increase in HCG (human choriongonadotropin). The proliferation of terminal ductulo-lobular units (TDLUs) represents a central mechanism. The glandular tissue subsequently increases compared to the lipomatous and mesenchymal portions of the breast ([Fig. 1]) [2]. An increase in secretion can be detected beginning in the third trimester at the latest so that the lobules and milk ducts fill with colostrum ([Fig. 2]) [3]. These changes affect the appearance of normal tissue and pathological changes on diagnostic imaging [4].

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Fig. 1 Physiological changes in breast tissue over the course of a pregnancy: Increase in the size and density of the parenchyma, numerous hypoechoic lobulated areas merging into one another correspond to hyperplastic lobules and ducts.
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Fig. 2 Physiological changes in the central mammary gland during a pregnancy – 31st gestational week, the central milk ducts and lactiferous sinuses are dilated and increasingly filled with colostrum.

As a result of the increase in the parenchyma during pregnancy and lactation, increased breast density is seen on B-mode ultrasound analogous to DEGUM parenchyma categories c and d. At the same time, ductal and lobular hyperplasia occurs. This development begins focally in the first trimester so that hyperplastic areas alternate with unchanged parenchyma on the ultrasound image. During the lactation phase, the lactating parenchyma is at its maximum size and has a slightly hyperechoic, homogeneous aspect since the numerous lobules are directly adjacent to one another ([Fig. 3], [4], [5]). The central milk ducts are visibly dilated on ultrasound and filled with fluid ([Fig. 6]). A general increase in vascularization can be visualized on Doppler ultrasound ([Fig. 7]).

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Fig. 3 Physiological appearance of breast tissue in the lactation period.
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Fig. 4 Physiological appearance of breast tissue in the lactation period.
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Fig. 5 Physiological appearance of breast tissue in the lactation period.
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Fig. 6 Physiological dilation of the central milk ducts in the lactation period.
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Fig. 7 Physiological hypervascularization of breast tissue in the lactation period.


4.2 Specific pathologies

Lactating adenomas, fibroadenomas, cysts, lobular hyperplasia, galactoceles, abscesses, fibrolipomas, lipomas, and hamartomas are the most common benign focal findings that occur over the course of a pregnancy and lactation ([Fig. 8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]).

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Fig. 8 Lactating adenoma in the lactation period.
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Fig. 9 Fibroadenoma during pregnancy.
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Fig. 10 Cyst during pregnancy.
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Fig. 11 Granulomatous mastitis on the right side during pregnancy. Physiological changes on the left side.
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Fig. 12 Galactocele in the lactation period. Hypervascularization in the periphery of the lesion and in the surrounding tissue. Mirroring due to thickening and sedimentation of the breast milk.
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Fig. 13 Same patient as in [Fig. 12]. Regression over the course of 3 months.

Breast cancers that arise over the course of a pregnancy, over the course of the year following delivery, or during the lactation period are defined as pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC). Approximately 0.1 % of all pregnancies are associated with a cancer during this time period [5] [6]. PABC is a serious disease and has an incidence of 10 to 35 cases per 100 000 pregnancies [7] [8].

The prognosis of pregnancy-associated breast cancer depends largely on early diagnosis. Delayed detection and a subsequent delay in the start of treatment can affect the outcome for the affected patient [9].

Pregnancy-associated changes in breast tissue result in an increase in breast density and subsequently in reduced mammography sensitivity of 62–80 % [8]. As a result, evaluation of the breast tissue is also limited on breast ultrasound but a sensitivity of approx. 93 % has been described in studies [10]. Therefore, breast ultrasound has primary importance for the diagnosis of breast diseases in this phase of life.

Breast cancer usually presents with the known typical sonographic malignancy criteria during pregnancy and lactation. However, it must be taken into consideration that the sonomorphology of PABC can imitate benign findings due to the younger age of these patients, the tumor biology, and the changes in the surrounding tissue [4] [10] [11]. Thus, dorsal acoustic enhancement instead of attenuation or acoustic shadowing can be seen more frequently in PABC compared to non-PABC (63.2 % versus 12.0–15.4 %) ([Fig. 14]) [12].

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Fig. 14 Pregnancy-associated breast carcinoma in dense breast parenchyma (31st gestational weeks).


4.3 Invasive diagnostic workup of the breast during pregnancy and lactation

Accelerated core needle biopsy (ACNB) can be performed during pregnancy and lactation [8]. Weaning prior to the procedure is not necessary. In lactating women, the breast should be emptied before the intervention (breastfeeding/breast pump) and the patient should be informed of the increased risk of milk fistulas, bleeding, and hematomas. In the second and third trimesters and in the lactation phase, the use of established local anesthesias like bupivacaine and ropivacaine is allowed [13]. During lactation, it must be taken into consideration that injection of a local anesthesia into the parenchyma and the milk ducts is to be avoided and infiltration is to be limited to the greatest extent possible to the skin in accordance with the label of the Rote Liste Service GmbH [14]. In this way, direct absorption of the local anesthesia into the mother's milk can be largely avoided. Ultrasound gel and disinfectant residue on the skin must be completely removed after the intervention and prior to the next feeding.


4.4 Conclusion and DEGUM recommendations

  • The diagnostic accuracy of breast ultrasound is limited during pregnancy and lactation but is superior to that of mammography.

  • It is safe to use breast ultrasound during pregnancy and lactation.

  • During pregnancy and lactation, breast ultrasound should be used as the primary diagnostic method in the case of mammary gland changes.

  • The sonomorphology of PABC can deviate from the usual malignancy criteria.

  • Suspicious and unclear changes on ultrasound must be clarified according to the typical procedure used outside the pregnancy and lactation period.

  • An automated cutting needle biopsy (ACNB) should be performed in the case of a corresponding indication during pregnancy and lactation in compliance with the precautionary measures mentioned above.


5 Breast ultrasound in men

5.1 General information

The most common reasons for a man to present for a diagnostic workup of the breast are unilateral or bilateral enlargement of the breast, a palpation finding, mastodynia, or cutaneous abnormalities [15]. Most changes are benign. Unilateral or bilateral gynecomastia is the most common change. Breast cancer in men is rare and comprises less than 1 % of all breast cancer cases [16]. Since the diagnosis is often first made at an advanced stage, suspicious axillary lymph nodes (approx. 50 %) are often the first indication. Therefore, the prognosis can be worse than in a woman.

Breast tissue in men is comprised almost exclusively of fat tissue with a few atrophic milk ducts and stromal tissue. Men do not have any Cooperʼs ligaments. Most of the breast tissue is retroareolar and can be more or less pronounced. The location and size of the male breast is greatly affected by the major and minor pectoral muscles ([Fig. 15]).

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Fig. 15 Unremarkable ultrasound scan of a male patient. Hypoechoic appearance of the areola at the level of the normal skin. Subcutaneous fat and connective tissue, almost no glandular tissue.

The diagnostic workup of the male breast includes inspection, palpation, breast ultrasound, and mammography when necessary. Contrast-enhanced methods can be used for certain medical questions.

In the case of men under the age of 40 with a palpation finding in the breast, breast ultrasound should be performed as the primary diagnostic method [17].

The practical implementation of breast ultrasound in men is the same as in women and includes the examination of both breasts and the axillae [22] [23].

Mammography is almost always technically feasible in men.

In the case of findings that are suspicious on ultrasound and/or mammography, an interventional diagnostic workup for histological confirmation is indicated.


5.2 Specific pathologies

5.2.1 Benign sonographic findings in men

Gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia

In contrast to pseudogynecomastia (lipomastia) with only a collection of fat tissue in the breast region, gynecomastia involves hypertrophy of the breast tissue.

Gynecomastia is the result of a disruption of the estrogen-androgen balance and can be clinically symptomatic or asymptomatic [17]. In certain life phases, gynecomastia can be physiological (e. g. in newborns, during puberty, and in old age). The pathological types have different causes that result in an imbalance in hormone levels [17]. Mechanical causes are also discussed [18].

The most common clinical symptoms of gynecomastia are breast pain, breast enlargement, and/or a palpation finding. Symptoms can be unilateral or bilateral.

A differentiation between nodular, dendritic, and diffuse forms of gynecomastia is made.

Nodular gynecomastia indicates the early florid phase of ductal and stromal proliferation (less than 1 year). Disk-shaped or fan-shaped hypoechoic tissue is seen in the subareolar region on ultrasound ([Fig. 16]).

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Fig. 16a Nodular gynecomastia on the left side. Bilateral mammography, MLO. b Left retromamillary, hypoechoic, inhomogeneous structures.

The term dendritic gynecomastia is used to refer to a fibrotic latent phase and is seen in patients with a symptomatic increase in breast tissue for more than 1 year. The subareolar areas of increased density stretch in the shape of fingers or flames into the tissue ([Fig. 17]).

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Fig. 17a Dendritic gynecomastia on the left side. Bilateral mammography, MLO. b Retroareolar hypoechoic structure with unclear borders and focal dendritic strands extending into the surrounding tissue. c Increased vascularization in the surrounding tissue. d Region with unclear borders appears hard on elastography.

Diffuse gynecomastia is similar to heterogeneously dense female breast tissue ([Fig. 18], [19]).

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Fig. 18a Diffuse, medication-induced gynecomastia that is more pronounced on the left. Bilateral mammography, MLO. Significantly enlarged breasts on both sides. b Breast ultrasound on the left side shows increased glandular tissue.
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Fig. 19 Pronounced proliferative gynecomastia under hormone substitution in the case of transidentity.

Pseudogynecomastia or lipomastia is more common in overweight men. It is characterized by the collection of fat tissue in the breast region with an increase in the volume of the breast. Fat tissue and connective tissue septa are seen on ultrasound ([Fig. 20]).

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Fig. 20a Pseudogynecomastia. Enlarged lipomatous right breast on mammography. b Enlarged fat tissue layer between the cutis and pectoral muscle on ultrasound.



Brest abscesses are rare in men [19]. The etiology is usually unclear. Predisposing factors include trauma (e. g., nipple piercing), obesity, smoking, diabetes, and infectious diseases that lower the immune response (including HIV, tuberculosis, brucellosis). Clinically, an abscess appears with swelling that is tender when palpated and is often accompanied by erythema. Abscesses usually occur in a retromamillary or perimamillary location. An antibiogram should be created for targeted therapy.

On ultrasound, an abscess appears as an irregular usually complex cystic-solid lesion with unclear borders (anechoic/hypoechoic focal findings with hyperechoic regions). The findings usually have good perfusion. The overlying cutis is typically thickened and the ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes have reactive changes with an enlarged cortical structure ([Fig. 21]).

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Fig. 21 Periareolar abscess of the right breast with significant peritumoral vascularization. The cutis is thickened.


Epidermoid cyst

Epidermoid cysts are benign changes located in the dermis or adjacent thereto corresponding to a cystic mass lined with squamous epithelium and filled with keratin lamellae.

In the ultrasound examination, these cysts appear as round/oval, circumscribed lesions with homogeneous or heterogeneous echogenicity. These cysts can also have dorsal acoustic enhancement and internal echogenic foci. A sometimes visible stalk between the dermal origin and the dorsally displaced epidermoid cyst is indicative of this entity ([Fig. 22]). A punch biopsy with rupture of the cyst can result in local inflammation with an abscess. Symptomatic epidermoid cysts should be completely removed surgically.

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Fig. 22 Epidermoid cyst. Hypoechoic focal finding adjacent to the cutis and with distinct borders and dorsal acoustic enhancement on ultrasound.



A lipoma is a circumscribed mass comprised of mature fat tissue that is usually located in subcutaneous fat tissue and is typically asymptomatic. When palpated, it feels like a soft, mobile, fluctuating finding under the skin. The etiology is unclear. Obesity is not a risk factor.

On ultrasound, lipomas appear as hyperechoic or isoechoic circumscribed oval focal findings parallel to the skin and bordered by a thin capsule of connective tissue ([Fig. 23]).

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Fig. 23a Fibrolipomas. Two oval subcutaneous focal findings that are isoechoic and hyperechoic and have distinct borders on ultrasound. b No evidence of flow on Doppler ultrasound. c Soft to medium hard presentation on elastography.



Myofibroblastoma of the breast is a rare benign mesenchymal tumor. On imaging, myofibroblastomas tend to have benign characteristics, have smooth borders, be hypoechoic, and have an appearance similar to fibroadenomas ([Fig. 24]).

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Fig. 24a Myofibroblastoma. Hypoechoic focal finding without increased perfusion on ultrasound. b Hard representation on elastography.


5.2.2 Malignant sonographic findings in men

Primary malignancy

Breast cancer

Breast cancer in men comprises less than 1 % of all cases of breast cancer.

80 % of carcinomas are ductal invasive carcinomas (NST). The second most common histology (approx. 5 %) is the papillary carcinoma, which presents as complex cystic-solid focal findings [20].

In the case of breast cancer in men, genetic testing is recommended since mutation of the BRCA 1/2 genes was able to be detected in 11 % of cases without a positive family history [21]. A positive breast cancer history of a first degree relative, hyperestrogenism, Klinefelter syndrome, advanced age, and irradiation of the chest wall in the past are considered further risk factors.

Typical clinical changes include a painless palpation finding, nipple inversion, possible secretion, skin thickening, and abnormal axillary lymph nodes.

The sonographic appearance and evaluation criteria are identical to those of breast cancer in women. The diagnostic workup and treatment largely correspond to that of breast cancer in women with a few exceptions ([Fig. 25], [26]).

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Fig. 25a Breast cancer on the left side, NST G2. Irregular, hyperdense focal finding on the left side on mammography, retromamillary, nipple retraction. b Complex cystic-solid lesion on ultrasound. c Increased vascularization in the lesion, on the periphery and peritumoral.
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Fig. 26a Intracystic papillary carcinoma on the left side, G2. Focal finding on the left side with unclear borders on mammography. b Complex cystic-solid lesion on ultrasound.


Secondary malignancies


Apart from primary breast cancers, only 0.5–3 % of metastases are in the breast regardless of sex, with 5 % of cases occurring in men. The most common primary malignancies that cause metastases in the breast are melanoma followed by non-Hodgkin lymphoma, pulmonary cancer, sarcoma, and gastric, renal, and prostate cancers.

Since lymph node metastases on levels I–III can occur after various primary tumors, no direct conclusion about the primary tumor can be made. Therefore, histological confirmation is necessary ([Fig. 27]).

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Fig. 27 Lymph node on level I on the right side in a patient after melanoma.


5.3 Conclusion and DEGUM recommendations

  • The examination techniques and the DEGUM malignancy criteria, parenchyma categories, and finding categories are to be applied uniformly for ultrasound in both men and women. These are described in the DEGUM Best Practice Guidelines for Breast Ultrasound Part I.

  • Gynecomastia is the most common change in the male breast. A differentiation is made between nodular, dendritic, and diffuse types.

  • Pseudogynecomastia (lipomastia) typically occurs in overweight patients and should be differentiated from true gynecomastia.

  • The same methods and treatment regimens used for women are available for the diagnostic workup and treatment of breast cancer in men. A delayed diagnosis and the consequently worse prognosis should be avoided.

  • Genetic counselling should be offered to all men with breast cancer even in the case of a negative family history [S3 guidelines].


This article was changed according to the Correction on March 26, 2025.


In the above-mentioned article the name of a coauthor was indicated incorrectly. Correct: Sebastian Wojcinski. This was corrected in the online version on March 26, 2025.

  • References

  • 1 Wojcinski S, Cassel M, Farrokh A. et al. Variations in the Elasticity of Breast Tissue During the Menstrual Cycle Determined by Real-time Sonography. J. Ultrasound Med 2012; 31 (01) 63-72
  • 2 Russo I, Medado J, Russo J. Endocrine influences on the mammary gland. In: Jones TC, Mohr U, Hunt RD. (eds) Integumenz and Mammary Glands. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 1989: 252-266
  • 3 Stavros AT. Breast Anatomy: The Basis for Understanding Sonography. In Breast Ultrasound. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004: 56-108
  • 4 Ahn BY, Kim HH, Moon WK. et al. Pregnancy- and lactation-associated breast cancer: Mammographic and sonographic findings. J. Ultrasound Med 2003; 22 (05) 491-497
  • 5 Petrek JA. Breast Cancer during Pregnancy. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1994; 74 (Suppl. 01) 518-527
  • 6 Smith LH, Danielsen B, Allen ME. et al. Cancer associated with obstetric delivery: results of linkage with the California cancer registry. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189 (04) 1128-1135
  • 7 Van Calsteren K, Amant F. Cancer during pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2014; 93 (05) 443-446
  • 8 Woo JC, Yu T, Hurd TC. Breast cancer in pregnancy:a literature review. Arch Surg 2003; 138 (01) 91-98
  • 9 Nettleton J, Long J, Kuban D. et al. Breast cancer during pregnancy: quantifying the risk of treatment delay. Obstet Gynecol 1996; 87 (03) 414-418
  • 10 Samuels TH, Liu FF, Yaffe M. et al. Gestational breast cancer. Can Assoc Radiol J 1998; 49 (03) 172-180
  • 11 Wojcinski S, Stefanidou N, Hillemanns P. et al. The biology of malignant breast tumors has an impact on the presentation in ultrasound: an analysis of 315 cases. BMC Womens Health 2013; 13: 47
  • 12 Wojcinski S, Soliman AA, Schmidt J. et al. Sonographic features of triple-negative and non-triple-negative breast cancer. J. Ultrasound Med 2012; 31 (10) 1531-1541
  • 13 Pharmakovigilanz- und Beratungszentrum für Embryonaltoxikologie. Embryotox – Arzneimittelsicherheit in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit. 2023 https://www.embryotox.de/
  • 14 Rote Liste Service GmbH. Fachinfo-Service. 2003 https://www.fachinfo.de/
  • 15 Lattin GE Jr, Jesinger RA, Mattu R. et al. From the radiologic pathology archives: diseases of the male breast: radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 2013; 33 (02) 461-489
  • 16 https://www.krebsdaten.de/Krebs/DE/Content/Publikationen/Krebs_in_Deutschland/kid_2023/kid_2023_c50_brust.pdf?__blob=publicationFile
  • 17 Niell BL, Lourenco AP, Moy L. Expert Panel on Breast Imaging. et al. ACR Appropriateness Criteria Evaluation of the Symptomatic Male Breast. J Am Coll Radiol 2018; 15 (Suppl. 11) S313-S320
  • 18 Kuhne HP, Egler S, Lenz S. et al. Gynecomastia in German Soldiers: etiology and pathology. GMS Interdiscip Plast Reconstr Surg DGPW 2012; 1: Doc03
  • 19 Gochhait D, Dehuri P, Umamahesweran S. et al. Breast Abscess Mimicking Breast Carcinoma in Male. J Midlife Health 2018; 9 (01) 39-40
  • 20 Giordano SH. A review of the diagnosis and management of male breast cancer. Oncologist 2005; 10 (07) 471-479
  • 21 Rolfes M, Borde J, Möllenhoff K. et al. Prevalence of Cancer Predisposition Germline Variants in Male Breast Cancer Patients: Results of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Cancers (Basel) 2022; 14 (13) 3292
  • 22 Berg WA, Bandos AI, Mendelson EB. et al. Ultrasound as the Primary Screening Test for Breast Cancer: Analysis From ACRIN 6666. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; 108 (04) djv367
  • 23 Ohuchi N, Suzuki A, Sobue T. et al. Sensitivity and specificity of mammography and adjunctive ultrasonography to screen for breast cancer in the Japan Strategic Anti-cancer Randomized Trial (J-START): a randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2016; 387: 341-348


Dr. Claudia Maria Vogel-Minea
Brustzentrum, Rottal-Inn-Kliniken Eggenfelden
Simonsöder Allee 20
84307 Eggenfelden
Telefon: ++ 49/87 21/98 39 72 20   
Fax: ++ 49/87 21/9 83 72 09   


Eingereicht: 13. März 2024

Angenommen nach Revision: 05. Oktober 2024

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
14. Januar 2025

© 2025. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

  • References

  • 1 Wojcinski S, Cassel M, Farrokh A. et al. Variations in the Elasticity of Breast Tissue During the Menstrual Cycle Determined by Real-time Sonography. J. Ultrasound Med 2012; 31 (01) 63-72
  • 2 Russo I, Medado J, Russo J. Endocrine influences on the mammary gland. In: Jones TC, Mohr U, Hunt RD. (eds) Integumenz and Mammary Glands. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 1989: 252-266
  • 3 Stavros AT. Breast Anatomy: The Basis for Understanding Sonography. In Breast Ultrasound. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004: 56-108
  • 4 Ahn BY, Kim HH, Moon WK. et al. Pregnancy- and lactation-associated breast cancer: Mammographic and sonographic findings. J. Ultrasound Med 2003; 22 (05) 491-497
  • 5 Petrek JA. Breast Cancer during Pregnancy. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1994; 74 (Suppl. 01) 518-527
  • 6 Smith LH, Danielsen B, Allen ME. et al. Cancer associated with obstetric delivery: results of linkage with the California cancer registry. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189 (04) 1128-1135
  • 7 Van Calsteren K, Amant F. Cancer during pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2014; 93 (05) 443-446
  • 8 Woo JC, Yu T, Hurd TC. Breast cancer in pregnancy:a literature review. Arch Surg 2003; 138 (01) 91-98
  • 9 Nettleton J, Long J, Kuban D. et al. Breast cancer during pregnancy: quantifying the risk of treatment delay. Obstet Gynecol 1996; 87 (03) 414-418
  • 10 Samuels TH, Liu FF, Yaffe M. et al. Gestational breast cancer. Can Assoc Radiol J 1998; 49 (03) 172-180
  • 11 Wojcinski S, Stefanidou N, Hillemanns P. et al. The biology of malignant breast tumors has an impact on the presentation in ultrasound: an analysis of 315 cases. BMC Womens Health 2013; 13: 47
  • 12 Wojcinski S, Soliman AA, Schmidt J. et al. Sonographic features of triple-negative and non-triple-negative breast cancer. J. Ultrasound Med 2012; 31 (10) 1531-1541
  • 13 Pharmakovigilanz- und Beratungszentrum für Embryonaltoxikologie. Embryotox – Arzneimittelsicherheit in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit. 2023 https://www.embryotox.de/
  • 14 Rote Liste Service GmbH. Fachinfo-Service. 2003 https://www.fachinfo.de/
  • 15 Lattin GE Jr, Jesinger RA, Mattu R. et al. From the radiologic pathology archives: diseases of the male breast: radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 2013; 33 (02) 461-489
  • 16 https://www.krebsdaten.de/Krebs/DE/Content/Publikationen/Krebs_in_Deutschland/kid_2023/kid_2023_c50_brust.pdf?__blob=publicationFile
  • 17 Niell BL, Lourenco AP, Moy L. Expert Panel on Breast Imaging. et al. ACR Appropriateness Criteria Evaluation of the Symptomatic Male Breast. J Am Coll Radiol 2018; 15 (Suppl. 11) S313-S320
  • 18 Kuhne HP, Egler S, Lenz S. et al. Gynecomastia in German Soldiers: etiology and pathology. GMS Interdiscip Plast Reconstr Surg DGPW 2012; 1: Doc03
  • 19 Gochhait D, Dehuri P, Umamahesweran S. et al. Breast Abscess Mimicking Breast Carcinoma in Male. J Midlife Health 2018; 9 (01) 39-40
  • 20 Giordano SH. A review of the diagnosis and management of male breast cancer. Oncologist 2005; 10 (07) 471-479
  • 21 Rolfes M, Borde J, Möllenhoff K. et al. Prevalence of Cancer Predisposition Germline Variants in Male Breast Cancer Patients: Results of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Cancers (Basel) 2022; 14 (13) 3292
  • 22 Berg WA, Bandos AI, Mendelson EB. et al. Ultrasound as the Primary Screening Test for Breast Cancer: Analysis From ACRIN 6666. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; 108 (04) djv367
  • 23 Ohuchi N, Suzuki A, Sobue T. et al. Sensitivity and specificity of mammography and adjunctive ultrasonography to screen for breast cancer in the Japan Strategic Anti-cancer Randomized Trial (J-START): a randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2016; 387: 341-348

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Fig. 1 Physiological changes in breast tissue over the course of a pregnancy: Increase in the size and density of the parenchyma, numerous hypoechoic lobulated areas merging into one another correspond to hyperplastic lobules and ducts.
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Fig. 2 Physiological changes in the central mammary gland during a pregnancy – 31st gestational week, the central milk ducts and lactiferous sinuses are dilated and increasingly filled with colostrum.
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Fig. 3 Physiological appearance of breast tissue in the lactation period.
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Fig. 4 Physiological appearance of breast tissue in the lactation period.
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Fig. 5 Physiological appearance of breast tissue in the lactation period.
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Fig. 6 Physiological dilation of the central milk ducts in the lactation period.
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Fig. 7 Physiological hypervascularization of breast tissue in the lactation period.
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Fig. 8 Lactating adenoma in the lactation period.
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Fig. 9 Fibroadenoma during pregnancy.
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Fig. 10 Cyst during pregnancy.
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Fig. 11 Granulomatous mastitis on the right side during pregnancy. Physiological changes on the left side.
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Fig. 12 Galactocele in the lactation period. Hypervascularization in the periphery of the lesion and in the surrounding tissue. Mirroring due to thickening and sedimentation of the breast milk.
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Fig. 13 Same patient as in [Fig. 12]. Regression over the course of 3 months.
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Fig. 14 Pregnancy-associated breast carcinoma in dense breast parenchyma (31st gestational weeks).
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Fig. 15 Unremarkable ultrasound scan of a male patient. Hypoechoic appearance of the areola at the level of the normal skin. Subcutaneous fat and connective tissue, almost no glandular tissue.
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Fig. 16a Nodular gynecomastia on the left side. Bilateral mammography, MLO. b Left retromamillary, hypoechoic, inhomogeneous structures.
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Fig. 17a Dendritic gynecomastia on the left side. Bilateral mammography, MLO. b Retroareolar hypoechoic structure with unclear borders and focal dendritic strands extending into the surrounding tissue. c Increased vascularization in the surrounding tissue. d Region with unclear borders appears hard on elastography.
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Fig. 18a Diffuse, medication-induced gynecomastia that is more pronounced on the left. Bilateral mammography, MLO. Significantly enlarged breasts on both sides. b Breast ultrasound on the left side shows increased glandular tissue.
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Fig. 19 Pronounced proliferative gynecomastia under hormone substitution in the case of transidentity.
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Fig. 20a Pseudogynecomastia. Enlarged lipomatous right breast on mammography. b Enlarged fat tissue layer between the cutis and pectoral muscle on ultrasound.
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Fig. 21 Periareolar abscess of the right breast with significant peritumoral vascularization. The cutis is thickened.
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Fig. 22 Epidermoid cyst. Hypoechoic focal finding adjacent to the cutis and with distinct borders and dorsal acoustic enhancement on ultrasound.
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Fig. 23a Fibrolipomas. Two oval subcutaneous focal findings that are isoechoic and hyperechoic and have distinct borders on ultrasound. b No evidence of flow on Doppler ultrasound. c Soft to medium hard presentation on elastography.
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Fig. 24a Myofibroblastoma. Hypoechoic focal finding without increased perfusion on ultrasound. b Hard representation on elastography.
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Fig. 25a Breast cancer on the left side, NST G2. Irregular, hyperdense focal finding on the left side on mammography, retromamillary, nipple retraction. b Complex cystic-solid lesion on ultrasound. c Increased vascularization in the lesion, on the periphery and peritumoral.
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Fig. 26a Intracystic papillary carcinoma on the left side, G2. Focal finding on the left side with unclear borders on mammography. b Complex cystic-solid lesion on ultrasound.
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Fig. 27 Lymph node on level I on the right side in a patient after melanoma.
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Abb. 1 Physiologische Veränderungen des Brustgewebes im Verlauf einer Schwangerschaft: Das Parenchym ist vermehrt und dicht, zahlreiche ineinander übergehende hypoechogene lobulierte Anteile entsprechen den hyperplastischen Lobuli und Ductuli.
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Abb. 2 Physiologische Veränderungen des zentralen Drüsenkörpers während einer Schwangerschaft – 31. SSW, die zentralen Milchgänge und Sinus lactiferi sind erweitert und zunehmend mit Sekret (Kolostrum) gefüllt.
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Abb. 3 Physiologische Darstellung des Brustgewebes in der Stillzeit.
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Abb. 4 Physiologische Darstellung des Brustgewebes in der Stillzeit.
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Abb. 5 Physiologische Darstellung des Brustgewebes in der Stillzeit.
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Abb. 6 Physiologische Erweiterung der zentralen Milchgänge in der Stillzeit.
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Abb. 7 Physiologische Hypervaskularisation des Brustgewebes in der Stillzeit.
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Abb. 8 Laktierendes Adenom in der Stillzeit.
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Abb. 9 Fibroadenom in der Schwangerschaft.
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Abb. 10 Zyste in der Schwangerschaft.
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Abb. 11 Granulomatöse Mastitis rechts in der Schwangerschaft. Links physiologische Veränderungen.
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Abb. 12 Galaktozele in der Stillzeit. Hypervaskularisation im Randbereich der Läsion und in der Umgebung. Spiegelbildung durch Eindickung und Sedimentation der Muttermilch.
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Abb. 13 Die gleiche Patientin wie in [Abb. 12]. Regredienter Befund im Verlauf nach 3 Monaten.
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Abb. 14 Schwangerschaftsassoziiertes Mammakarzinom in dichtem Drüsenparenchym (31. SSW).
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Abb. 15 Unauffällige Sonografie beim Mann. Hypoechogene Darstellung der Areola im Niveau der unauffälligen Haut. Subkutan Fett- und Bindegewebe, kaum Drüsengewebe.
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Abb. 16a Noduläre Gynäkomastie links. Mammografie bds., MLO. b Links retromamillär hypoechogene, inhomogene Strukturen.
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Abb. 17a Dendritische Gynäkomastie links. Mammografie bds., MLO. b Sonografisch retroareolär hypoechogene, unscharf begrenzte Struktur mit fokalen dendritischen Ausläufern in das umliegende Gewebe. c Vermehrte Vaskularisation im umliegenden Gewebe. d Harte Darstellung des unscharf begrenzten Bereiches in der Elastografie.
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Abb. 18a Diffuse, medikamentös induzierte, links betonte Gynäkomastie. Mammografie bds., MLO. Deutlich vergrößerte Mammae bds. b Die Mammasonografie links zeigt vermehrtes Drüsengewebe.
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Abb. 19 Ausgeprägte proliferative Gynäkomastie unter hormoneller Substitution bei Transidentität.
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Abb. 20a Pseudogynäkomastie. Mammografisch vergrößerte, lipomatöse Brust rechts. b Sonografisch verbreiterte Fettgewebsschicht zwischen Kutis und M. pectoralis.
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Abb. 21 Periareolärer Abszess der rechten Brust mit deutlicher peritumoraler Vaskularisation. Die Kutis ist verdickt.
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Abb. 22 Epidermoid-Zyste. Sonografisch an die Kutis angrenzender, hypoechogener, scharf begrenzter Herdbefund mit dorsaler Schallverstärkung.
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Abb. 23a Fibrolipome. Sonografisch, subkutan liegend 2 ovale, gemischt isoechogene, hyperechogene, scharf begrenzte Herdbefunde. b Kein Flow-Nachweis in der Dopplersonografie. c Weiche bis mittelharte Darstellung in der Elastografie.
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Abb. 24a Myofibroblastom. Sonografisch hypoechogener Herdbefund ohne verstärkte Durchblutung. b Harte Darstellung in der Elastografie.
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Abb. 25a Mammakarzinom links, NST G2. Mammografisch irregulärer, hyperdenser Herd links, retromamillär, Mamillenretraktion. b Sonografisch komplex, zystisch-solide Läsion. c Verstärkte Vaskularisation in der Läsion, im Randsaum und peritumoral.
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Abb. 26a Papilläres, intrazystisches Mammakarzinom links, G2. Mammografisch unscharf begrenzter Herdbefund links. b Sonografisch komplex, zystisch-solide Läsion.
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Abb. 27 LK-Metastase im Level I rechts bei Z. n. Melanom.