Planta Med 2010; 76(2): 120-127
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1186005
Original Papers
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

6-Hydroxycleroda-3,13-dien-15,16-olide Protects Neuronal Cells from Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Neurotoxicity through the Inhibition of Microglia-Mediated Inflammation

Yu-Tzu Shih1 , Ya-Yun Hsu2 , Fang-Rong Chang1 , Yang-Chang Wu1 , Yi-Ching Lo3
  • 1Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • 2Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • 3Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Further Information

Publication History

received May 4, 2009 revised June 24, 2009

accepted July 6, 2009

Publication Date:
03 August 2009 (online)


Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula is used as an antipyretic agent in indigenous systems of medicine. Microglia-mediated inflammation plays an important role in the pathway leading to neuronal cell death in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 6-hydroxycleroda-3,13-dien-15,16-olide (PL3) extracted from Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula on lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced inflammation in microglia-like HAPI cells and primary microglia cultures. In microglia-neuron co-cultures, LPS decreased the cell viability of neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. LPS-induced cell death was attenuated by the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, the COX-2 inhibitor, NS-398 or the NADPH oxidase inhibitor, DPI, respectively. In LPS-treated microglia cells, PL3 decreased the expression of iNOS, COX-2, gp91phox, and NF-κBp65, the degradation of IκBα, and the production of NO, PGE2, iROS, and TNF-α. PL3 also enhanced the expression of HO-1, a cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory enzyme. Moreover, PL3 reduced LPS-activated microglia-induced cell death. The present results suggest that PL3 inhibits microglia-mediated inflammation and inflammation-related neuronal cell death. Therefore, PL3 has potential use for the treatment of inflammation-related neurodegenerative diseases.


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Dr. Yi-Ching Lo

Department and Graduate Institute of Pharmacology
College of Medicine
Kaohsiung Medical University

100 Shih-Chuan 1st Road

Kaohsiung 807


Phone: + 88 6 73 23 46 86

Fax: + 88 6 73 23 46 86
