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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1202260
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Manipulation of Rest Period Length Induces Different Causes of Fatigue in Vertical Jumping
Publication History
accepted after revision July 15, 2008
Publication Date:
28 April 2009 (online)

The aim of this study was to directly compare the causes of fatigue after a short- and a long-rest interval between consecutive stretch-shortening cycle exercises. Eleven healthy males jumped with different resting period lengths (short=6.1±1 s, long=8.6±0.9 s), performing countermovement jumps at 95% of their maximal jump height until they were unable to sustain the target height. After short- and long-rest, the maximal voluntary isometric contraction knee extension torque decreased (−7%; p=0.04), comparing to values obtained before exercise protocols. No change was seen from pre- to post-exercise, for either short- or long-rest, in biceps femoris coactivation (−1%; p=0.95), peak-to-peak amplitude (1%; p=0.95) and duration (−8%; p=0.92) of the compound muscle action potential of the vastus lateralis. Evoked peak twitch torque reduced after both exercise protocols (short=−26%, long=−32%; p=0.003) indicating peripheral fatigue. However, central fatigue occurred only after short-rest evidenced by a reduction in voluntary activation of the quadriceps muscle (−14%; p=0.013) measured using the interpolated twitch technique. In conclusion, after stretch-shortening cycle exercise using short rest period length, the cause of fatigue was central and peripheral, while after using long rest period length, the cause of fatigue was peripheral.
Key words
stretch-shortening cycle - neuromuscular parameters - intermittent exercise - twitch interpolation - M-wave
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Dr. G. Pereira
Department of Physical Education
Sao Paulo State University Av. 24-A, 1515, Bela Vista
13506900 Rio Claro
Phone: +55/19/3526 43 07
Fax: +55/19/3534 00 09