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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1202341
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Glycogen Synthesis after Road Cycling in the Fed State
Publication History
accepted after revision January 10, 2009
Publication Date:
19 May 2009 (online)

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a recovery beverage immediately after exercise on rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis in response to road cycling when nutritional supplementation was supplied during exercise and a solid meal was served two hours after exercise. Eight trained male cyclists, (25±4 years, 69.3±5.2 kg, VO2 peak=4.5±0.4 L·min−1) performed two 62 km outdoor training rides in a double-blind, randomized cross-over experiment. Subjects received a food bar and a commercial sport drink during each ride. A recovery beverage (40 g CHO+20 g PRO) or a placebo (PL) was administered 30 min post-exercise. At 2 h post-exercise, a solid meal was provided for both trials. There was no difference between trials at any time point for glycogen (140±9, 56±8, and 70±8 mmol · kg−1 wet wt.−1 · hr.−1 for pre, post, and 4 h post, respectively). The addition of a supplemental recovery beverage ingested soon after exercise did not significantly increase the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis after 4 h of recovery when nutritional supplementation is provided during exercise and a meal is consumed 2 h after exercise.
Key words
sport nutrition - carbohydrate - insulin - glucose - powertap - field study
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Dr. B. RubyPhD
Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism
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