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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240942
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
The Antinociceptive Effect of a Benzopyran (HP1) Isolated from Hypericum polyanthemum in Mice Hot-Plate Test is Blocked by Naloxone
received October 8, 2009
revised Dec. 23, 2009
accepted February 3, 2010
22. März 2010 (online)

Several species of the genus Hypericum (Guttiferae) have been used for analgesic purposes all over the world and some of them have demonstrated to possess this effect in rodents. This study describes the antinociceptive effect of the cyclohexane extract from aerial parts of H. polyanthemum (POL) as well as of benzopyrans, 6-isobutyryl-5,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-benzopyran (HP1), 7-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-5-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-benzopyran (HP2), and 5-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-7-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-benzopyran (HP3), which are the main components of POL. The antinociceptive effect was evaluated through hot-plate and writhing tests in mice, and the opioid system involvement was assessed by using naloxone (2.5 mg/kg, s. c.) antagonism. In the hot-plate test, POL (45, 90, 180 mg/kg, p.o) showed a dose-dependent effect, and out of the benzopyrans only HP1 (30, 60, 90 mg/kg, i. p.) was active. Its effect was also dose-dependent, with the maximum reached at 60 mg/kg. HP1 60 mg/kg (p. o.) also inhibited acetic acid-induced writhing in 58 %. The pretreatment with naloxone abolished the antinociceptive effect of HP1 60 mg/kg (i.p) in the hot plate. Furthermore, the H. polyanthemum cyclohexane extract and HP1 did not affect the mice performance in the rota-rod apparatus suggesting that at antinociceptive doses they do not present gross neurotoxicity nor induce motor impairment. From these data it is reasonable to assume that the benzopyran HP1 accounts for the H. polyanthemum cyclohexane extract antinociceptive effect, and this effect is, at least in part, mediated by an opioid-like mechanism.
Key words
Hypericum polyanthemum - Guttiferae - benzopyrans - antinociceptive effect
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1 These authors have contributed equally to the studies presented in this manuscript.
Prof. Dr. Stela Maris Kuze Rates
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Av. Ipiranga 2752
Porto Alegre, RS 90610–000
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