Ultraschall Med 2010; 31(1): 83-84
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1248956
EFSUMB Newsletter

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

5 December 2009 - Edinburgh - UK – Report of the Chairman of EPSC to the Board of Directors' Meeting

Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
17 February 2010 (online)

Table of Contents #


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Prof Odd Helge Gilja EPSC Committee Chairman

The Education and Professional Standards Committee has as one of its main tasks to promote more EUROSON Schools to be arranged throughout Europe. In 2009, EUROSON Schools were arranged in Pavia, Italy, in Bad Boll, Germany, and in Opatija, Croatia. I will take this opportunity to thank all the hard-working organisers of the EUROSON Schools for their tremendous efforts in making these successful educational events. Since Europe is a leading force in clinical applications of CEUS, we have also started to arrange EUROSON Schools on the subject of CEUS. Up till now 3 different post-graduate courses on CEUS have been arranged in Hanover, Timisoara, and Bologna. Looking at the programs and the responses these EUROSON Schools have been a great success. We have made a formal agreement with BRACCO, securing practical and financial support for the CEUS courses in the future. The schedule is as follows:

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For 2010 Schools, BRACCO will in addition sponsor 4 international speakers for Romania, 2 in Timisoara and 2 in Bucharest.

State-of-the-art lectures from these courses have been published on the EFSUMB web-site for your free access.

Stay tuned in on the EFSUMB web site (www.efsumb.org) to view also the coming presentations.

We have made a dedicated "start package", that can be downloaded from our website, to help new organisers of EUROSON Schools getting started.

The EFSUMB Course Book, with Prof. Dietrich as main editor, is under construction and right now several experts around Europe are writing chapters to this novel educational resource. The intensions are to integrate the course book with the EUROSON Schools and provide the educational material for our members through the EFSUMB website.


Status of the Minimum Training Recommendations for the Practice of Medical Ultrasound in Europe

The different guidelines and recommendations can be viewed online at the EFSUMB website. The Intensive Care Ultrasound recommendations (Appendix 13) is being finalised for publication in the Newsletter. The EPS Committee has decided also to have Minimum Training requirements on CEUS, This new Committee, chaired by Dr Hans-Peter Weskott, is now writing the document and we are planning publication in first half of 2010.

EFSUMB continuously works to expand our website with educational material. We invite you to send interesting ultrasound cases that can be published on the website. At the EUROSON meeting in Edinburgh, there is a session "Ultrasound on the Web", in which an overview of ultrasound web resources will be given and also practical hints on how to design and publish ultrasound cases.

Odd Helge Gilja
EPSC Committee Chairman

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Prof Odd Helge Gilja EPSC Committee Chairman

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