Ultraschall Med 2010; 31(1): 84
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1248957
EFSUMB Newsletter

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

5 December 2009 - Edinburgh - UK – Report of the Chairman Of Publications Committtee to the Board of Directors' Meeting

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17. Februar 2010 (online)

Inhaltsübersicht #

The Publications Committee met in Lausanne in May 2009, and the newly elected committee will meet in Edinburgh during EUROSON 2009.

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Prof Michael Bachmann Nielsen Publications Committee Chairman and Editor of EFSUMB Newsletter

In 2008 we changed the contents of the Newsletters and expanded the number of pages. As a result 2009 brought a new challenge i.e., we had more material than we could print and we have had to hold back some material for the 2010 issues. The interview series, "EFSUMB Newsletter meets ..." in 2009 brought the latest information about the status of ultrasound in the United Kingdom, Russia, Denmark, Norway, Germany and Switzerland. Technology update articles, literature reviews, information from the committees and training requirements were also to be found in the Newsletter in 2009. If you missed some of these then hurry to the EFSUMB website where the Newsletters are available as pdf-files for free download.

The Committee was very happy with the further increase in Impact Factor for the UiM/EJU.

The website changed its design and layout in 2008 and now has an impressive hit rate in the statistics. For the EUROSON congress in Edinburgh in December 2009 the Publications Committee was responsible for a scientific session "Know-how in publishing a scientific article".

I would like to thank the other members of the committee Christoph Dietrich, Lucas Greiner, Jeff Bamber and Jean-Yves Meuwly for their work in the committee, their contributions to the Newsletter and for all the hours of fun we have spent together during the last two years. In Edinburgh a new committee will be elected.

A particular thanks to Mrs Gianna Stanford for her outstanding work for EFSUMB and for helping with so many things during the year, we will miss you.

And finally a big warm welcome to Mrs Lynne Rudd, the new General Secretary in EFSUMB, we look forward to working with you.

Michael Bachmann Nielsen
Publications Committee Chairman

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Prof Michael Bachmann Nielsen Publications Committee Chairman and Editor of EFSUMB Newsletter