Int J Sports Med 2010; 31(7): 516-520
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1249624
Clinical Sciences

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Effects of Ipratropium on Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm

L. C. Boaventura1 , A. C. Araujo1 , J. B. Martinez1 , E. O. Vianna1
  • 1Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Department of Medicine, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Further Information

Publication History

accepted after revision February 16, 2010

Publication Date:
12 May 2010 (online)


Exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) is the transient narrowing of the airways that follows vigorous exercise. Ipratropium bromide may be used to prevent EIB, but its effect varies among individuals. We hypothesized that time of administration of ipratropium interferes with its action. This was a prospective, double-blind, cross-over study carried out to evaluate the bronchoprotective and bronchodilatory effect of ipratropium at different times of day. The study consisted of 4 exercise challenge tests (2 at 7 am and 2 at 6 pm). In the morning, one of the tests was performed after placebo administration and the other one after ipratropium (80 μg) and the two tests (placebo and ipratropium) were repeated in the evening. Twenty-one patients with severe or moderate asthma and previous confirmation of EIB were enrolled in this prospective trial. The bronchodilatory effect of ipratropium was 0.25±0.21 L or 13.11±10.99% (p=0.001 compared to baseline values) in the morning, and 0.14±0.25 L or 7.25±11.37% (p>0.05) in the evening. In the morning, EIB was 0.58±0.29 L on the placebo day and 0.38±0.22 L on the treatment day (p=0.01). In the evening, EIB was 0.62±0.28 L on the placebo day and 0.51±0.35 L on the treatment day (p>0.05). We suggest that the use of ipratropium for the treatment of asthma and EIB should take into consideration the time of administration.


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Dr. Elcio Oliveira Vianna

Medical School of Ribeirão


University of São Paulo

Department of Medicine

Av. Bandeirantes, 3900

14048-900 Ribeirão Preto


Phone: +55/16/36022706

Fax: +55/16/36336695
