Semin Speech Lang 2010; 31(3): 162-167
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1257532
© Thieme Medical Publishers

The Positive Behavioral Momentum of Mark Ylvisaker

Lyn S. Turkstra1
  • 1Department of Communicative Disorders, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
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03. August 2010 (online)


Mark Ylvisaker inspired many people to believe they had the skills to help children and adults with brain injury live a meaningful life. He was thoroughly multidisciplinary in his approach, but also felt strongly that communication was the cornerstone of effective behavior management and that speech-language pathologists could make a unique contribution in the everyday lives of individuals with cognitive-communication disorders. This article recognizes his profound influence on the author's research, teaching, and clinical practice and was written in the spirit of paying forward the knowledge he shared.


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  • 2 Ylvisaker M, Turkstra L, Coehlo C et al.. Behavioural interventions for children and adults with behaviour disorders after TBI: a systematic review of the evidence.  Brain Inj. 2007;  21(8) 769-805
  • 3 Ylvisaker M, Feeney T, Capo M. Long-term community supports for individuals with co-occurring disabilities after traumatic brain injury: cost effectiveness and project-based intervention.  Brain Impair. 2007;  8(3) 276-292
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  • 7 Ylvisaker M, Coehlo C, Kennedy M et al.. Reflections on evidence-based practice and rational clinical decision making.  J Med Speech-Lang Pathol. 2002;  10(3) xxv-xxxiii
  • 8 Ylvisaker M, Feeney T J. Collaborative Brain Injury Intervention: Positive Everyday Routines. San Diego, CA; Singular 1998
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Lyn S TurkstraPh.D. 

Department of Communicative Disorders, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975 Willow Drive

Madison, WI 53706
