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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1263260
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Elbow Imaging and Procedures
08. September 2010 (online)

Elbow injuries, both acute and chronic sports-related cases, have increased over the last decade. With one in every four members of a household participating in sports, both clinics and radiology departments are seeing more patients with elbow pain. High-resolution ultrasound is well suited for evaluating the elbow. Ultrasound is growing in popularity and fast becoming another modality that the radiologist can use to help diagnose elbow pathology. With advancing transducer technology and accessibility, ultrasound offers focused and real-time high-resolution imaging of tendons, ligaments, and nerve structures. Its advantages include the use of safe nonionizing radiation, accessibility, and cost effectiveness. Another unique advantage is its ability for dynamic assessment of tendon and ligament structures such as in cases of partial tears of the medial ulnar collateral ligament or ulnar nerve dislocation. It is also easy to assess the contralateral side as a control. Ultrasound is also useful in therapeutic guided injections for its multiplanar capability and clear visualization of major vessels and nerves. We discuss the unique application of ultrasound in evaluating common elbow pathology and in advanced ultrasound-guided treatments such as dextrose prolotherapy and platelet-rich plasma.
Ultrasound - elbow - epicondylitis - epicondylosis - ulnar collateral ligament - prolotherapy - PRP - platelet-rich plasma
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Kenneth S LeeM.D.
Division of Musculoskeletal Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
E3/311, 600 Highland Ave., Madison, WI 53792