Semin Hear 2010; 31(4): 366-377
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1268035
© Thieme Medical Publishers

Transcranial Contralateral Routing of the Signal as a Fitting Option for Patients with Single-Sided Deafness

Michael Valente1 , Kristi Oeding1
  • 1Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
08 December 2010 (online)


Patients with single-sided deafness (SSD) often report difficulty recognizing speech when the signal is on the side of the poorer ear. As discussed in this issue of Seminars in Hearing, several fitting options are available for patients with SSD. One option that could take on greater interest due to advancements in multichannel feedback management, noise reduction, and directional microphones is the transcranial contralateral routing of the signal (TCROS). This article reviews previous reports on performance with the TCROS. This article also focuses on the advances in hearing aid technology and how these advances could improve TCROS as a fitting option for patients with SSD. Finally, this article provides information on factors that audiologists should take into consideration for patient and hearing aid selection for TCROS and outlines a procedure to verify performance of TCROS using the real-ear-aided response (REAR) and other real-ear measures (REM).


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  • 2 McSpaden J, McSpaden C. A method for evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of transcranial CROS fittings.  Audecibel. 1989;  38 10-14
  • 3 Miller A J. An alternative approach to CROS and Bi-CROS hearing aids: an internal CROS.  Audecibel. 1989;  38 20-21
  • 4 McSpaden J. One approach to a unilateral “dead” ear.  Audecibel. 1990;  39 32-34
  • 5 Chartrand M. Transcranial or internal CROS fittings: evaluation and validation protocol.  Hear J. 1991;  44 24-28
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  • 8 Hayes D E, Chen J M. Bone-conduction amplification with completely-in-the-canal hearing aids.  J Am Acad Audiol. 1998;  9(1) 59-66
  • 9 Fagelson M A, Noe C M, Murnane O D, Blevins J S. Predicted gain and functional gain with transcranial routing of signal completely-in-the-canal hearing aids.  Am J Audiol. 2003;  12(2) 84-90
  • 10 Hol M, Kunst S, Snik A, Cremers C. Pilot study on the effectiveness of the conventional CROS, the transcranial CROS and the BAHA transcranial CROS in adults with unilateral inner ear deafness.  Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2010;  267(6) 889-896
  • 11 Valente M, Valente M, Mispagel K. Fitting options for patients with single sided deafness. Audiol Online. Available at: Accessed November 20, 2009
  • 12 Valente M. Fitting options for adults with SSD.  Hear J. 2007;  60(8) 10-18
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Michael ValentePh.D. 

Washington University School of Medicine

Campus Box 8115, 4566 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110
