pferde spiegel 2011; 14(2): 71-77
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1279979

© Enke Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Pruritus – nicht immer ist es ein Sommerekzem

Teil 1: Definition und Klinik des SommerekzemsPruritus – not always a “summer eczema”Wolfgang Leibold, Stefan Hampel, Jens Rohwer
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
27 June 2011 (online)


Pruritus is not a disease but a physiological protective alarm system which might react in a pathological destructive fashion, depending on the triggering cause. In horses a frequently suspected reason for destructive pruritus is an allergic disease termed “summer eczema”, “sweet itch”, or “insect bite hypersensitivity”. However, there are numerous alternatives provoking similar clinical symptoms. Additional problems for proper diagnosis and appropriate therapy cause “mixed” forms of diseases: On one hand different causes might occur simultaneously and on the other hand one cause might act via different pathomechanisms. For example: Black flies might provoke strong itching just by their injected saliva when biting (simuliotoxicosis) without any underlying allergy. However, a horse might be allergic against such saliva components. Thus, the intense pruritus is now caused by type I-allergy mechanisms within the framework of a “summer eczema”. This paper compromises two parts. Part 1: Definition and clinical forms of “summer eczema”. Part 2 (to follow in issue 3/2011 of this journal): Pathomechanisms of “summer eczema” including relevant diagnostics plus a list of most of the relevant alternative causes for pruritus and/or “sweet itch”-like symptoms.


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1 Abbildungen 2–22: © W. Leibold.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leibold
Dr. Stefan Hampel
Dr. Jens Rohwer

Immunologie der Tierärztlichen Hochschule

Bischofsholer Damm 15

30173 Hannover
