Int J Sports Med 2012; 33(01): 18-25
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1284340
Training &Testing
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Reliability of a High-Intensity Endurance Cycling Test

J. P. O’Hara
1   Leeds Metropolitan University, Carnegie Research Institute, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds, United Kingdom
A. Thomas
1   Leeds Metropolitan University, Carnegie Research Institute, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds, United Kingdom
A. Seims
1   Leeds Metropolitan University, Carnegie Research Institute, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds, United Kingdom
C. B. Cooke
1   Leeds Metropolitan University, Carnegie Research Institute, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds, United Kingdom
R.F.G. J. King
1   Leeds Metropolitan University, Carnegie Research Institute, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds, United Kingdom
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Publication History

accepted after revision 27 June 2011

Publication Date:
17 November 2011 (online)


This study assessed the reproducibility of performance and selected metabolic variables during a variable high-intensity endurance cycling test. 8 trained male cyclists (age: 35.9±7.7 years, maximal oxygen uptake: 54.3±3.9 mL·kg − 1·min − 1) completed 4 high-intensity cycling tests, performed in consecutive weeks. The protocol comprised: 20 min of progressive incremental exercise, where the power output was increased by 5% maximal workload (Wmax) every 5 min from 70% Wmax to 85% Wmax; ten 90 s bouts at 90% Wmax, separated by 180 s at 55% Wmax; 90% Wmax until volitional exhaustion. Blood samples were drawn and heart rate was monitored throughout the protocol. There was no significant order effect between trials for time to exhaustion (mean: 4 113.0±60.8 s) or total distance covered (mean: 4 6126.2±1 968.7 m). Total time to exhaustion and total distance covered showed very high reliability with a mean coefficient of variation (CV) of 1.6% (95% Confidence Intervals (CI) 0.0±124.3 s) and CV of 2.2% (95% CI 0.0 ±1904.9 m), respectively. Variability in plasma glucose concentrations across the time points was very small (CV 0.46–4.3%, mean 95% CI 0.0±0.33 to 0.0±0.94 mmol·L − 1). Plasma lactate concentrations showed no test order effect. The reliability of performance and metabolic variables makes this protocol a valid test to evaluate nutritional interventions in endurance cycling.

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