PSYCH up2date, Table of Contents PSYCH up2date 2012; 6(06): 377DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1305327 Störungsübergreifende Themen und Methoden Verhaltenstherapeutische Paartherapie Guy Bodenmann , Corina Merz Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article All articles of this category Full Text References Literatur 1 Whisman MA, Beach SRH, Snyder DK. In marital discord taxonic, and can taxonic status be assessed reliably? Results from a national, representative sample of married couples. J Consult Clin Psychol 2008; 76: 745-755 2 Bundesministerium für Familien, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. Gewalt gegen Frauen in Paarbeziehungen. Berlin: Publikationsversand der Bundesregierung; 2010 3 Proulx CM, Helms HM. et al. Marital quality and personal well-being: A metaanalysis. J Marriage and Family 2007; 69: 576-593 4 Cummings EM, Davies PT. Marital conflict and children. New York: Guilford Press; 2010 5 Amato PR. Research on divorce: continuing trends and new developments. J Marriage and Family 2010; 72: 650-666 6 Whisman MA. The association between depression and marital dissatisfaction. In: Beach SRH. Hrsg. Marital and family processes in depression: a scientific foundation for clinical practice. Washington: American Psychological Association; 2001: 3-24 7 Hooley JM. Expressed emotion and relapse of psychopathology. Annual Review Clin Psychol 2007; 3: 329-352 8 Bodenmann G, Plancherel B, Beach SRH. et al. Effects of coping-oriented couples therapy on depression: a randomized clinical trial. J Consult Clin Psychol 2008; 76: 944-954 9 Barbato A, D’Avanzo B. Efficacy of couple therapy as a treatment for depression: A metaanalysis. Psychiatric Quarterly 2008; 79: 121-132 10 Baucom DH, Porter LS, Kirby JS. et al. Couple-based interventions for medical problems. Behavior Ther 2012; 43: 61-76 11 Schindler L, Hahlweg K, Revenstorf D. Partnerschaftsprobleme: Diagnose und Therapie. 2.. Aufl. Berlin: Springer; 1998 12 Baucom DH, Epstein NB, La Taillade JJ. et al. Cognitive behavioral couple therapy. In: Gurman AS, Jacobson NS. Hrsg. Clinical handbook of couple therapy. Aufl. 4.. New York: Guilford Press; 2008: 31-72 13 Jacobson NS, Christensen A. Integrative couple therapy: Promoting acceptance and change. New York: W.W. Norton; 1996 14 Bodenmann G. Verhaltenstherapie mit Paaren. Ein bewältigungsorientierter Ansatz. Bern: Huber; 2012 15 Baucom DH, Snyder DK, Gordon KC. Helping couples get past the affair. A clinican's guide. New York: Guilford Press; 2011 16 Heinrichs N, Bodenmann G, Hahlweg K. Prävention bei Paaren und Familien. Göttingen: Hogrefe; 2008 17 Bodenmann G. Stress und Coping bei Paaren. Göttingen: Hogrefe; 2000 18 Bodenmann G, Meuwly N, Kayser K. Two conceptualizations of dyadic coping and their potential for predicting relationship quality and individual well-being. Europ Psychologist 2011; 16: 255-266 19 Beck AT, Rush AJ, Shaw BF. et al. Kognitive Therapie der Depression. München: Psychologie Verlags Union; 1986 20 Berger R, Hannah MT. Preventive approaches in couples’ therapy. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel; 1999 21 Hahlweg K, Thurmaier F, Engl J. et al. Prävention von Beziehungsstörungen. System Familie 1993; 6: 89-100 22 Bodenmann G. Kompetenzen für die Partnerschaft. Weinheim: Juventa; 2000 23 Bodenmann G, Kessler M. Präventionsprogramme für Paare – Methoden und Wirksamkeit. Familiendynamik 2011; 36: 346-355 24 Halford WK, Wilson K, Watson B. et al. Couple relationship education at home: Does skill training enhance relationship assessment and feedback?. J Family Psychol 2011; 24: 188-196 25 Shadish WR, Baldwin SA. Meta-analysis of MFT interventions. J Marriage Family Ther 2003; 29: 547-579 26 Christensen A, Atkins DC, Baucom B. et al. Marital status and satisfaction five years following a randomized clinical trial comparing traditional versus integrative behavioral couple therapy. J Consult Clin Psychol 2010; 78: 225-235 27 Snyder DK, Castellani AM, Whisman MA. Current status and future directions in couple therapy. Annual Review Psychol 2006; 57: 317-344 28 Carroll JS, Doherty WJ. Evaluating the effectiveness of premarital prevention programs: A meta‐analytic review of outcome research. Family Relations 2003; 52: 105-118 29 Fawcett EB, Hawkins AJ, Blanchard VL. et al. Do premarital education programs really work? A meta-analytic study. Family Relations 2010; 59: 232-239 30 Hahlweg K, Richter D. Prevention of marital instability and distress. Results of an 11-year longitudinal follow-up study. Behaviour Res Ther 2010; 48: 377-383 31 Bodenmann G, Hilpert P, Nussbeck F. et al. Enhancement of couples‘ communication and dyadic coping by a self-directed approach: a randomized controlled study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2012; 0