Zahnmedizin up2date, Table of Contents Zahnmedizin up2date 2013; 7(6): 581-605DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1325114 Kraniomandibuläre Dysfunktion Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York Bruxismus: Prävalenz und Risikofaktoren Michelle A. Ommerborn Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article All articles of this category Full Text References Literatur 1 De Leeuw R ed. Orofacial Pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis and Management. 4th ed. Chicago: American Academy of Orofacial Pain. Illinois: Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc; 2008 2 Lavigne GJ, Rompre PH, Montplaisir JY. Sleep bruxism: validity of clinical research diagnostic criteria in a controlled polysomnographic study. J Dent Res 1996; 75: 546-552 3 Calderon Pdos S, Kogawa EM, Lauris JR et al. The influence of gender and bruxism on the human maximum bite force. J Appl Oral Sci 2006; 14: 448-453 4 Rees JS. The effect of variation in occlusal loading on the development of abfraction lesions: a finite element study. 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