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DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1327413
Behandlungsauftrag und Behandlungsrealität psychiatrischer Institutsambulanzen
Ergebnisse einer ländlichen PIA in BayernStatutory Duties of German Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics and their Real Care ConditionsThe Case of a Bavarian Rural Outpatient Clinic on ExamplePublication History
Publication Date:
23 January 2013 (online)

Anliegen: Inwieweit erfüllen Psychiatrische Institutsambulanzen (PIAs) ihren gesetzlich verankerten Versorgungsauftrag?
Methoden: Retrospektive Querschnittsanalyse für 1672 Patienten einer PIA im Jahr 2010 anhand von 30 Variablen, multivariaten Regressionsmodellen und polynomischen Kurvenanpassungen.
Ergebnisse: Es besteht eine positive Assoziation des Ausmaßes der Krankheitsschwere und funktionaler Beeinträchtigungen mit der Mehrzahl der Indikatoren zur Inanspruchnahme ambulanter und stationärer psychiatrischer Leistungen.
Schlussfolgerungen: Es liegen belastbare Hinweise vor, dass psychiatrische Institutsambulanzen vorwiegend schwer und chronische psychisch kranke Menschen intensiver behandeln.
Objective: This study examines whether psychiatric outpatient clinics fulfill their statutory role of providing psychiatric services for patients with severe mental disorders.
Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study on 1,672 patients of a psychiatric outpatient clinic for the year 2010, based on 30 variables. Associations between variables were explored by means of robust multivariate regression models and polynomial regression plots.
Results: The patients’ average CGI value was found to be 5.98, the mean GAF-score 47.3, and the mean duration of illness 13.8 years. A third of the sample attempted suicide in the past. Metabolic comorbidity was found in 23.1 % of the sample. Results of regression analyses reveal positive effects of the disease severity and functional impairment on the use of psychiatric care. Patients with affective and schizophrenic disorders received more units of care and caused more costs. Patients living in nursing homes received less in- and outpatient care but caused more medication costs.
Conclusions: Study results support the assumption that German psychiatric outpatient clinics fulfill their statutory duties by treating severely chronically mentally ill patients. The patients’ use of care is positively related to the disease severity and their functional impairment. However, results of the regression analyses suggest that patients living in nursing homes received less psychiatric care than patients who live more independently.