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Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2013; 121(02): 67-74
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1333243
© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Is there a Benefit to Use Calculated Percent Body Fat or Age- and Gender-adjusted BMI-SDSLMS to Predict Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease? A German/Austrian Multicenter DPV-Wiss Analysis on 42 048 Type 2 Diabetic Patients

N. Scheuing
1   Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
C. Bayer
2   Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Rosenheim, Rosenheim, ­Germany
F. Best
3   Diabetes Practice Dr. Best, Essen, Germany
W. Kerner
4   Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital for Metabolism and Diabetes Karlsburg, Karlsburg, Germany
T. Lenk
5   Curschmann Hospital Dr. Guth, Timmendorfer Strand, Germany
M. Pfeifer
6   Diabetes Center, Hospital Tettnang, Tettnang, Germany
D. Rühl
7   Department of Internal Medicine I and Diabetology, Evangelical Hospital Mittelhessen, Gießen, Germany
M. Schütt
8   Department of Internal Medicine I, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
E. Siegel
9   Department of Internal Medicine, St. Vincenz Hospital, Limburg, Germany
M. Stadler
10   III. Medical Department, Hospital Hietzing, Wien, Austria
A. Zeyfang
11   Agaplesion Bethesda Hospital Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
S. Zimny
12   Department for General Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Geriatric Medicine, HELIOS Kliniken Schwerin, Schwerin, Germany
R. W. Holl
1   Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
for the DPV Initiative and the German BMBF ­Competence Network Diabetes mellitus › Author Affiliations