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DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1343406
Knee and Hip Joint Biomechanics are Gender-specific in Runners with High Running Mileage
Publication History
accepted after revision 04 March 2013
Publication Date:
18 July 2013 (online)

Female runners are reported to be more prone to develop specific knee joint injuries than males. It has been suggested that increased frontal plane joint loading might be related to the incidence of these knee injuries in running. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if frontal plane knee and hip joint kinematics and kinetics are gender-specific in runners with high mileage. 3D-kinematics and kinetics were recorded from 16 female and 16 male runners at a speed of 3 m/s, 4 m/s, and 5 m/s. Frontal plane joint angles and joint moments were ascertained and compared between genders among speed conditions. Across all speed conditions, females showed increased hip adduction and reduced knee adduction angles compared to males (p<0.003). The initial peak in the hip adduction moment was enhanced in females (p=0.003). Additionally, the hip adduction impulse showed a trend towards an increase in females at slow running speed (p=0.07). Hip and knee frontal plane joint kinematics are gender-specific. In addition, there are indications that frontal plane joint loading is increased in female runners. Future research should focus on the relationship of these observations regarding overuse running injuries.
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