Semin Hear 2014; 35(01): C1-C8
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1363535
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Self-Assessment Questions

Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
29 January 2014 (online)

This section provides a review. Mark each statement on the Answer Sheet according to the factual materials contained in this issue and the opinions of the authors.

Article One (pp. 1–14)

  1. Intrinsic attention can be identified by

    • the Test of Everyday Attention for Children

    • standard deviation of the trials in an auditory processing test track

    • the Matrix Reasoning subtest

    • threshold for an auditory processingtest

    • speech intelligibility tests

  2. Which of the following tests is described as a derived auditory processing test?

    • Backward masking

    • Simultaneous masking (no-notch)

    • Frequency modulation

    • Frequency discrimination

    • Frequency resolution

  3. Which of the following is a temporal auditory processing test?

    • Backward masking

    • Simultaneous masking (no-notch)

    • Frequency modulation

    • Masking level difference

    • Amplitude modulation

  4. A z-score greater than 1.64 is representative of which proportion of the population?

    • 1%

    • 2.5%

    • 5%

    • 7.5%

    • 10%

  5. Which of the following tests showed poorer thresholds in the specific language impairment and auditory processing disorder groups compared with the mainstream school group after accounting for nonverbal IQ?

    • Backward masking

    • Simultaneous masking (no-notch)

    • Frequency modulation

    • Frequency discrimination

    • Frequency resolution

    Article Two (pp. 15–26)

  6. The event-related spectral perturbation is a type of event-related potential computed for time and frequency, which provides information about what kind of neural event?

    • The continuous wavelet transform

    • Processing of dichotic information

    • Developmental language delays

    • Event-related synchronization and desynchronization

    • Interstimulus intervals

  7. Which of the following is most likely to be an underlying cause of insufficient neural coupling in children with language-learning problems?

    • Interhemispheric asymmetry

    • Auditory processing disorder

    • Reorganized auditory pathways

    • Specific language impairment

    • Dichotic listening

  8. Which electroencephalogram frequency band (or bands) is thought to be involved in the allocation of resources for selective attention?

    • Theta

    • Alpha

    • Gamma

    • Both A and B

    • Both B and C

  9. Where is the likely source of beta activity during dichotic listening?

    • Bilateral superior temporal cortex

    • Left superior temporal cortex

    • Bilateral parietal cortex

    • Auditory brainstem

    • Thalamus

  10. Which oscillatory networks are insufficiently coupled in children with language-learning problems?

    • Theta-gamma

    • Alpha-gamma

    • Alpha-beta

    • Theta-beta

    • Beta-gamma

    Article Three (pp. 27–38)

  11. Which of the following has not been reported to show improvement as a consequence of amplification in children with auditory processing disorder or dyslexia?

    • Self-esteem

    • Cortical evoked potentials

    • Phonological awareness

    • Amblyaudia

    • Auditory working memory

  12. Which of the following claimed treatments to improve hearing for children with auditory processing disorder in the classroom is/are evidence-based?

    • Acoustic treatment of classrooms

    • Remote microphone hearing aids

    • Classroom sound field distribution systems

    • Both B and C

    • A, B, and C

  13. Remote microphone hearing aids are generally output limited to approximately how many decibels sound pressure level?

    • 85

    • 90

    • 95

    • 100

    • 105

  14. Remote microphone hearing aids primarily improve signal-to-noise ratio for children with normal peripheral hearing and auditory processing disorder by

    • increasing the signal amplitude

    • reducing the noise level

    • cancelling reverberation

    • both A and B

    • none of the above

  15. Which of the following is a critical element for a successful amplification outcome with a child with auditory processing disorder?

    • Validation of the fitting

    • Expert intervention to support the teacher

    • Phonological awareness training

    • Frequency discrimination training

    • Language therapy

    Article Four (pp. 39–50)

  16. Children with which pattern of performance on a dichotic listening test are least likely to perform below normal due to weaknesses in language, cognition, or attention?

    • Normal performance in both ears

    • Below normal performance in both ears

    • Normal performance in one ear and below normal performance in the other ear

    • Below normal performance in both ears together with a large degree of interaural asymmetry

  17. Which pattern of performance deficit was most prevalent among the adjudicated adolescents tested with the Randomized Dichotic Digits Test?

    • Normal

    • Decoding

    • Amblyaudia

    • Amblyaudia plus

  18. What is a disadvantage of the current standard for diagnosis of auditory processing disorder?

    • It fails to specify a particular auditory weakness.

    • It does not determine whether the abnormality is monaural or binaural.

    • It fails to establish criteria for severity.

    • All of the above are true.

  19. Other than an auditory processing weakness, what other factor could explain the large number of performance results in the borderline category?

    • Poor testing environment

    • Difficulty in scoring the test results

    • Adolescents' unfamiliarity with the test procedures

    • Use of a half-list from the standard test

  20. How did results from adjudicated adolescents compare with results obtained from adolescents referred for a clinical evaluation?

    • They were significantly better.

    • They were no different.

    • They were significantly poorer.

    • They were not compared.

    Article Five (pp. 51–64)

  21. What tests could be used in a minimal test battery to assess for auditory processing disorder?

    • Frequency Pattern Test and Dichotic Digit Test

    • Gaps in noise and masking level difference

    • None of the above

    • A and B

  22. N250 is the negative cortical evoked response at about 250 milliseconds. Which of the following is true about N250?

    • Often observed as the biggest negative response in infants and children up to the age of 12 years

    • Reflects the perception of sound at the level of the auditory cortex

    • Neither A nor B

    • Both A and B

  23. Which of the statements about cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) is true?

    • In children, the responses to a consonant-vowel stimulus (e.g., / da/) would result in a waveform dominated by P1 and N250.

    • CAEPs are more robust in quiet than in presence of noise.

    • In adults, CAEPs consist of three main peaks, P1-N1-P2.

    • All are true.

  24. CAEPs can be used as a measure of training effects.

    • P2 can show changes with passive auditory training in adults.

    • At least two baselines are needed to determine the effects of passive learning on CAEPs.

    • CAEPs are not necessary as a measure of training effectiveness but are useful to understand auditory plasticity effects.

    • All are true.

  25. CAEPs are affected by stimulus and recording parameters.

    • Habituation is defined as reduction in amplitude as a consequence of repeated auditory stimulation.

    • Increasing the interstimulus interval would help to improve the amplitude of CAEPs and would look more adultlike in children.

    • Speech and tonal stimuli can be used to elicit CAEPs.

    • All are true.