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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1368843
EUROSON-School – Refresher and CEUS Course
Publication History
Publication Date:
07 February 2014 (online)
16. – 19. October 2014, University Hospital Košice
Since 2007 we organize courses in Kosice with live demonstrations of CEUS - this amazing method, which is in many cases better than CT and MRI, but without radiation exposure, without danger of a acute renal failure or other side effects. A correct application allows us quick and clear diagnostics and also clearly lowering costs, which in this time of tight budgets, especially important. Top people in Europe now meet in Kosice, to discuss this exiting method, share experiences, will show case reports and will definitely make each of you enthusiastic about this method.
Dr. Hans Peter Weskott, Hannover, Germany
Prof. Dr. Zoltan Harkanyi, Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Štefan Hrušovský, Bratislava, Slovakia
Ass. Prof. Wojciech Kosiak, Gdansk, Poland
Prof. Dr. Gebhard Mathis, Rankweil, Austria
Dr. Karl-Peter Jungius, Schwyz, Switzerland
Dr. Lenka Mrázková, Praha, Czech Republic
Ass. Prof. Dr. František Záťura, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Ass. Prof. Dr. Milan Kuchta, Košice, Slovakia
Dr. Božena Nováková, Košice, Slovakia
Dr. Dana Kučinská, Košice, Slovakia
Dr. Karin Slameňová, Košice, Slovakia
Ass. Prof. Dr. Jan Tuma, Uster, Switzerland
Thursday 16.10.2014.
15.00 –15.15 J. Tuma: Introduction remarks
15.15 –16.00 J. Tuma: Ultrasound principles incl. CEUS and knobology
16.00 –18.30 Practical exercises
Friday 17.10.2014
08. 0 – 09.00 KP Jungius: Doppler: Aorta and renal vessels
09.00 –10.00 Practical exercises
10.00 –10.30 Coffee break
10.30 –11.00 KP Jungius: Gallblader, bile ducts and pancreas
11.00 –12.00 Practical exercises
12.00 –13.30 Lunch
13.30 –14.00 Š. Hrušovský: Liver disease
14.00 –15.00 Practical exercises
15.00 –15.30 G. Mathis: Thoracic ultrasound
15.30 –16.00 Coffee break
16.00 –17.00 Practical exercises
17.00 -17.30 J.Tuma: Ultrasound oft neck and DVT
17.30 –18.30 Practical exercises
Saturday 18.10.14
08.30 – 09.00 J.Tuma: Nephrologic ultrasound
09.00 –10.00 Practical exercises
10.00 –10.30 Coffee break
10.30 –11.00 F.Záťura: Urologic ultrasound
11.00 –11.30 HP. Weskott: CEUS: Tipps, Tricks and Artifacts
11.30 –12.00 B. Nováková: CEUS in Liver disease
12.00 -13.30 Lunch
13.30 –14.00 Live CEUS demonstration
14.00 -14.30 L. Mrázková: Abdominal ultrasound in pediatric patient
14.30 –15.00 Wojciech Kosiak: CEUS in pediatric patients
15.00 -15.30 G. Mathis: Acute intestinal diease
15.30 -16.00 Coffee break
16.00 -16.30 HP. Weskott: CEUS in vascular disease
16.30 -17.00 G.Mathis: CEUS in pulmonary disease
17.00 –17.30 Z. Harkanyi: Tumor monitoring with CEUS
17.30 -18.30 Live CEUS demonstrations
Sunday 19.10.14
08.30 – 09.00 HP. Weskott: Lymphnodes: From B-Mode to CDUS, CEUS
09.00 – 09.30 J. Tuma: CEUS in urogenital system
09.30 – 11.10 Case reports (10 min. each) from Hannover, Gdansk, Bratislava, Košice, Praha, Budapest, Rankweil, Olomouc, Schwyz and Zürich
11.10 - 11.40 J. Tuma: CEUS- EFSUMB-Guidelines
11.40 – 12.00 Closing remarks
Congress Fee
250 € including lunches and syllabus
Participants from Switzerland: Flight, Hotel, Congress Fee incl. lunches
and «Slovak evening dinner»: 2 200 CHF
Swiss Registration: Email:
Participians from other countries:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. med. Jan Tuma
Seilerweg 1
CH - 8610 Uster
Dr. Božena Nováková
LF UPJŠ v Košiciach
Trieda Snp c. 1
Košice, Slovakia