J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg 2015; 76(02): 144-148
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1371514

Management and Prognosis of Primary Cerebral Melanocytic Tumors. A Case Report and Systematic Review

Bruno Splavski
1   Department of Neurosurgery, Osijek Clinical Hospital Centre, Osijek, Croatia
Dario Muzevic
1   Department of Neurosurgery, Osijek Clinical Hospital Centre, Osijek, Croatia
Marko Kovacevic
1   Department of Neurosurgery, Osijek Clinical Hospital Centre, Osijek, Croatia
Brano Splavski Jr.
2   Division of Ophthalmology, Osijek Clinical Hospital Centre, Osijek, Croatia
Goran Bajek
3   Department of Neurosurgery, Rijeka Clinical Hospital Centre, Rijeka, Croatia
› Institutsangaben


Primary melanocytic cerebral tumors form a spectrum of different lesions that range from benign to extremely malignant, such as an intracranial melanoma. This article points out some characteristics of primary melanocytic cerebral tumors and discusses their management and prognosis, based on a systematic literature review and a case of primary cerebral malignant melanoma.

Because the biological characteristics of primary melanocytic cerebral tumors remain unclear, it appears that total surgical resection of the tumor followed by oncologic treatment is the mainstay of the management. The prognosis still depends on the degree of malignancy.


Eingereicht: 17. April 2013

Angenommen: 03. Januar 2014

21. Juli 2014 (online)

© 2014. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Stuttgart · New York

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