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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1374639
A Randomized Study on Lipids Response to Different Exercise Programs in Overweight Older Men
Publication History
accepted after revision 10 March 2014
Publication Date:
10 July 2014 (online)

This study compared the effects of 2 long-term training programs on blood lipid profiles in overweight older adults. 59 older men with BMI≥25 and <35 kg/m2 ages 65–75 years were randomly assigned to an aerobic training group (ATG, n=19), a mixed aerobic and resistance training group (MTG, n=20), or a control group (n=20). Both programs were moderate-to-vigorous intensity, involving 60-min training sessions 3 days/week for 32 weeks. Blood lipids were measured on 5 different occasions. Repeated measure ANCOVA was used for primary data analysis, and the independence between blood lipids variables and group factor was tested. Pre-to-post mean values of triglycerides, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein decreased in both ATG and MTG (−10.1 and −25.8, −1.0 and −17.6, −8.9 and −17.2 mg/dl, respectively), but not significantly. There was a significant association for triglycerides (P=0.025) and total cholesterol (P=0.025) in the MTG (baseline vs. post-test), with significant individual lipid profile modifications. The number of individuals with clinically high triglycerides and total cholesterol significantly decreased after the mixed training program. Combined aerobic and resistance training was more effective in the chronic modification of lipid profile.
Trial Registration: Identifier: NCT01874132
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