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Synthesis 2015; 47(10): 1469-1478
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1380268
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1380268
Eco-Friendly Approach to Tetrasubstituted Diazodihydrofuranones: Valuable Precursors of Oxetane Derivatives and Other Heterocyclic Compounds
Weitere Informationen
Received: 29. November 2014
Accepted after revision: 02. Februar 2015
12. März 2015 (online)

Eco-friendly routes to 2,2,5,5-tetrasubstituted 4-diazodihydrofuran-3(2H)-ones were developed. In this manner, useful precursors to oxetane derivatives, potential NSAIDs, and other biologically active pharmaceuticals can be prepared without use of toxic reagents and solvents.
Key words
diazodihydrofuranones - diazo-transfer reaction - nitrosation - tosylhydrazones - Bamford–Stevens reactionSupporting Information
- Supporting information for this article is available online at
- Supporting Information
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