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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1387201
Häufigkeit und psychiatrische Komorbiditäten von selbstberichtetem diagnostiziertem Burnout-Syndrom
Ergebnisse der bevölkerungsrepräsentativen „Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1)“Prevalence and Comorbidity of Self-Reported Diagnosis of Burnout Syndrome in the General PopulationResults of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)Publikationsverlauf
26. August 2014 (online)

Ziel: Darstellung der Häufigkeit von selbstberichtetem diagnostiziertem Burnout-Syndrom und psychiatrische Komorbiditäten.
Methode: Bundesweite Studie, n = 7987. Burnout-Syndrom: selbstberichtete ärztl./psychother. Diagnose. Psychische Störungen: diagnostisches Interview, n = 4483.
Ergebnisse: Prävalenz: Lebenszeit 4,2 %, 12 Monate 1,5 %. Irgendeine psychische Störung: 70,9 % derer mit Burnout-Diagnose. Assoziierte Störungen: somatoforme, affektive, Angststörungen.
Schlussfolgerung: Burnout-Diagnosen werden seltener berichtet als erwartet. Betroffene haben häufig eine manifeste psychische Störung.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and comorbid mental disorders of self-reported diagnosis of burnout syndrome in the general population of Germany.
Methods: In the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (DEGS1) self-reported diagnosis of a burnout syndrome made by a physician or psychotherapist was assessed in a standardized interview (N = 7987). For N = 4483 mental disorders were determined with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Weighted lifetime and 12-month prevalences were calculated.
Results: Lifetime prevalence of diagnosed burnout syndrome was 4.2 % (women 5.2 %, men 3.3 %), 12-month prevalence was 1.5 % (women 1.9 %, men 1.1 %). Highest prevalences were found in 40 – 59 year olds, in people with middle and high socio economic status and in women with low and men with high social support. Among the 12-month cases, 70.9 % had at least one DSM-IV disorder. Associations were found for the diagnosis of burnout syndrome with somatoform, affective and anxiety disorders.
Conclusion: The diagnosis of burnout syndrome is less frequently given and reported than expected. People with a burnout diagnosis often have a manifest mental disorder.
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