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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1398529
Neuromuscular Responses to 14 Weeks of Traditional and Daily Undulating Resistance Training
accepted after revision 03. November 2014
11. März 2015 (online)

This study compared traditional (TP) and daily undulating (DUP) periodization on muscle strength, EMG-estimated neural drive and muscle architecture of the quadriceps femoris (QF). 10 non-athletic females (24.4±3.2 years) performed 14 weeks of isometric training for the QF exercising 1 leg using TP and the contralateral leg using DUP. Intensities varied from 60% to 80% of MVC and the intensity zones and training volume were equated for each leg. Knee extension MVC, maximal voluntary QF-EMG activity and vastus lateralis (VL) muscle architecture were measured in both legs before, after 6 weeks and after 14 weeks of training using dynamometry, surface EMG and ultrasonography. Isometric MVC and maximal QF-EMG remained unaltered after 6 weeks of training, but were significantly (P<0.05) enhanced after 14 weeks in both legs (MVC: TP 24%, DUP 23%; QF-EMG: TP 45%, DUP 46%). VL-architecture remained unchanged following 6 weeks of training, but VL-muscle thickness (TP 17%, DUP 16%) and fascicle length (TP 16%, DUP 17%) displayed significant (P<0.05) enlargements after 14 weeks in both legs. Importantly, these temporal neuromuscular alterations displayed no significant differences between the training legs. Therefore, periodization may not act as a key trigger for neuromuscular adaptations.
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