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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1563384
Acute Rehabilitation in Critically Ill Children
Publication History
Publication Date:
15 December 2015 (online)

Life-saving strategies and our ability to deliver pediatric critical care have improved in the past 10 years such that mortality rates have decreased dramatically by half.[1] During this time, the number of children admitted with significant underlying premorbid conditions has doubled, and pediatric critical care unit (PCCU) readmission rates have tripled.[2] Up to 67% of children admitted to PCCUs in a developed country today have a preexisting complex chronic condition, and 50% have functional disabilities at baseline.[2] [3] These children suffer exacerbations of acute illness and repeated PCCU admissions, and the majority of them survive.[4] However, the factors that influence their recovery, and their needs after surviving a critical illness and discharge from hospital, remain poorly understood. To date, pediatric critical care has focused largely on “front-end” management to improve short-term outcomes such as organ dysfunction and survival. While these outcomes are extremely important, there has been little attention paid to critical illness sequelae on the back-end, and how these may affect functional recovery and important longer-term outcomes in children and their families beyond the PCCU setting.
The majority of evidence regarding critical-illness–acquired morbidities is derived from the adult literature. Critical illness results in new, acquired physical, cognitive, and mental health impairments in adults that compounds the reasons for which they were originally admitted.[5] For example, intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired weakness affects 25 to 100% of adult patients, and recovery may take years.[6] [7] Cognitive impairments, anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms affect more than half of adult ICU survivors, and persist for up to 2 years following discharge.[8] Only 50% of adult survivors resume work by 1 year, and 69% are restricted in performing daily activities.[9] Family caregivers of critically ill patients are also affected, and personally suffer from challenges related to mental illness, community participation, and social supports.[10] These phenomena, collectively referred to as the “postintensive care syndrome,” affects up to 69% of adult ICU survivors, are often long lasting, negatively impact quality of life, and are a significant economic burden to patients as well as the health care system.[11] In response to these problems, there is a tremendous growth of research focused on improving the back-end of ICU care, and the prevention of these important critical illness morbidities.[12] For example, minimizing sedation, facilitating spontaneous breathing, delirium monitoring, and promoting early ICU-based rehabilitation have been shown to improve patient outcomes, and are therefore recommended as practice priorities in adult ICUs.[13] [14] [15] This approach, coupled with post-ICU follow-up clinics and rehabilitation programs, is increasingly adopted in adult survivors to optimize posthospital recovery, community integration, and independent living.[16]
Unfortunately, outcome research in pediatrics significantly lags behind that in adults.[17] It is, however, becoming increasingly apparent that children are also at risk of similar critical-illness–acquired morbidities observed in adults. Children are at risk of adverse physical, neurocognitive, and emotional sequelae as a direct result of their critical illness.[18] There is emerging evidence that a significant proportion of children suffer new morbidities and significant functional deterioration following a critical illness.[19] [20] [21] Critically ill children are at significantly greater risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder, compared with other hospitalized children,[22] and may experience persistent anxiety and depression long after they recover from their critical illness and leave the PCCU.[23] Families of affected children may also be affected and suffer mental health sequelae and dysfunction.[24] All of these sequelae may culminate in poor quality of life in affected children and their families.[25]
Critical-illness–acquired morbidities, rehabilitation, and functional recovery are current, relevant, major areas of interest in adult critical care.[8] In contrast, there are significant knowledge gaps given the paucity of pediatric-specific research in this area.[26] This special issue of the Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care is dedicated to the role of rehabilitation in the PCCU, and serves to draw attention to current evidence on physical, functional, and neurocognitive sequelae in critically ill children, and how a “bundled” approach focused on minimizing morbidities may facilitate rehabilitation, early mobilization, and recovery in the PCCU setting. The narrative reviews by Saliski and Skillman, respectively, inform us how sedation and nutrition may be optimized to promote acute rehabilitation in the PCCU. The majority of physical therapy in PCCUs is currently focused on nonmobility interventions such as chest physiotherapy.[27] Yet there is currently no clear evidence that chest physiotherapy improves outcomes in critically ill children. The article in this issue by Morrow provides the evidence for chest physiotherapy, including its indications, precautions, and specific techniques.
While clinicians support the rationale for early mobilization, there are numerous safety concerns and barriers at the institutional and provider level. Clinicians admit to a lack of knowledge on who, when, and how to execute early mobilization in critically ill children, and the need for practice guidelines.[28] Many PCCUs lack appropriate resources and may not have dedicated therapists to facilitate rehabilitation.[2] The systematic review of early mobilization by Wieczorek et al provides a comprehensive review of the current evidence in critically ill children, and study by Choong et al is the first to prospectively evaluate the safety and feasibility of in-bed mobilization in the PCCU. To “rehabilitate” is to restore functional ability and quality of life, and hence rehabilitation is not restricted only to physical or occupational therapy but requires a cultural shift and a collaborative approach toward minimizing morbidities and facilitating recovery. The psychological aspects of the care of the critically ill child should therefore be very much a part of our care in the PCCU. The review by Hopkins et al describes how the cultural paradigm within a PCCU may be transformed to facilitate rehabilitation in this setting.
While pediatric-specific research in this area is in its infancy, it is clear that children are not immune to the burden of critical illness, and there is good rationale that rehabilitation should also begin early in this population. The “front” and “back” ends of pediatric critical care should therefore not be treated sequentially, but rather managed as a continuum. As survival rates of critically ill children and infants continue to improve, PCCU-acquired morbidities and functional recovery have increasing relevance for care providers within and beyond the PCCU. Emerging research currently underway will serve to inform us on who, when, and how to implement early rehabilitation interventions in the critically ill children. Increased awareness and research on the role of rehabilitation during critical illness will enable us to develop strategies to improve the care of our sickest children, and strive to improve their outcomes beyond survival.
- 1 Namachivayam P, Shann F, Shekerdemian L , et al. Three decades of pediatric intensive care: who was admitted, what happened in intensive care, and what happened afterward. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2010; 11 (5) 549-555
- 2 Cremer R, Leclerc F, Lacroix J, Ploin D ; GFRUP/RMEF Chronic Diseases in PICU Study Group. Children with chronic conditions in pediatric intensive care units located in predominantly French-speaking regions: prevalence and implications on rehabilitation care need and utilization. Crit Care Med 2009; 37 (4) 1456-1462
- 3 Choong K, Tran N, Clark H, Cupido C, Corsi D. Acute rehabilitation in critically ill children. Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care 2012; 1: 183-192
- 4 Edwards JD, Houtrow AJ, Vasilevskis EE , et al. Chronic conditions among children admitted to U.S. pediatric intensive care units: their prevalence and impact on risk for mortality and prolonged length of stay. Crit Care Med 2012; 40 (7) 2196-2203
- 5 Iwashyna TJ, Ely EW, Smith DM, Langa KM. Long-term cognitive impairment and functional disability among survivors of severe sepsis. JAMA 2010; 304 (16) 1787-1794
- 6 Herridge MS. Legacy of intensive care unit-acquired weakness. Crit Care Med 2009; 37 (10, Suppl): S457-S461
- 7 Kress JP, Hall JB. ICU-acquired weakness and recovery from critical illness. N Engl J Med 2014; 370 (17) 1626-1635
- 8 Parker AM, Sricharoenchai T, Needham DM. Early rehabilitation in the intensive care unit: preventing impairment of physical and mental health. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep 2013; 1: 307-314
- 9 van der Schaaf M, Beelen A, Dongelmans DA, Vroom MB, Nollet F. Poor functional recovery after a critical illness: a longitudinal study. J Rehabil Med 2009; 41 (13) 1041-1048
- 10 Azoulay E, Pochard F, Kentish-Barnes N , et al; FAMIREA Study Group. Risk of post-traumatic stress symptoms in family members of intensive care unit patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 171 (9) 987-994
- 11 Desai SV, Law TJ, Needham DM. Long-term complications of critical care. Crit Care Med 2011; 39 (2) 371-379
- 12 Morandi A, Brummel NE, Ely EW. Sedation, delirium and mechanical ventilation: the ‘ABCDE’ approach. Curr Opin Crit Care 2011; 17 (1) 43-49
- 13 Kayambu G, Boots R, Paratz J. Physical therapy for the critically ill in the ICU: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care Med 2013; 41 (6) 1543-1554
- 14 Adler J, Malone D. Early mobilization in the intensive care unit: a systematic review. Cardiopulm Phys Ther J 2012; 23 (1) 5-13
- 15 Stiller K. Physiotherapy in intensive care: an updated systematic review. Chest 2013; 144 (3) 825-847
- 16 Cuthbertson BH, Rattray J, Campbell MK , et al; PRaCTICaL study group. The PRaCTICaL study of nurse led, intensive care follow-up programmes for improving long term outcomes from critical illness: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2009; 339: b3723
- 17 Kanthimathinathan HK, Scholefield BR. Dilemmas in undertaking research in paediatric intensive care. Arch Dis Child 2014; 99 (11) 1043-1049
- 18 Knoester H, Bronner MB, Bos AP. Surviving pediatric intensive care: physical outcome after 3 months. Intensive Care Med 2008; 34 (6) 1076-1082
- 19 Farris RW, Weiss NS, Zimmerman JJ. Functional outcomes in pediatric severe sepsis: further analysis of the researching severe sepsis and organ dysfunction in children: a global perspective trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2013; 14 (9) 835-842
- 20 Taylor A, Butt W, Ciardulli M. The functional outcome and quality of life of children after admission to an intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med 2003; 29 (5) 795-800
- 21 Choong K, Al-Harbi S, Siu K , et al; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. Functional recovery following critical illness in children: the “wee-cover” pilot study. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2015; 16 (4) 310-318
- 22 Rees G, Gledhill J, Garralda ME, Nadel S. Psychiatric outcome following paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission: a cohort study. Intensive Care Med 2004; 30 (8) 1607-1614
- 23 Rennick JE, Rashotte J. Psychological outcomes in children following pediatric intensive care unit hospitalization: a systematic review of the research. J Child Health Care 2009; 13 (2) 128-149
- 24 Knoester H, Grootenhuis MA, Bos AP. Outcome of paediatric intensive care survivors. Eur J Pediatr 2007; 166 (11) 1119-1128
- 25 Cunha F, Almeida-Santos L, Teixeira-Pinto A, Neves F, Barata D, Costa-Pereira A. Health-related quality of life of pediatric intensive care survivors. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2012; 88 (1) 25-32
- 26 Hartman M, Lin JC. Functional outcomes for children with severe sepsis: is a “good save” good enough?. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2013; 14 (9) 893-894
- 27 Choong K, Foster G, Fraser DD , et al; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. Acute rehabilitation practices in critically ill children: a multicenter study. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2014; 15 (6) e270-e279
- 28 Choong K, Koo KK, Clark H , et al. Early mobilization in critically ill children: a survey of Canadian practice. Crit Care Med 2013; 41 (7) 1745-1753