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DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1597697
Use of Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis Diagnostic Tests in Children
Publication History
18 September 2016
29 November 2016
Publication Date:
29 December 2016 (online)

Objectives Group A β hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the main bacterial case of tonsillopharyngitis in children, but most cases of tonsillopharyngitis are viral. Rapid diagnosis and early antibiotherapy of GABHS infections are important to help prevent suppurative and nonsuppurative complications. This retrospective study investigated the using of the rapid streptococcal antigen detection test and traditional throat culture in diagnosing tonsillopharyngitis in children.
Materials and Methods Retrospectively, the laboratory results of throat culture and rapid strep A test (optic immunoassay) of 1,654 children were compared.
Results Of the 1,654 subjects, the rapid test was performed in 1,110 (67.1%), and throat culture was performed in 930 (56.2%). Both tests were performed in 479 (31.1%) patients and the correlation between the tests was 87.2%. The power of the correlation between the two tests was 0.6 (p < 0.001). The sensitivity of the rapid strep test was 50.0%. Its specificity was 97.6%. It had a positive predictive value of 85.2% and a negative predictive value of 87.6%.
Conclusion The rapid strep A testing is more practical and quick to detect GABHS. This can be an important strategy to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use. Throat culture should be used to confirm the negative findings of the rapid test.
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