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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1608894
The Fifty Most Cited Articles on Extra-articular Hip Pathology
Publication History
19 June 2017
11 October 2017
Publication Date:
28 November 2017 (online)

The number of times an article has been cited is thought to correspond with its level of academic influence. Within the orthopaedic literature, several citation analyses have been performed, including a recent investigation on the most commonly cited articles on femoroacetabular impingement (FAI); however, no study has determined the most cited investigations on extracapsular hip pathologies, including osteitis pubis, athletic pubalgia, and muscle strains. Such pathologies constitute a significant proportion of lower extremity injuries among athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the 50 most cited investigations on extra-articular hip injuries by performing a systematic query of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science (Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, PA). The following characteristics were determined for each article: number of citations, citation density, journal and publication year, country of origin, language, article type, article subtype, and level of evidence. The number of citations ranged from 46 to 202 (mean 84.4), and the citation densities ranged from 1.7 to 28.4 citations per year (mean: 7.9). Sixty-eight percent of the selected articles involved hamstring strains. The majority of articles were published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine (58%), followed by the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (12%). Most articles were published during the 2000s, originated from the United States, and 100% were written in English. Eighty percent were clinical studies; the majority of which had Level IV evidence. This collection of academic investigations on athletic extra-articular hip injuries can aid in the establishment of a reading curriculum for trainees participating in orthopaedic training programs.
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- 20 Croisier J-L, Forthomme B, Namurois M-H, Vanderthommen M, Crielaard J-M. Hamstring muscle strain recurrence and strength performance disorders. Am J Sports Med 2002; 30 (02) 199-203
- 21 Orchard J, Marsden J, Lord S, Garlick D. Preseason hamstring muscle weakness associated with hamstring muscle injury in Australian footballers. Am J Sports Med 1997; 25 (01) 81-85
- 22 Ekstrand J, Hägglund M, Waldén M. Epidemiology of muscle injuries in professional football (soccer). Am J Sports Med 2011; 39 (06) 1226-1232
- 23 Meyers WC, Foley DP, Garrett WE, Lohnes JH, Mandlebaum BR. ; PAIN (Performing Athletes with Abdominal or Inguinal Neuromuscular Pain Study Group). Management of severe lower abdominal or inguinal pain in high-performance athletes. Am J Sports Med 2000; 28 (01) 2-8
- 24 Holt MA, Keene JS, Graf BK, Helwig DC. Treatment of osteitis pubis in athletes. Results of corticosteroid injections. Am J Sports Med 1995; 23 (05) 601-606
- 25 Rosenthal RE, Spickard WA, Markham RD, Rhamy RK. Osteomyelitis of the symphysis pubis: a separate disease from osteitis pubis. Report of three cases and review of the literature. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1982; 64 (01) 123-128
- 26 Williams PR, Thomas DP, Downes EM. Osteitis pubis and instability of the pubic symphysis. When nonoperative measures fail. Am J Sports Med 2000; 28 (03) 350-355
- 27 Major NM, Helms CA. Pelvic stress injuries: the relationship between osteitis pubis (symphysis pubis stress injury) and sacroiliac abnormalities in athletes. Skeletal Radiol 1997; 26 (12) 711-717
- 28 Grace JN, Sim FH, Shives TC, Coventry MB. Wedge resection of the symphysis pubis for the treatment of osteitis pubis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1989; 71 (03) 358-364
- 29 Mair SD, Seaber AV, Glisson RR, Garrett Jr WE. The role of fatigue in susceptibility to acute muscle strain injury. Am J Sports Med 1996; 24 (02) 137-143
- 30 Speer KP, Lohnes J, Garrett Jr WE. Radiographic imaging of muscle strain injury. Am J Sports Med 1993; 21 (01) 89-95 , discussion 96
- 31 Taylor DC, Meyers WC, Moylan JA, Lohnes J, Bassett FH, Garrett Jr WE. Abdominal musculature abnormalities as a cause of groin pain in athletes. Inguinal hernias and pubalgia. Am J Sports Med 1991; 19 (03) 239-242
- 32 Orchard JW. Intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for muscle strains in Australian football. Am J Sports Med 2001; 29 (03) 300-303
- 33 Orchard J, Best TM. The management of muscle strain injuries: an early return versus the risk of recurrence. Clin J Sport Med 2002; 12 (01) 3-5
- 34 Orchard J, Best TM, Verrall GM. Return to play following muscle strains. Clin J Sport Med 2005; 15 (06) 436-441
- 35 Askling CM, Tengvar M, Saartok T, Thorstensson A. Acute first-time hamstring strains during high-speed running: a longitudinal study including clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings. Am J Sports Med 2007; 35 (02) 197-206
- 36 Askling CM, Tengvar M, Saartok T, Thorstensson A. Acute first-time hamstring strains during slow-speed stretching: clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, and recovery characteristics. Am J Sports Med 2007; 35 (10) 1716-1724
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- 43 Brooks JH, Fuller CW, Kemp SP, Reddin DB. Incidence, risk, and prevention of hamstring muscle injuries in professional rugby union. Am J Sports Med 2006; 34 (08) 1297-1306
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- 47 Worrell TW, Perrin DH. Hamstring muscle injury: the influence of strength, flexibility, warm-up, and fatigue. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1992; 16 (01) 12-18
- 48 Tyler TF, Nicholas SJ, Campbell RJ, Donellan S, McHugh MP. The effectiveness of a preseason exercise program to prevent adductor muscle strains in professional ice hockey players. Am J Sports Med 2002; 30 (05) 680-683
- 49 Sugiura Y, Saito T, Sakuraba K, Sakuma K, Suzuki E. Strength deficits identified with concentric action of the hip extensors and eccentric action of the hamstrings predispose to hamstring injury in elite sprinters. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2008; 38 (08) 457-464
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- 54 Ekstrand J, Hägglund M, Waldén M. Injury incidence and injury patterns in professional football: the UEFA injury study. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45 (07) 553-558
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- 59 Sherry MA, Best TM. A comparison of 2 rehabilitation programs in the treatment of acute hamstring strains. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2004; 34 (03) 116-125
- 60 Petersen J, Thorborg K, Nielsen MB, Budtz-Jørgensen E, Hölmich P. Preventive effect of eccentric training on acute hamstring injuries in men's soccer: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Am J Sports Med 2011; 39 (11) 2296-2303
- 61 Tyler TF, Nicholas SJ, Campbell RJ, McHugh MP. The association of hip strength and flexibility with the incidence of adductor muscle strains in professional ice hockey players. Am J Sports Med 2001; 29 (02) 124-128
- 62 Koulouris G, Connell D. Evaluation of the hamstring muscle complex following acute injury. Skeletal Radiol 2003; 32 (10) 582-589
- 63 Myer GD, Ford KR, Barber Foss KD, Liu C, Nick TG, Hewett TE. The relationship of hamstrings and quadriceps strength to anterior cruciate ligament injury in female athletes. Clin J Sport Med 2009; 19 (01) 3-8
- 64 Verrall GM, Slavotinek JP, Barnes PG, Fon GT. Diagnostic and prognostic value of clinical findings in 83 athletes with posterior thigh injury: comparison of clinical findings with magnetic resonance imaging documentation of hamstring muscle strain. Am J Sports Med 2003; 31 (06) 969-973
- 65 McHugh MP, Connolly DA, Eston RG, Kremenic IJ, Nicholas SJ, Gleim GW. The role of passive muscle stiffness in symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage. Am J Sports Med 1999; 27 (05) 594-599
- 66 Robinson P, Barron DA, Parsons W, Grainger AJ, Schilders EMG, O'Connor PJ. Adductor-related groin pain in athletes: correlation of MR imaging with clinical findings. Skeletal Radiol 2004; 33 (08) 451-457
- 67 Tibor LM, Sekiya JK. Differential diagnosis of pain around the hip joint. Arthroscopy 2008; 24 (12) 1407-1421
- 68 Heiderscheit BC, Hoerth DM, Chumanov ES, Swanson SC, Thelen BJ, Thelen DG. Identifying the time of occurrence of a hamstring strain injury during treadmill running: a case study. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2005; 20 (10) 1072-1078
- 69 Silder A, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG, Enright T, Tuite MJ. MR observations of long-term musculotendon remodeling following a hamstring strain injury. Skeletal Radiol 2008; 37 (12) 1101-1109
- 70 Emery CA, Meeuwisse WH, Powell JW. Groin and abdominal strain injuries in the National Hockey League. Clin J Sport Med 1999; 9 (03) 151-156
- 71 Markolf KL, O'Neill G, Jackson SR, McAllister DR. Effects of applied quadriceps and hamstrings muscle loads on forces in the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. Am J Sports Med 2004; 32 (05) 1144-1149
- 72 Koulouris G, Connell DA, Brukner P, Schneider-Kolsky M. Magnetic resonance imaging parameters for assessing risk of recurrent hamstring injuries in elite athletes. Am J Sports Med 2007; 35 (09) 1500-1506
- 73 Schache AG, Wrigley TV, Baker R, Pandy MG. Biomechanical response to hamstring muscle strain injury. Gait Posture 2009; 29 (02) 332-338
- 74 Feeley BT, Powell JW, Muller MS, Barnes RP, Warren RF, Kelly BT. Hip injuries and labral tears in the national football league. Am J Sports Med 2008; 36 (11) 2187-2195
- 75 Martin RL, Sekiya JK. The interrater reliability of 4 clinical tests used to assess individuals with musculoskeletal hip pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2008; 38 (02) 71-77
- 76 Turl SE, George KP. Adverse neural tension: a factor in repetitive hamstring strain?. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1998; 27 (01) 16-21
- 77 Schilders E, Bismil Q, Robinson P, O'Connor PJ, Gibbon WW, Talbot JC. Adductor-related groin pain in competitive athletes. Role of adductor enthesis, magnetic resonance imaging, and entheseal pubic cleft injections. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2007; 89 (10) 2173-2178
- 78 Schneider-Kolsky ME, Hoving JL, Warren P, Connell DA. A comparison between clinical assessment and magnetic resonance imaging of acute hamstring injuries. Am J Sports Med 2006; 34 (06) 1008-1015
- 79 Levine WN, Bergfeld JA, Tessendorf W, Moorman III CT. Intramuscular corticosteroid injection for hamstring injuries. A 13-year experience in the National Football League. Am J Sports Med 2000; 28 (03) 297-300
- 80 Silvis ML, Mosher TJ, Smetana BS. , et al. High prevalence of pelvic and hip magnetic resonance imaging findings in asymptomatic collegiate and professional hockey players. Am J Sports Med 2011; 39 (04) 715-721
- 81 Elliott MCCW, Zarins B, Powell JW, Kenyon CD. Hamstring muscle strains in professional football players: a 10-year review. Am J Sports Med 2011; 39 (04) 843-850
- 82 Feeley BT, Kennelly S, Barnes RP. , et al. Epidemiology of National Football League training camp injuries from 1998 to 2007. Am J Sports Med 2008; 36 (08) 1597-1603