Platelet activation is reported to correlate with acute coronary syndromes. A platelet analysis method on the ADVIA®120 Hematology System provides rapid analysis of platelet density, reported as mean platelet component (MPC) concentration, utilizes routine hematology specimens, requires no pre-treatment, and thirty seconds to generate results. Sub-populations of platelets separated by density gradients showed excellent correlation with the ADVIA 120 MPC parameter (r = 0.997). Platelet activation induced by thrombin treatment resulted in a shift of platelets into the lowest density fraction (d ≤ 1.068 g/mL) with a corresponding reduction in MPC from 24.7 to 20.6 g/dL, N = 4 subjects (p < 0.004). There was also excellent correlation between expression of CD62P measured by fluorescence flow cytometry and the ADVIA 120 Hematology System MPC values (r = 0.85). These results indicate that the ADVIA 120 MPC parameter may be a useful new test for assessing activated platelets and platelet density.
Platelets - activation - density - CD62P - ADVIA 120