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Thromb Haemost 2000; 84(02): 244-249
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1614003
Review Article
Schattauer GmbH

A New T-287C Polymorphism in the 5’ Regulatory Region of the Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Gene

Association Study of the T-287C and C-399T Polymorphisms with Coronary Artery Disease and Plasma TFPI Levels
Didier Moatti
1   From INSERM U479, Paris, France
Bassam Haidar
1   From INSERM U479, Paris, France
Frédéric Fumeron
2   Service de Nutrition Humaine, CHU Xavier Bichat, Paris, France
Laurent Gauci
3   Service de Cardiologie, Paris, France
Olivier Boudvillain
3   Service de Cardiologie, Paris, France
Patrick Seknadji
3   Service de Cardiologie, Paris, France
Véronique Ollivier
1   From INSERM U479, Paris, France
Marie Claude Aumont
3   Service de Cardiologie, Paris, France
Dominique de Prost
1   From INSERM U479, Paris, France
*   Service d’Hématologie, Hopital Louis Mourier, AP-HP, Paris, France
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