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Thromb Haemost 1999; 81(04): 659-660
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1614543
Letters to the Editor
Schattauer GmbH

Fibrinogen Is not an Additional Risk Factor of Thromboembolic Disease in Factor V Leiden Patients

Sandrine Billon
1   From the Molecular Genetic Laboratory, CHU Morvan, Boulevard Tanguy Prigent, Brest, France
2   Hematology Department, C.H.U Morvan. and the Centre de Biogénétique, Brest, France
Martine Escoffre-Barbe
2   Hematology Department, C.H.U Morvan. and the Centre de Biogénétique, Brest, France
Bernard Mercier
1   From the Molecular Genetic Laboratory, CHU Morvan, Boulevard Tanguy Prigent, Brest, France
3   E.T.S.B.O., Brest, France
Jean François Abgrall
2   Hematology Department, C.H.U Morvan. and the Centre de Biogénétique, Brest, France
Claude Ferec
1   From the Molecular Genetic Laboratory, CHU Morvan, Boulevard Tanguy Prigent, Brest, France
3   E.T.S.B.O., Brest, France
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