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Thromb Haemost 1998; 80(03): 443-448
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1615227
Rapid Communications
Schattauer GmbH

Platelet Associated Fibrinogen and ICAM-2 Induce Firm Adhesion of Neutrophils under Flow Conditions

P. H. M. Kuijper
1   From the Departments of Pulmonary Diseases, Utrecht, The Netherlands
H. I. Gallardo Torres
1   From the Departments of Pulmonary Diseases, Utrecht, The Netherlands
J.-W. J. Lammers
1   From the Departments of Pulmonary Diseases, Utrecht, The Netherlands
J. J. Sixma
2   From the Haematology, University Hospital Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
L. Koenderman
1   From the Departments of Pulmonary Diseases, Utrecht, The Netherlands
J. J. Zwaginga
2   From the Haematology, University Hospital Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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