Thromb Haemost 2001; 86(01): 01-07
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1616194
Research Article
Schattauer GmbH

Antithrombotic Strategy in Stroke

Marie-Germaine Bousser
1   Service de Neurologie, Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris, France
› Institutsangaben
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12. Dezember 2017 (online)


Numerous randomised controlled trials have been devoted to antithrombotic strategy in stroke, thus making evidence-based recommendations possible. The use of antithrombotic drugs is crucial in the treatment of ischemic stroke though often limited by the inherent risk of intra-cerebral bleeding. In the prevention of stroke, the strategy depends on the underlying etiology: (i) antiplatelet drugs (with aspirin as first choice) in atherothrombotic stroke, and (ii) oral anticoagulants in cardioembolic stroke. In the acute treatment, the strategy depends on whether IV rt-PA can be performed; if rt-PA is available and approved, its use is recommended within 3 h of the onset of symptoms provided there is strict adherence to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In all other cases, aspirin is the treatment of choice, associated with low dose LMWH in the event of restricted mobility. There is no evidence for efficacy of high dose heparin (or LMWH) in stroke, except in cerebral venous thrombosis.

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